Daughter in law ...

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the guests are all seated at a table with their families, and dinner is served. after about an hour mr. Wilson gets up and goes to talk to his guests. His whole family does that with different people who are there. Fatima's father goes to mr T , her mother goes to Mrs. Johnson , the brothers do not know where to start so they walk to their cousins ​​... fatima knows which direction to go to because she is going to her dad who is sitting and talking with mr T at the table .

fatima says hey gentlemen good morning and mr.W says baby ... and Mr .T says hey bosslady "smile's"...
mr. Wilson : T she asked me since she was younger to meet your son ...
mr.W :i have only talked to you about 1 but i have 4 , when i talked to you i was talking about the youngest whose name i never mentioned because you always said we needed te keep our families far from each other's families .
Mr Wilson then said I suppose she would like to meet them after those years .
Mr.T : yes i understand.

mr T looks at his sons standing in different places and winks at  them to come to him ...

the 4 sons all walk to their father and they make their presence known... boss lady and gentlemen. in the meantime zack  and fatima can't keep their eyes off each other and her fathers noticed it. the brothers are first introduced to fatima because she is now the boss lady.
the brothers....

kayden : "nods his head" boss lady good morning i am kayden , son of Mr taylor nice to meet you... it was nice working under your father although we never met before but looking forward to doing business with you .
fatima : "nods her head " hey i'm fatima Wilson nice to get to know you and i'm glad you're a part of developing my business and i'm also looking forward to pleasant working with you

julian : "nod his head" hey boss lady nice to meet you i'm julian and i am looking forward to good partnership
Fatima : "nods her head" nice meeting you ... same here

zavier : hey boss lady i'm zavier "gives her a handshake" nice to have a lady for boss now
Fatima : hey I'm Fatima Wilson thanks for the compliment , yes we gotta shift things a little bit ...

zack: hey my boss lady handshake her and kiss her on the cheek ... I am Za....
fatima : zack taylor... i know that
Nice to meet you again honey ...
Zack : nice to meed you again big boss.

zack puts his hands behind fatima's back as he stands next to her

the brothers look at each other and at the look of their father and mr wilson faces ... mr wilson smiles and says there is nothing wrong ... while his brothers meet mr wilson 1 by 1 . his slightly older brother's turn now so he excuses Fatima to meet her father ...

zack : Mr. Wildson nice to meet you I am Zack Taylor ... it was nice working with you and nice to know that you always spoke highly of us even though we have never seen each other before .
Mr Wilson: yes son you ,your old man and brothers  doing a great job...Zack looks nervous...
Mr Wilson : don't be nervous son i know you are in love with my daughter and she with you too , treat her well and give her the right love ...

he indicates that from the moment he and his family arrived to give their speech he already saw how zack looked at fatima and knew that they already knew each other ...

Mr.T : so boss lady I assume you have already met my son I once mentioned to you and your father
Fatima : yes mr taylor i met your son yesterday in the club i was with my cousins having fun...  the waitress came and indicated that I had been given 3 alcohol bottles along with a note on which what was written for me ... she showed me the guy and that's where the acquaintance started... the rest i'll keep to ourselves "laughs"

zack and fatima look at each other and smile .

2 of the brothers are disappointed as they thought they made an impression despite already seeing zack and fatima looking at each other all the time .

mrs taylor approaches and also meets mr wilson for the first time...

she had heard him talk to her husband on the phone before but had never spoken to or seen him before.

mrs taylor : hey mr wilson i am mr taylor nice to meet you...

mr wilson : "shake her hand" mutual ,you have a beautiful family

Mrs Taylor : thank yu sir

mr wilson sees Fatima standing there and greeting her hey boss lady i am mrs wilson i am looking forward to a very good partnership

Fatima : hey mrs Taylor nice to meet you... yes that is mutual

mrs Taylor : I see you and my son met as before

zack : ma stop not you to ... "laughs"

mrs taylor : okey fine but I saw how you looked at her ...
zack : mommmm "laughs "
Mrs Taylor : you 2 look good ... i hope you can make my son happy ... i now hope you become my daughter in law i am waiting so long for a good one ...
fatima smiles and tells her not to worry he is spoiled with love even though we just got to know each other she says

meanwhile, mr wilson winks at his  his wife and sons to meet the taylor family

the rest of the wilson family arrives and meet the taylor family...

Fatima's brothers bore her like always but this time not only fatima but also zack ... auuw look at them this is love at first sight Aauuwww ... zack's brothers join now yess look at my lovebirds... fatima en zack laughing... Fatima tells her brothers to stop but keep going until she says you know I'm your boss right? I can suspend you now... "laughs"
zacks brothers stop right away and are serious ... fatima her brothers get serious to and ask if she thinks she is funny and start laughing... finally they say to zack take care of our sister we trust you and walk away with zack his brothers

zack and fatima their mothers walk away together and talk about their younger years , their fathers talk about how proud they are of their family

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