Breakfast in bed

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the next morning zack wakes up around 7:30 and sees that fatima is sleeping all the way under his arm and feels safe, he looks at fatima and plays with her hair and thinks to himself this is love at first sight. zack kisses fatima on her forehead and slides away from fatima as slowly as possible only that she doesn't wake up. he wash his face and brush his teeth and then goes to the kitchen where fatima has all sorts of things it looks like a mini shop where everything is neatly organized .
Zack : What am I going to prepare for her? first let me see if she has eggs , bacon , the ingredients for pancakes , and potatoes to make her mashed potatoes .
I should have known she has all the ingredients "smiled" literally everything. for the first time i met someone and i feel at home even though i barely know her...

zack has finished breakfast and in the meantime has also made tea for fatima , he puts it on a nice tray and takes it to fatima 's room . he puts breakfast and her tea on her bedside table and takes the remote control to open the curtains so that early morning sun can shine in.

zack : good morning sweetie wake up and kisses her forehead .
fatima : morning sweetie
zack : i prepared breakfast and tea for you "smiles"
fatima : "smiled with tears in her eyes" did you really do that for me ?
zack : yes because i have never felt such a connection with someone when we have not even known each other for 24 hours .
fatima : "cries and asks" what did I owe this to "sit up" no one besides to me family members ever did this for me thank you honey "leans to kiss zack"
zack : eat sweetie and drink you must be hungry after last night
Fatima : yes I am terribly hungry .. takes a sip of her tea and asks if he needs some food ...she feeds him .

fatima has finished eating and thanks zack for the breakfast he made for her...don't say glad I can do that for my future wife . fatima smiles and asks future wife ? and he says yes ...fatima looks at him and says okey future husband and zack smiled

fatima says she's going to take a bath and zack asks if he can talk to her for a moment

zack : can i talk to you for a second about something ? i want to be very honest with you from the beginning because i like you very much .
fatima : yes of course what do you want to talk about ?
zack : fatima i want to get to know you better really i really like you , i don't want to jump right in just so as not to scare you ... if it were up to me you would be my wife but i want to get to know you better know all your weaknesses and strengths , all your fears , everything you like and dislike just so as not to hurt you ... you deserve the world and i want no other man to give you that . i want to be the one who is your piece and i want you to be my peace . I am tormented by my exes and I don't want you to go through that or have it happen again.

tears are streaming down her cheeks now because she never thought anyone would ever tell this from the bottom of his heart . They both cried and looked into each other's eyes and fatima said...

fatima : zack you don't know how emotional i am right now just because you made me breakfast and you tell me all this i'm not going to lie to you i never thought i would ever fall in love again . based on what guys say . I had decided not to trust anyone with my heart anymore just because I was hurt by 2 ex boyfriends in the past. i like you very much from the moment you started talking to my brothers , when you showed respect to my brothers i already knew i would fall in love with you . I also want to get to know you better . i know what it's like to be in love and get your heart broken i wouldn't wish that on anyone and a guy like you i won't let go anywhere i'd rather keep it to myself smiled with tears rolling down her cheeks and i'm glad you want to get to know me better, that is also mutual...

zack looks at her and says he has one last thing to get off his mind .

zack : before we get to know each other want to tell you where i come from . we talked yesterday about what we all want to do with our lives and what we all want to achieve... but i didn't tell you everything about myself my family is in the drug business and is a mafia family who works for the greatest mafia boss . everyone has so much respect for that family and tries to stay on the good side of them as much as possible. with that i want to say if you think it is dangerous to get into a relationship with me soon because of my family background don't be afraid at all . i want to be with you alone baby with you and i promise i will always protect you... i felt it necessary to share this information with you so that you know how i am all put together with my family. i have never shared this information with anyone i was in a relationship with but i know we are going to make it and i know you will be my wife and we are made for each other thats why i tell everything right now ... i dont want to hide any of my secrets for you .
fatima stares at him...
zack : tima say something please
fatim : smiles and looks away...
zack : tima why are you smiling for ?
fatima : because now I see that we are really made for each other .
zack : what do you mean ? on what basis do you say that ?
fatima : zack my whole family is in the drug business i was raised that way so i'm not scared at all it's my passion...
and i have never shared this with anyone only my family knows .

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