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It is 3:20 in the morning zack woke up to pee .
After he was done he washed his hands and walked back to the couch where Tima was asleep. He looked at her and said I have the most beautiful woman in the world , thank you god omg!
He admired her beauty for a few minutes and took her bridle style upstairs to their room. He layed fatima on the bed and moved laylay a little so Tima could sleep good . But when zack brought Tima in the room it's like Layla could feel her presence, zack thought it was cute cause laylay was asleep and she still could feel Fatima . Laylay moved a lot when they came in the room it's like she needed something ...

Zack : what the hell ??

Laylay opened her eyes and looked around , she fussed a little...

Zack : laylay what's wrong my bear ?? What happened? You can't sleep??

Laylay looked at zack and when Fatima woke up ...

Fatima : babe she okey ??

Zack : I think so , she just needs to go back to sleep , she woke up when I brought you in . I think she can't sleep , or she wants you , but I didn't wanna wake you .

Fatima : she can't sleep? Give her to me babe .

Zack gave laylay to Tima and watched how Tima was handling laylay while being tired from the sex they just had .

Fatima: laylay what's going on baby ? Why can't you sleep sweetie? Mommy is tired very tired I need you to go back to sleep so mommy can get some rest sweetie.

While Fatima held Layla in her arms rocking her back to sleep , zack looked at them and started laughing.

Fatima: why you laughing nigga ?

Zack : I look at you , yo ass tired as fuck rocking her back to sleep and you are not even mad , the way you look her in her eyes while all you wanna do is sleep is so freaking beautiful babyy , you can't even hold your eyes open. I can see you being a great mother to our children.

Fatima: we already have one " laughs "
Even if she's not yours she still our daughter.

Zack : that's why I love you ...

Laylay looks at Tima and tries to talk to her , while she looks at her she lay'sher arm on Tima's stomach .
Fatima and zack think it's cute and look at each other and say I love her . After e few moments laylay fell asleep in Tima's arms with her hand still on her stomach. Fatima put her back on the bed and looked at zack and said our lil girl is already spoiled!
I just can't ! " laughs "

Zack : yeaahhh and who's fault is that ??

Fatima: shut the fuck up !  Let's go to sleep , I'm tired asf man .

Zack : aight let's do that .

It's now 8:31 and Laylay woke up, she layed down in silence and looked around, after a while she sat up in bed smiled and crawls to zack kisses him and than she went to Tima . She kissed her on her cheek and said ...

Layla: mama " tries to have a conversation with her ...

Laylay sees that she doesn't respond to her so she goes back to zack and says...

Layla: papa .... Papa ... papaaaa

Zack woke up cause it was the first time that she ever called him that . He was in shock cause he dreamed for her to call him that .

Zack : what did you just say sweetie ?

Laylay: papa " smiles " and tries to talk to him .

Zack : omgg baby you made my day even better , I love you baby .

Layla holds his face and looks at him in his eyes , after a few seconds she puts her head on his shoulder .

Fatima woke up to them holding each other .
Laylay felt that Tima woke up so she turend her head to the other side so she could see Fatima ...

Laylay: papa "looks at zack and points to Fatima "

Zack : yeah that's mama , you wanna say hey to mama ?

Layla: yeah " in baby voice "

Zack and Fatima are looking at each other and think wtfffff like she actually learns fast .

Zack : laylay say hey mama

Laylay: hey mama " laughs "

Zack and Fatima: auuwww how sweet ??!

Zack gave laylay to Fatima and they smiled at each other . Fatima kisses laylay on her whole little face and laylay couldn't stop her laughter. After that laylay looked at Fatima and played with her face , that's something she does every morning now since she stays with zack and Fatima .
Zack told Fatima to order breakfast and that he would give laylay a bath today . Fatima agreed to that . She took a shower while zack and laylay were also in the bathroom. Zack had a towel around his waist while playing with laylay in the tub .
Fatima was done , she layed clothes for laylay on the bed and went in her closet to pick out an outfit for herself "comfy ones" .
After she was done she ordered breakfast like zack asked her to and went downstairs to make Layla some formula.
Zack himself took a shower while he left laylay in the tub with toys and not to much water in it . Layla played with the toys till zack was done . Zack took her and he put on her and his clothes and went downstairs. Not long after that the food arrived, and like always laylay ate with them and left her food cause she didn't want it .

Fatima : babe I need to go to work , they have an urgent meeting , I will be back before you know it ... is it good ?

Zack : yes why not you are your own person baby , just go ahead .

Fatima : aight , what y'all gonna do ?

Laylay looks at Tima and back at zack ...

Zack : look at her looking at us like she waiting for an answer "laughs "

Fatima: righttt !

Zack : I don't know , maybe go for a walk or a ride I will look how j feel ... cause really I'm bored without you "laughs"

Fatima : ohh are you ??

Zack : yess baby ....

Laylay looks at them and smiles and covers her eyes ...

Zack and Fatima both laugh and say oohh she so smartttt

Fatima : hey mamas baby , Heyy mamasss babyyy ... im going to work for a sec but you be good to daddy do you hear me ??

Laylay claps in her hands .

Fatima gives zack and Layla a kis and goes upstairs to change into work clothes and heads out .

While heading out laylay waves at her and both zack and Tima melt down

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