Will you be my ...?

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Fatima turns and kisses zack and says...

Fatima : babe i'm really glad you're behind me and happy for me , i didn't know how to get on this topic just because i thought you would feel smaller... we barely know each other and dating also nkg but just but i'm glad to know you don't mind that your partner
has more wealth than you , i was worried about that .

zack : baby you don't want to know how sexy i think it is that you are a mafia boss...i like and love you from the beginning before I knew who you were , you came across as the baddest in the club but now there you are a mafia boss ughhh you look 100 times sexier than you were and it's turning me on and no i don't feel small because you're a boss, if you have what it takes why should i be jealous? what's for you is for you what's for me is for me if it's true that i should have some it's never going to pass me and when it passes it's always going to come back because it's mine so baby don't think that I feel less you deserve this because this was made for you and what is made for you no one can take from you baby

Fatima : "looks at him with tears in her eyes and says" I'm the luckiest lady in the world baby ughh you're nice and know exactly what to say to me

zack : yes because you are my mafia "laughs"
Fatima : " laughs " you are really annoying and hits him
zack : baby you haven't seen anything yet and start tickling her...
Fatima : no no okey no you're not annoying "tries to run away but fails because zack lifts her up and puts her on her couch in the living room and tickles her further ...
Fatima : za... "laughs because zack tickles her through" zackkk i can't anymore "laughs"
zack says okey okey babe sorry looks her in the eye "while she lights up on that couch" and kisses her ... zack lays down behind her , fatima stands up and then lays down between zack 's legs with her head on his chest and watch thin like a man 1 and 2 ... after that fatima falls asleep and zack watches minions.

it's a few hours later it's 5 o'clock the flowers zack ordered for fatima will be delivered in a few minutes

after 5 minutes Fatima is woken up by the door bell being pressed 2 times Fatima asks...

fatima : who is here in the afternoon while i take my nap ?
zack : hey beautiful slept well?
fatima : yes slept good even better knowing I slept on your chest... smiles " door bell goes again" zack puts on his knee shorts and goes to the door because fatima is still in her lingerie and braw ... she asks zack who is there but he doesn't answer ... seconds later Zack walks with a big bunch of flowers inside.

Fatima : babeeee is that for me ????
zack : yes flowers for the most beautiful woman in my life
fatima : " gets up and walks over to him " thank you babe " kisses him and smells the flowers " hhmm they smell so good

she looks at him and says "you also just know everything right huh don't you ?" and laughs...zack says it comes naturally when you give someone your whole heart

zack : you make it easy to love you ... "kiss her on the forehead and plays with her butt as she stands very close to him looking at the flowers "... look among the flowers
fatima : "looks between the flowers and sees a box , looks at zack and say zackkk?!?!"
zack : take the box
fatima : aightt " takes the box ... zack takes it from her hand opens it and says ...
zack : babe it won't be long before a gentleman knows he wants to spend his life with that one lady , i don't ask you to marry me yet just because i want to give you the opportunity to process all this and while you do that I want to ask in advance for..." gets on his knee and asks her if she wants to be his girlfriend"
fatima : "with tears in her eye she says ..." yes I want to be your girlfriendfriend

zack smiles and put the ring on her finger and say okey girlfriend now we're going to work towards you becoming my fiancé and silmes

fatima : "smiles and is happy " this ring is beautiful omg poohh thank you ... you know i'm actually a gangster i don't just cry , but you proved that you made me a cry baby because no one made me cry so much in 1 day ( apart from the pain of my ex)
zack : i'm zack i can make anything happen...laughs .

Fatima : I see that pooh ... what do you want to eat love ?
zack : doesn't matter to me darling...
fatima : okay babe ...

fatima walks to the kitchen to put her flowers in a vase, she washes her hands afterwards and sees her bag on the kitchen island and says to zack babe i'll be back I'm gonna clean my weapon unload it and put it back. zack asks if she can do his too that he can start in the kitchen...
fatima says...

Fatima : I only do it if you come and watch your sexy girlfriend clean her and her boyfriend's wapen in lingerie ... "looks horny"
zack : say less baby i would love to come and watch..."licks his lips"

Fatima walks to her room and zack follows her right away she puts her hand on the spot and her hand is scanned "zack gets horney only for the fact that he is chasing her because she is going to clean her gun in her gun closet "

the doors of the closet open and zack chases her and says damm baby you got it like this ?? shit watch you make me hard when you haven't even touched me

fatima : dammm baby i knew i had power but i don't even have to touch you ?! hhmm I think I have super powers...laughs


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