Middle in the knight

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It's now 10 in the morning Fatima and zack are still asleep while the others already took a shower and are about breakfast now with each other (it was like a family bounding time) .

Xavier: damm fatima got a whole store and some in this place .

Brothers: right she do to much man ... they are laughing.

The guys put the ingredients for the woman to prepare the meal .

Nikisia puts some music on for a good vibe but not to loud cause she don't wanna wake zack and Fatima up .
She asks what music they want and the others say "summertime by vybz cartel"


Zack : Babe wake up it's past 10 I think everybody downstairs is up . Let's take a shower and go downstairs .

Fatima: baby I'm tired I wanna sleep for another hour.

Zack : no babe come on let's shower ... plays with her ass .

Fatima : aight aighttt

They tools shower , put on some comfy clothes on and went downstairs.

Everybody laughs ... they are dying from the laughter.

Fatima smiles because she knows why everyone is laughing... Y'all shut the fuck up .

Zack : laughs...

Kayden : Fatima were you screaming something in another language??? Because that took me outttt We had to turn up the music cause through the whole music we heard you scream shit I. Another language ... " laughs"

Randy : yeahhh you heard good ... Dutch babyyyyy.. "smiles"

Kayden : Dutch??

Fatima : y'all something else ... Yea I screamed in Dutch ..."laughs to"

Julian : How can y'all speak so many different languages ?? Cause I heard the girls talk to each
Other like an hour ago ... and they said something like "a weh ya deh " ?

Fatima : yeah that was patois.
boyyy y'all gonna make me crazy cause your brother asked me the same thing after uhummm ... yeah
yeah We are multilingual my dads parents are from Jamaica and they speak patois there and my mothers parents are from Suriname and speak Dutch there . But my dad was born in New York and my mother in Los Angeles . So me and my brothers learned the languages because when my parents speak to their parents they speak in Dutch or patois and to us as well cause the wanted us to know where we come from
And yes before y'all aks our grandparents from both sides speak multiple languages ...Ooh and there is another languages that Suriname have ... they made it while slavery still existed. It's called sranang tongo and that
corresponds with patois ...
It's a mixture of English , Spanish, France and more languages .

Shimara : kinaisha kan je die bloem voor me nemen ? ( can you take the flour for me? )

Kinaisha : ja ik kom laat me die eieren eerst op tafel zetten. ( yes I'm coming let me place the eggs on the table first )

Zavier : what's that they are speaking?

Denzel : it's Dutch .

Zavier : hold on ... if they are family from y'all dads side how come they can speak Dutch don't they speak payois??

Denzel : yess ... we grew up with them so they lurned it with us .

Kimberley : yuppp and we from the Caribbean we understand each other when we speak so for example if we could speak Dutch we could understand but we learn fast here baby it's the Caribbean blood .

Zack : soo suriname is a Caribbean country aightt

Fatima : yesss please let's eat ... I'm not finna give y'all history and neither give my brothers or cousins.
Y'all will Learn it if y'all hang around us .

After they were done eating they cleaned the kitchen and talked more .
The women went shopping and the guys stayed at home playing uno .
It was 4 in noon and the women cam back at 2:45 , they rested for a bid and prepared the meal . The guys sat and watched the woman while they were busy cooking.
Zack's brothers were eyeing The women and it was the same way around.
Kayden -nikisia
Julian - kinaisha

They bonded yesterday night but No one said anything cause they didn't want them to feel uncomfortable .

They were done cooking everybody ate . They played more games and made fun .

It was six o clock when everybody left the house and went they separate ways to home .

Zack and Fatima talked for a while and eventually fell asleep.


Fatima and zack were asleep.
it was 4:12 in the morning when zack's phone vibrated . Fatima heard it but fell asleep right away . But 5 minutes later the phone went if nonstop. Fatima woke up again and said to zack ...

Fatima: babe your phone keeps going off
Can you check who it is dammm

Zack : babe not now I'm sleepy.

Fatima : zack I'm not playing with you who keeps calling you in the middle in the night?

Zack : babe I don't know why you don't look ?

Fatima: aight ... She sees who keeps calling and said zackkk !!!
It's Karen .

Zack : nope I'm not gonna do this shit . Why she calling anyway ?

Fatima I don't know maybe cause she went into labor.

Zack : soo ? It's not my child I know it .

Fatima : babe aightvif you say so but hear me out . What if it's yours ?? Wouldn't you wanna be apart of this ?? Her coming in this earth ? Babe think about it .

Zack : aight you got a point .

Fatima : so yeah take the phone , answer it.

Zack : yeah " in a sleepy voice "

Karen : zack I'm not calling cause I want to but I'm in labor. It's time "screams aauuwww"

Zack : this better be my child cause if it's not imma be mad cause I could have been sleep this hour of the day .

Zack hangs up .

Zack : babe can you come with me ? I don't wanna do this without you .

Fatima : yes babe I can let's take a shower and heat to the hospital.

They are dressed and on theirs way to the hospital. Fatima saw that zack was uncomfortable and said ...

Fatima : babe I got you I love you I'm hear with you ... always.

Zack : thanks babe I needed it . I just feel like it's not my child . I can feel it . I'm not excited about it like I just can't explain it . Like when I think about you being pregnant with our child I just feel the joy and than you aren't even pregnant yet and than you can imagine when your pregnant for real. But with her I feel nothing I don't feel That feeling like I'm about to be a dad . And the thing is she's actual pregnant .It's not the imagination I have about us being pregnant .

Fatima : aauuww you imagining me being pregnant and carrieng your child ?? That's so sweet baby ughhh .
But let's focus on Karen for now.
Right after that child is born we are going to ask her for a DNA test aight ?! And we will see who the father is !?

Zack : yeah but what is she's not mine ? Than I went through the experience with someone else while it should be you that's what's bothering me . We should go through it at the same time .

Fatima : is crying and said babe don't do that you are making me cry ....

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