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Zack is broken he's on his way home but with hurt in is heart knowing that Fatima is hurt and that she will be crushed hearing the news ...

Fatima was already home for 30 minutes she took a shower, ordered food cause she was not in the mood to cook knowing she might get her worse news ever .

Zack got out of the car and went in the house ...

Zack : hey sexyyy I'm home... he said it in a kind of way to see if she would match his energy

Fatima : hey handsome you home already sweetie??

Zack : yes babe ... zack saw how Fatima did like nothing happened and yet tried to hide her pain and said babe come here please

Fatim: yes babe Waddup she smiles ...

Fatima looks at zack and she knows he's about to talk about the child and she says...

Fatima : babe if it's your child you can't do nothing about it ... I'm telling you I'm okay if it's yours babe don't worry about me please

Fatima looked at zack and smiles...

Zack gives her the envelope with the results cause he already know what it says but he can't tell her so he gives it to her so ahe can read it ...
Fatima opens the envelope en reads that zack is 99,9 % the father

Fatima : congratulations baby I know it's not what you wanted but it's okay I'm here with you ...

Zack sees the hurt in Fatima's eyes while she tries to hide it ... he can't take it no more that she's pretending that she's not hurt so he says ....

Zack : Fatima baby I'm sorry but you don't have to pretend like your okey while you're not ...

Fatima : bab...

Zack : no Fatima no I heard you crying on the phone ... I thought you called but you called me on accident
I heard you crying pouring your heart to Andi ... you telling that it hurts to even know your not the only one who will be the mother to my children or who will make me a father...
It hurts me that I hurt you Tima it hurts "crying "
It hurts me knowing that I hurt my woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with ! I fucking hate myself baby I promise but you don't have to pretend like it's not affecting you cause I know it does baby I know it and j fucking hate myself seeing you cry right now ...

Fatima falls on the ground knowing zack heard everything she said to Andi ... zack cries and goes on the ground comforting his woman ... while crying he asks her how she really feels cause he heard what she said to Andi but she wasn't talking to him ...

Fatima tries to talk to zack while she historically crying...

Fatima : it hurts knowing she gave you your first child zack , it hurts knowing she gave you your first princess , that she made you a father before j could ... I wanted to be the only one who carried your children baby I know you didn't do it on purpose but I'm not gonna lie it fucking hurts ... i don't know how imma get over it but im willing to try I promise you that honey , I promise

Zack and Fatima cry the whole night till they fell asleep on the ground in each others arms ...
It was a lot for the both of them it was but they promised to have each others back .

A few weeks passed and zack went to Karen's house 3 days a week to visit his daughter for one and a half hour ... he asked Fatima if she wanted to come but she wasn't ready for all that ...
Zack child doesn't look like him  neither Karen but he thought nothing about it because he already had a DNA test and the results came back positive ....

8 month later Zack came home to Fatima ...

Zack : baby I'm home

Fatima :" jumped in him " hey sweetie you're home

Zack : yes my love I came to my future wife everything good ?

Fatima : yes sweetie how about you ? Everything went good at Karen ?

Zack : yes everything went good but I think she going into a depression and my child can't stay with her if that's the case .

Fatima : well do you want to talk about it with her ? Asking if she's okay to go to therapy and in the mean time if Layla can stay with us ?
We have so much room why don't we decorate a room for her ?

Zack : you okey with it ? And babe don't hold nothing back like when we first heard she was mine

Fatima : babe it's okay with me I love that little girl as my own I wanted to come with you today but I was tired asf that's why I stayed home .

Zack : aight babe I'm gonna speak to her and ask her what she thinks.

Fatima : aight babe ... why don't you call her and ask her ?

Zack : you mean now ? Don't you think it's to soon ??

Fatima : better soon than to late right ?

Zack : right babe right ... I'm lucky to have you as my woman !

Fatima : yea you are baby

Zack calls Karen , Karen picks up the phone hey zack Waddup

Zack : uumm Karen I don't want you to feel a kind of way when I ask you this but I seen you fall into a depression and am a little worried about the situation your in and my daughter there with you ... uum are you okay ?

Karen : I'm so glad you asked me cause nobody noticed ... not eve. My friends , mother, grandmother no one and I was scared to ask you if you could take Layla for a while cause I want to go to therapy , but I was afraid you would get mad at me so that's why I never asked and pretended like everything was okay ... but through the whole pretending you saw my depression I'm so embarrassed... what will you think of me ?? That I'm not a good mother!? " starts crying "

Zack : hey Karen you okay ??? It went silent and he heard Layla crying...

Zack : baby .... Babeeee

Fatima : yea sweetie Waddup ?

Zack : it's Karen babe I think the fainted

Fatima : babe let's go nowwww ! Can't have my daughter crying in the house while Karen fainted

Zack : "smiles"

Fatima : nigga why you smiling?? Let's gooo

Zack : you said " my daughter "

Fatima : oww yeah she my daughter too ... nigga let's go I ain't finna tell you again

Fatima took her car keys and started to car ... zack went to the passenger side and smiles

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