The mafia boss

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zack is on his way home to get dressed because he took a shower already at Fatima's . On his way to the hous he is thinking about how to surprise fatima after their meeting . he arrives at home when he has ordered roses and tells the company that he wants it delivered after 5 in the afternoon .
zack walks to his walkin closet and takes on his most expensive custom made suit afterwards he walks to his jewelry collection takes his rolex watch and his necklace and puts it on afterwards he puts on his earrings .
he leaves home and follows the navigation to the place where the meeting will be held .

In the meantime fatima has arrived at her parents' house.
fatima is in the drive through place in front of her parents house , 2 of her father personal bodyguards come to her 1 opens the door and says hey miss wilson fatima greets back and he helps her out of the car the second bodyguard greets her hey miss wilson ... fatima greets him also and he gets in her car and takes her car to her special parking spot . fatima walks to the front door of the house and the guards greet her politely and she does the same they open the door for her and she enters the house .

she sees her parents and brothers and hugs them all. fatima her father says he tried to call her to talk about the family business but she did not answer . but he says it's okay babygirl you're here now and i want to talk to you and your brothers...actually i already talked to your brothers and your cousins ​​so i don't really need to talk to them anymore just you but i want your mother and brothers ti hear it again when I tell you this

fatima's father asks his wife fatima her self and brothers to chase him to his office.

fatima her parents are ready to tell her what her father wants from her and her brothers ... he already talked to his wife about this years ago and told her brothers this last week But this was the first time for Fatima to hear about this

mr wilson : baby i'm very proud of you i don't know how many times i have to tell you , you are my only daughter and i have seen you and your brothers do your very best in the family business . we are the most respected family business in all of usa and i understand from several of my spies , your brothers and my 3 brothers how much the underboss have respect for you when i send you to pass a message at a meeting where i am not always can be with. I can  tell you that you are the Queen of the family business without your knowing it and I want to hand the business over to you Fatima lattice  Wilson .

fatima can't believe her ears this is what she always wanted but she didn't say anything to her parents. she always wanted to be a mafia boss.

she heard from her mother, father, her brothers, father's brothers and their children that she was the best of them all while being the youngest of them all.

fatima : omggg " with tears in her eyes" you don't know what this means to me since i was younger i wanted to be the boss of the business but i only wanted it if it was given to me i never wanted to ask because i wanted to earn it and i think I really earned that. she gives her parents a hug and looks at her brothers and asks if they have no problem with it . Her brother tell her that since they were younger they  knew she would get it because she is very good being a boss to everyone ... and that she wasn't afraid to tell them or their cousins when they were wrong when they fucked up deals ... they told her that their father gave her the opportunity to lead every family meeting because everyone listens to her without having to do much . Her brothers also said ...

Denzel : do you remember getting angry with mommy and daddy for you having to hold our meetings with our cousins ​​more often ... you just wanted to be with us and our cousins on the field to see if our henchmen were doing the job well and to handle stupid niggas that tried to rub us

randy : yes you got mad when you weren't always allowed to come with us to nyc or Chicago or Miami To handle business

savion : yes you got angry that daddy discussed everything with you and also because you had to keep an eye on the numbers of drugs . you had to recognize the names and faces of the people who worked for mommy daddy you always wondered why well this is why ,?now you know them all on your ten fingers even if you're blindfolded you can tell who dad is talking to and that is incredible because you have met 2 of them in real life the others you saw on the screen through zoom and they haven't even seen you just heard you . we used to wonder why daddy did that to you and when we got a little older we understood that you are the best boss of all 4 of us
Denzel: sister we are happy that mom and dad chose you because you are roughtles when ik comes to the business we to but you gotta see yourself
Savion : yes you deserve it after all the hard work baby
randy : we are proud of you and stand behind you baby sister

fatima says she is very glad  to be their daughter and sister while watching her parents and brothers

her brothers say thnks to hear that boss but we are not happy to be your brothers ... they bother her as always and her parents laugh and also say no boss we are not glad to be are your parents and laugh together with her brothers . fatima asks if they think that is funny and laughs too . her parents say that all their family members who are in the family business who close to her parents are already waiting in their back yard fatima her father tells her and her brothers that he kept his people who worked under him away from his and his brother 's families due to circumstances , but indicates that they are old enough and that it is time to meet them . the father informs his children that they do not know the people and vice versa, he also indicates that only 1 person knows Fatima and vice versa fatima also because she had to be present at a meeting in nyc with the gentleman where she actually did not wanted to be .
fatima her father says that she will be the Boss when she signed the documents . she signs the documents and afterwards she realizes she is a mafia/drug boss .

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