Hey i am

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it was not long before they were all leaving when the guy went to meet Fatima's brothers and ask if he might speak to Fatima.
the guy : hey gentlemen i am zack Taylor how are you guys i saw you with a lady here and from the moment she came in i couldn't get my eyes of her could i have a moment of her time ?
Fatima's brothers : hey nice to meet you we are her brothers
first brother : hey i'm Denzel very nice that you ask for confirmation to talk to my sister .
second brother : i am randy her second brother nice that you came to meet you man .
third brother : i am savion nice to meet you... i just saw how you looked at our sister and how she looked back at you and think she likes you too take your chance but make 1 mistake and we'll kill you so make sure you don't play games with her
zack : no that is not my intention at all i promise you ... zack walks to the other side of the table where fatima is standing with her cousins ​​she danced but they all follow the conversation that fatima's brothers and zack were talking about .
fatima danced and saw the gentleman walking towards her with a broad smile on his face.
zack : hey pretty lady i'm za.....
fatima : zack Taylor yes I already know "laughs" im Fatima wilson
zack : a beauty of a name ...
fatima : thankyu "smiles"
zack : i went to your brothers first to ask permission if i could come and talk to you because i can see you are the baby of the family .
fatima : it's good to know that you know how it should be done . how do you know i'm the youngest?
zack : i can see it from a distance  i see how they treat you like a princess that no one should touch if they don't think the one is right for you...
fatima : you are definitely also the youngest among you people "laughs"
zack : yes you saw that very well that's why i noticed it right away with you "smiles" i want to tell you something i like you could i have your number to keep in touch with you to bring you on dates?
fatima : yes sure give me your phone and i'll put it for you

Fatima : here your phone
zack : thank you
fatima : i look forward to your call
zack : it was very nice to talk to you we keep in touch and give her a kiss on the cheek right after she made eye contact and he winked at her he let go of her and went back to his place
Fatima walked outside because it was time for them to go because they need to be at her parents house in the morning
cousins ​​: fatima you smiled so something happened whoo whoo
. they stood outside talking for a few more minutes before everyone left. fatima left with kinaisha and she dropped her at home she waited till fatima was in the house and left

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