To the Legacy

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the guests are all in the Wilson's family's backyard, waiting for them. the place smells like rich black men. 1 thing about mr wilson all the people who worked for him in his business were black , he trusted his own people rather than whites . before the family walks to the backyard fatima asks her father if she would meet the young man of mister T today ... her father laughs because fatima asked to meet him since she was younger she was curious she wanted to know what he looked like . her father said yes all the gentlemen and ladies I call my left hand in the business are here with their families because they also work for us "laughs" and says they are for you now but they don't know that yet. only your uncles , your aunts and your cousins ​​know about this because their blood is related . so yes today you will meet the families.
fatima is happy because she could not wait for this day and it was finally at the door .

mr Wilson's personal bodyguard knocks  on the door...

bodyguard: "knocks on the door" mr wilson everyone is there waiting for you.
mr Wilson : ok fine here we come .

mr wilson asks his family if they are ready and they indicate they are ready.
mr wilson : aight lets go ... he opens the door for his wife and children and he comes out last . the family walks to the backyard and waits for the bodyguards to open the sliding doors.

The moment the Wilson's family comes out, Fatima Sees  zack and so does he , they smile at each other... the brothers look at each other because they see zack sitting there with 3 other men. fatima and her brothers look at their cousins ​​and they all know why they look at each other "zack" ... the guests stand up out of respect for the family .
mr wilson greets and indicates that the guests can take a seat and says the following...

I am grateful to everyone here for his or her presence. I want to thank everyone for the loyalty you have shown me over the past 25 years . I have had a pleasant business with you and I hope it will stay that way .
i would like to put here an announcement that i am retiring and i will hand over, i will hand over to a very special person who i know will not let me down and keep my legacy alive. i chose this one person because the person is respected by all mafia bosses in the industry. i know the one likes the business and who doesn't joke when it's time to talk business. this one person doesn't care if you are a family member, brother, niece ,aunt or uncle, this one person it is an outstanding standing person and is all about building a better legacy and upholding the family name & business. I have trained the person in such a way that the person will be in my shoes .
i had made certain arrangements for the people who worked for me that their families had no contact with each other's families especially my and my brothers families only that if we came at this point they would not be to friendly and kind for example if anything went wrong with a dealer of one of our employees that they wouldn't handle it with softness ... but that that they would not overlook such a situation because they are good friends ... business is business .and exactly what I wanted happened.
i hope and know deep in my heart that no one will mess with this particular person because it will cause big trouble and neither of us want that . i want to point out that the person who will take over is the reverse sex of many of us , yes it is the first woman who will take over . I would like to thank you for your support and trust that y'all have put in me and this is where my new life begins ... my retirement.

it was nice to work with y'all again
mr W : I now introduce you to your new boss Fatima Latrice Wilson

everyone is very happy that fatima is the new boss of the family business...
mr W his family and the guests have in the meantime gotten their their chapange .mr W puts his hand with the champagne glass in the air and says ...
mr W : to Fatima Latrice wilson and the family legacy
Guests:to Fatima Latrice Wilson and the family legacy

as the new boss, fatima has to hold a speech for her people as she is in charge

she indicates what she plans to do and also indicates that they should not worry

the guests : oohh we know big boss we know because our parents worked for mr Wilson for years and so did we we didn't see him but we worked for him so it won't be much different
Zack says "laughs" and so did the others.

fatima : you're right "laughs" it won't change too much...i guess our parents now want to introduce us to each other because we will now be business i'm open to it to meet my business partners..."hold her hand and her glass in the air and say to the legacy "
guests : to the legacy

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