Moma ?

751 39 13

Layla woke up and with her arms still over Fatima's neck ... she looked at her and begin to smile . Layla loved Fatima since the very beginning... when Fatima went to visit her sometimes , she always laughed with Fatima also with zack but not as much as with Tima . Layla moved her hand and began to look at and played with Fatima I'm her face and laughed historically... Layla's laughter woke zack up .
Zack sat up in bed looking at Layla giving Fatima kisses he smiled and said to Layla ...

Zack : good morning bearrrrr ....

Layla looked at him and smiled but went back kissing Tima

Zack : Layla you love Tima more than me ??

Layla looked at him and went to zack and smiled and pointed her fingers to Tima ... babble

Zack : oohh you want to wake Tima up ??

Layla : smiles and goes back to Tima and climbs on her

Fatima opened her eyes and said ...

Fatima good morning my sweetieeee gives her kisses

Layla: laughs cause she loves Fatima and she grabs on Fatima's sport braw and looked her in her eyes

Fatima did the same and said to her ...

Fatima: sweetie I don't have milk for you ...

Fatima : morning handsome hyd

Zack : I thought you didn't see me cause you was all up in Layla ..."laughs "

Fatima: boyyyy shut up "laughs to "
Babe can you make her some milk ? While we take a bath ?

Zack : sure baby why not ? Or do you want to make the milk so I can give her a bath ? Cause you already did it yesterday?

Fatima : no babe I'm good

Zack : aight sweetie ...

Zack goes to wash his face and brush his teeth to go make Layla's milk and to make his and Tima's Breakfast. While he does that he puts on music to vibe on ...

Upstairs Fatima put on a show for Layla while taking off her own and Layla's clothes. Fatima wraps herself up in a towel and same for Layla .
She takes Layla and walks with her to the bathroom and fills the bathtub for her . After that she walks back to the bed and puts a pillow so Layla can recline and watch her Tv show . Fatima plays with Layla's head while she is busy on her phone scrolling down on IG and she stopped playing with Layla's head and Layla looked up and frowned and babble like she was mad . Fatima asked...

Fatima : sweetie what's wrong my Little sweetie bear ?? While still being on her phone ...

Layla didn't get the attention she wanted so she grabbed Fatima's had and placed it back on her head so Fatima could play with her head .

Fatima looked and said ...

Fatima: oohh you want me to keep playing with your head moma?? Aight I got you ...
For your age you are very smart ...she talks with her but Layla doesn't pay her any attention cause she watching her show .
Fatima removes her hands again to take zack's phone cause it's ringing so Layla was now mad that Tima removed her hands again so Layla crowls now to Fatima to lay on her because she is attached to Fatima...

Fatima: Laylayyy "laughs " I had to put daddy's phone on silence cause it was ringing

While Layla layed on Fatima she played with tima's hands.

After those 15 minutes passed the bathtub was filled so Fatima grabbed some flowers, special shower gell and put it in the tub with water. She went in with Layla and they stayed and played for a 45 minutes .
After they were done Tima showers her and Layla and got out . She picked out a nude romper for laylay and some comfy shorts to put on also , after she was done with Layla she she layed her on her tummy and gave her some toys. Tima picked out a cute but also comfy outfit for herself and did her hear she didn't put makeup on cause she loves everything natural (only on special days she would do her make up or when she feels like it ) . She was done and picked laylay up and went downstairs ...
When she entered the kitchen she saw all the food zack made them and also laylay's milk but zack wasn't there so she called ...

Fatima: zackkkk!!!

Laylay was shocked and looked at Tima in a scary way

Zack walked out and saw it ...
Both him and Fatima laughed and laylay laughed to ...

Fatima : sorry sweetie I just scared you but I called your dad cause I saw all the good but he wasn't here

Zack : girl you a trippp "laughs " I took a shower downstairs cause i thought y'all was still busy but I'm done let's eat baby

Laylay couldn't wait caus she saw all the food on the table ... Layla's eyes were full of happiness

Zack : give her to me

Fatima gave laylay to zack and they ate ...
Laylay wanted everything but her milk was a no no she ate with zack and tried to grab zack's food
Fatima laughed and said this girl is a trippp yoww

Fatima : baby thanks for the food baby it was good

Zack : your welcome... oh and I know it was good cause Layla ate like I made it for her , look at her own food she didn't even touched or looked at it ...

Fatima : leave my sweetie alone

Layla: smiled and tried talking

Zack : oohh what are you talking about little girl ??? Huh talk to me...

Layla tried talking and was smiling at zack and played with his beard.

Fatima stood up and washed the dishes and started talking to zack ....

Fatima : babe what are we going to do today ?

Zack : we can go shopping for laylay , we need more clothes, a bed , baby food , a chear for the car , a stroller , we also need to make the house baby proof what you think?

Fatima : yes I think it's a good idea !
Can we also go and look at room decorations for her room?

Zack : yes sure baby why not

Fatima : im really exited oohhh my gods

Zack : babe me to

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