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Zack and Fatima said their goodbyes and left the hospital. They headed to the car and Fatima put laylay in her car seat and closed the door .Fatima sat infront with zack and they drove home . The ride was silent, everybody was tired and they all wanted to go to bed although it's only 6 pm . They arrived home Fatima fell asleep 15 minutes ago so zack had to wake her up ...

Zack : baby wake up we are home sweetie.

Fatima: we are home already??

Zack : yes babe we are now get out the car let me pick laylay . Can you pick her bag for me please?

Fatima: yeah sure I got it .

Zack : aight thanks .

Zack took laylay and waited for Fatima to get her bag . After Tima took it he made sure she walked infront of him . They both stood infront of the door while zack took the key out of his bag and opened the door . Zack let Fatima in and went upstairs to lay laylay down.

Zack : babe she's so cute man I love her ,
Let's give her a bath ?

Fatima: nooo I don't wanna wake her up , she sleeps so peaceful.

Zack : aightt butt uggg I can't get over the fact she so pretty, I know I just said it but I love her !

Fatima: I know right I love her to it's like she's my own daughter, it feels so good how she's so attached to me .

Zack : yeah I love it to mommy "laughs "

Fatima : "looks at him "I like the sound of that daddy

Zack : oohh you like that huh ?

Fatima : yes !

Zack : don't yess me Fatima I ain't playing with you latrice .

Fatima : yes daddy I like it .

Zack : ooh that's what I thought!

Fatima : boyyy shut the fuck up and you gotta call me one more time Fatima and see what happens! "Laughs "

Zack : what's gonna happen? Fa ti maaaa

Fatima : keep playing with me and watch how imma fuck you up bad .

Zack : come fuck me moma ...

Fatima: I like it when you talk dirty to me daddy.

Zack : aight come on than , what you waiting for ?

Fatima : babe I'm not going Lie to you , I'm tired I want you to fuck me real good so I can sleep till morning.

Zack : aight momma come here than ...

Fatima : babe not here laylay is sleeping so peaceful, and we shouldn't have sex infront our daughter!

Zack : hhmm our daughter huh?

Fatima : yeah our daughter! I love that girl with everything in me ! And let me tell you this , we gonna take another DNA test but not now let's just help Karen first.

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