Work ? Wtf

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Fatima left the house and went to work .
After 15 minutes she was at the office. When she walks in she stops by the receptionist to ask why she couldn't talk over the phone she told her she would send her assistant to have that conversation with her.

Fatima : alright send her to me now please .

Rpnst : yes ma'am on it !

Receptionist: miss kayley ?

Kayley : yes how can I help you ?

Receptionist: the boss is calling for you .

Kayley : aight thanks love .

Receptionist: your welcome.

Kayley walks to Fatima's office and knock's on her door ... knock knock

Fatima: yess come in .

Kaley : hey miss Wilson I heard you wanted to talk to me ?

Fatima: yes about a case we just received a call from ? Tell me more about it and what do you think ? Please take a seat darling.

Kayley : thank you .

Fatima: girl just act normal I'm a Normal person like everyone , I'm tired to tell you this . You can speak to me like this when we are in a meeting with outsiders, but we are family here ! We ate equal and you know that !

Kayley: yes you right ! Thanks for the reassurance.

Fatima: your welcome.

Kay : yess so about the case , it's a big case it's about a guy called Gilliano Henson and he wants you to represent him in a case .

Fatima : Kay sweetie but you still haven't told me anything about this guy .

Kay: you right , I'm just a little nervous cause I never saw a case this big before , you know ? Like it's a little bit to much I never had cases big like I get here , and in the 2 weeks I work for this firm I already saw 8 cases big like this and with this one it just caught me off guard.

Fatima: it's okay sweetie your not alone , you just need to process to work for a big and good firm like us , you will get used to it ! And I'm here ... now tell me what happened.

Kay : well this Gilliano Henson told me a little bit about what's going on in his life , not to much cause he wanted to be assured that you could represent him , he said it has to be you . Now when he called and he told his story he said that he abused his ex girlfriend bad because he caught her cheating with a guy . It was that one time he caught her , he didn't give me a name what I think is strange but uhu , he told me that from that day on he never trusted her so he kept on beating her for almost 2years . After a long Time he stopped cause he fell out of love with her but they still had sex even though she was in a relationship with the guy she cheated on him .

Fatima: that's crazy wowww

Kay : you haven't heard crazy yet !

Fatima: girl spill ittt!

Kay : well the woman ended up being pregnant and now he thinks he might be the father but the woman never mentioned that the baby could of been his and he wants to be in his child's life , acting he wants custody and not partly but full .

Fatima: is this nigga crazy ? How you beat the mother of the child and think they gonna let you walk away with full custody?? Chillddd tell that man ... nuhuuuhh get somebody else to do it! " I watch tik tok to much "😂

Kay : exactly !

Fatima: well tell him he ain't got a lawyer in me !
You know what matter of fact when he calls please let me know so I can talk to him ?! Thank you .
Now did you get me that file from miss hustler?

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