Who am i talking to ?

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few hours later...
zack and fatima made lasagna and are talking about how fatima is going to handle the business , she passed on her plan to him and he thought it was a great idea
as they continued talking, zack's phone rang...

zack : hey this is zack who am i talking to ?
person: who?? don't act like you don't know who you talking to
zack : i don't know who i'm talking to
person : it's karen
zack : what do you want ?
karen : zack don't talk to me like that i helped you with so much i gave you money to start your business what have you done ?? given it to other women instead of investing! Now that you got money you act brand new
zack : i talk to you how i want ! did you forget how you cheated on me and how you told me I would never achieve anything in society?? keep that same energy...
i would never cheat on you if you didn't treat me so badly and put me down... and it wasn't about the money it was about how you could motivate me but you didn't .i have a very good girlfriend now who appreciates me , who sees me and who gives me the love i need so karen by this i ask you to delete my number cause i don't want to know or hear from you

zack : "hangs up"

zack looks at fatima sitting next to him , he takes her hands and apologizes for what just happened .
fatima looks at him and says it's okay and asks him if he wants to talk about it... zack says "under one condition that when i'm done you tell your story" fatima says fine and zack starts telling his story. ..

zack : i met my ex karen three years ago on a trip to miami , i completely pretended to be someone who didn't have too much money because as soon as the ladies knew i had money they only used me for that but not that they fell in love with me .i told her i was working but the money was not enough in most cases that was all a lie as you know because of my family . i told her i loved my looks so i did everything i could to put on as much designer stuff as i could and that all my money went to that . karen said it wasn't a big deal ... then i realized very quickly that she was more into rich looking gentlemen and i wasn't really looking for that type of woman but i thought it would be worth a try .after the trip i got her number we spoke and we started dating . not long after she wanted to move in together , i told her i lived with my aunt so that what she had in mind would not work yet .
I said that because I didn't want to bring her to my house because then she would see all the luxury goods and she would fall in love with what I had and not with me. i then went to live with her i gave her 2000 $ every month for the rent . everything was going well , i thought i had found the woman of my life .when i saw that everything was going the way i wanted to i went home one day and lied to her that i had found a better job and that they payed really well , she was happy and said she always believed in me and that she was proud of me . I didn't give her 2000$ anymore but 5500$, I was wearing new clothes again according to her while they were clothes that I already had in my own house. I need to admit that when I lied to her that I didn't have money left she would give me money but I didn't use it . I then decided after 2 years to tell her the truth that I was actually pretending to be someone who actually didn't have that much money but that I am actually rich... and just before I decided to tell her everything changed. She indicated that I should look for a better job because I did not help enough in the house and that I now wear the same clothes more often and do not buy new clothes. I told her I didn't have any money because I gave her money for the rent for that house and for food that we had to eat .she had problems with it so just kept on talking about how bad of a man I am and all that . i then suggested that i wanted to do a barber training and work with her in the salon for extra cash ... her answer was that if i wanted to do that it would not happen in her salon , i then told her that was my dream and she said i would only dream or could dream but i would never make my dreams come true .
she indicated that the friends boyfriends gave them money to buy expensive things , I then told her that when I had the money I would give her everything she wanted . I then again decided not to tell her that I was rich because I planned to quit the relationship because she didn't care about the love I gave her and how much I cared for her . I cheated one time because I didn't felt loved by her but I felt guilty after I cheated so I went home and told her everything because I thought she deserved better and maybe she would change. after 2 months she told me she needed to talk to me and not to get angry, i listened to her and she said she was pregnant  but she had an abortion because she did not want to bring a child in to a poor family i was so mad that I couldn't even speak ... tears crossed my face and in that moment I knew that she wasn't for me so i decided to tell her it was over and said " you're totally wrong i'm the richest man you've ever meet"..i packed my stuff with tears in my eyes because i really loved her  but  she hurt me so much to kill my kid so I knew i couldn't go back a few days after I broke up with her she texted me and said that she needs to tell one last thing and she said that she is pregnant but she didn't know who the father was . I asked her how she didn't because she was with me and she said she cheated with a rich guy but she said that she wanted me to be the father to the baby ... and this happened 7 Monts ago . I went to therapy and i heald im still healing but im in a very good place and the therapist said that I could date again . I waited for seven months and it was worth the wait cause I found my real queen. I
So I guess she called met to talk about the baby but I know it's not mine .
So baby I'm sorry

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