And that's the last time i saw him

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oohh my god babe that's awful i promise you i'll always be by your side in good times and bad cause i know what it's like to be tormented
zack : don't care baby , i know you're my peace and I'm yours
fatima : i guess i have to tell my story now huh? "laughs" ... well I was in a relationship of one and a half year of which the first year also went well. First He Forgot our anniversary hé went out with his friends , I planned a whole thing for us I decorated the house I even went to the store bought candles, balloons fruit, food wine everything so that we could enjoy our anniversary it took him ours to come home so fel asleep on the couch in my lingerie with the idea for me waiting till he got home . It wasn't till 3 in the morning when he came with a friend who was holding him so he could make it in the house . I woke up and saw them I tried to cover myself cause I was still in my lingerie, the friend of my ex said hey and said sorry for his friends behavior... i need to admit he was a good friend he even told me that he mentioned our anniversary to my ex and that he didn't give a fuck about it . Yea I was hurt and said with tears in my eyes thanks for telling me this . The next morning when my ex  was awake he came to the living room and saw all the decorations and saw me cleaning up and taking the decorations of he asked me "why I went all out for our anniversary" I didn't respond he asked me again and with tears in my eyes I said "I'm sorry for even caring about our anniversary I'm sorry that  I even care for our relationship I think i should stop thinking that I can make this relationship work ... you have changed so much in a matter of weeks that I don't even recognize you and it hurts because this isn't the boyfriend I fell in love with . He didn't even apologized to me for not even mentioning our anniversary or nothing that did something to me .I asked him why he didn't pay so much attention to me and he then indicated that he was busy with work which was a lie ... he often came home late and smelled like another lady's perfume i then confronted him and he said i'm just looking for things to argue with him . because what I did not know was that he was dating his ex girlfriend again and that she eventually got pregnant . A week after our anniversary I often did not feel well Mind you we didn't had sex for almost a week and a half , when he came home at midnight I was usually vomiting , he saw me there but did not come to support me or ask if I was all right . one of those nights he came home and i threw up again and he yelled are you fucking pregnant or what ? start taking a pregnancy test cause you cant be pregnant now and if you are pregnant you should make sure you have an abortion cause i don't want another family now star...he then shut his mouth and said "babe i meant it... no it's not like tha... babe it's not what you think "and in that moment I knew I had to leave because he not only cheated on me but had started a whole family with someone else. i looked at him with pain and sorrow and asked him to be honest...he said ok...i asked him why are you hurting me what have i done that i deserve this cause i did nothing to you for doing me like this , i've always been so faithful because i thought you were my forever and you come and do this to me ? and not that you just walk out with her but you conceive a whole child with the person and here i sit who gives you all the love and who is probably pregnant and cares about you and you want me to remove my child?? i haven't even taken a pregnancy test yet and i already know i'm pregnant but trust me i'm not going to do this to my child to bring him or her into a broken home so i'm glad you said I should have a abortion because I will if this child should come in the world this child is gonn come but I ask god to do me a favor and listen to me i said "if this child should be in this world let it live but if it's gonna be here and get hurt just because it's father can't love it probably and is gonna cost it to much stress god please take the child because I want to be with someone who wants a family and who will love his children and not hurt them". My ex boyfriend was hurt he didn't even said anything he saw how hurt I was he saw how stressed I was ... he walked up to me and said " baby I'm sorry I didn't wanna hurt you but ..." he didn't even finished his sentence before we saw blood leaking through my pants while I sat on the ground of the bathroom . I cried my eyes out and said baby I loved you even though I didn't knew you I loved you and always gonna love you because you were once a part of me I will always love and think about you but I couldn't let you come into this world like this I love you Pooh bear ... love mommy. I stood up cleaned the bathroom my ex tried to help me but I screamed to leave me alone... tears came from his eyes seeing me cleaning the  blood that was supposed to be our child . When I was done I took a bath walked to the kitchen drank some water and started packing. He saw that and tried talking to me but I didn't pay him attention . I called my dad and told him everything , he send my brothers and cousins to handle my ex and let's just say that's the last time I ever saw him .

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