⌛ Four ⌛

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Taehyung has his arms crossed waiting for Namjoon to come back. Near him, Jin is looking out the window seeing how his husband screams at the Min family. He was not expecting this and he needs some answers before the big fight starts.

- I can hear his insults from here and he's still across the street. What the hell did you do to make him this mad?

- I...helped Jungkook get an audition

- Are you crazy?! I told you anything you did with that boy had to be a secret! He's gonna kill you! Oh God...my father wasn't there, was he?

Jin's tone shows the fear he has of him. He spent enough time living by that man's rules and he knows how bad things can get.

- Dad...please don't tell him about, you know...how I leave at night. Just don't mention it, please! He'll put an electric fence outside my window or something!

- You know I'll try if I can

- Ugh, I just don't get why he hates the Mins so much! They're not that bad! Kook says only good things about Yoongi!

- Yeah... he's a good guy. A little stupid but really kind.

Jin sounds nostalgic saying it. He has a clear image of how his neighbor used to be when they were young and believes he haven't changed much.

- Kook said Jimin is the problem!

- No...Son, listen to me. Some things are hard to explain. But you need to understand. It's not their fault. It's not ours either. Or rather...we are all to blame. Some of us made stupid decisions, others lied and others couldn't process things the right way. That's all...

- But da-

Before he can finish the sentence, the door opens wide and hits the wall. Namjoon is fuming and immediately walks up to Taehyung. He's not been this mad in years.

- You and I will have a serious talk. Seokjin, bring me a drink.

- Yes, Joonie.

- Now, what the hell were you thinking?! You brought that trash to my company!

Tae bites his tongue. Not only he insulted his best friend but he refers to that company as his when legally Jin is the one who should be in charge. Since he gets no answer, Namjoon continues.

- I was clear, anything coming out of Min and Park is doomed to fail, Taehyung. I don't want them to drag you with them. Tell me, why do you know that stupid kid?

- I never talked to him before

- Oh, really? You think I can't see when you're distracting me? You were helping him! Why? Are you friends?

- I heard him sing in the bathroom before the audition, okay? - He lies - I recognized his talent and I knew you weren't gonna give him a chance for reasons no one understands.

- You know? I would love to believe you.
But I'm starting to think you have the same bad habits as your friend and his family

- What are you talking about?

- You lied to me. You think I wasn't gonna find out? You've been skipping your classes for months, Taehyung! I can't believe you can be this irresponsible! You have to get better so you can take over the company someday!

- You sound like grandpa.

- Well he has a good point!

- Why do you get to choose my future? I don't want to study this! I wanna be an artist! I wanna paint, expose my work! If you love music so much you should understand my passion!

- Oh don't put passion in the discussion. No means no and that's it. You could have a good future if you-

- What future? One where I shit money so I can show off to my poor neighbors who I hate for no reason? And I could be like you and have a kid I don't love and a husband I only married for convenience!

- Watch. Your. Words. Taehyung.

- C'mon, we all know you're only with us for the money. That's why you married dad! You only had me to follow your steps! You don't love us.

A slap can be heard when Namjoon reacts in the worst of ways. It's been a while since last time this happened. But that doesn't mean Taehyung is surprised. In an awkward silence, Taehyung leaves the room. Coming out, he finds himself in front of a teary Jin.

- Dad...

- Wait downstairs. I'll try to calm him down.

Taehyung obeys. He'll probably have to skip dinner today. He can hear something breaking upstairs. He's used to Namjoon kicking tables or chairs whenever he gets this mad. All while Jin is probably trying to help him relax. Frustrated, Tae enters Namjoon's studio. Will he have to be like him and work there someday? Can't he avoid it? On the desk there's a picture of Namjoon and Jin's father. There's also one of Tae when he was a kid but there's not even one of Jin.

- Ugh, he's so obvious...

As he looks around the office, he accidentally drops a box from a shelf. Hearing someone is coming from the hallway, he tries to put everything back in place. But a paper falls to the floor and Tae has no better idea than hiding it in his pocket. When the door opens, Jin enters trying not to make much noise.

- Sweetie, you here?

- Hi dad... How are things upstairs?

- He went to sleep. He has a meeting tomorrow so...yeah.

- Sleeping without apologizing first? How predictable.

- Tae...what you said today was too much. You went too far

- I didn't mean to hurt you, dad

- Your father did a lot for us. More than you think. He tries hard everyday for you and me.

- He tries for himself.

- No... it's really not like that. Someday you'll understand. - He starts to walk away - Oh, and by the way...He never asked me to marry him. I did.

- You?! You never told me that!

- It wasn't that romantic I guess...

Jin still remembers that night. How he ran to Namjoon with tears in his eyes. He begged Namjoon to stay with him. He told him everything that happened that night. It wasn't romantic. If anything, it was the worst night of his life. But by end of it, they were engaged. Taehyung has no idea what his father was thinking and simply goes back to his room where he can't sleep. Suddenly, he remembers the paper he hid in his pocket. And when he takes it out he realizes it's a picture. And not any picture. Shocked, he sits up and stares at it. Without a minute to lose, he texts Jungkook and prepares to escape out the window again. Because this is the biggest gossip he'll ever share...

Next Chapter

So this means...they were friends?!

Playing with the past will only bring troubles, believe me


Hi babes~ I told you this was a complicated family. But this is the last we'll see of them in the future for a long time! Next one is the last one before the time travel! And it's time for Hobi to come back~

I will say Jin is probably the sweetest one in this story after Jungkook. Specially in the future hahaha See you soon for some Taekook 💜❤️💕

- Baby Y

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