⌛ Forty One ⌛

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Yoongi never had trouble making new friends. If you think about it, he even got several lovers through the years without problem. But it's always him the one that reaches out which is why he can't help to be surprised when he finds the young Jungkook passing his time at the pizza place so they can talk between breaks.

Being a delivery boy means sometimes he has minutes to spare between one order and the next one. So when he can finally sit down to wait, Jungkook pulls over the chair next to him ready to have at least a short conversation.

- What are you doing here, kid?

- I had some free time and I thought you'd like some company!

- I mean...yeah, sure. It won't hurt I guess

- What do you usually do in your breaks?

- Write. I pretty much live with this in hand.

Yoongi pulls out a pen and his small notebook making Jungkook excited. The yellow pages let him know that's what he uses to leave Jimin notes. And to give Jin his number, sadly. After insisting, Kook manages to let his father show him what he's writing. And his eyes light up reading.

- Are these song lyrics? I knew you played piano but I didn't know you liked writing as well!

- Yeah, it's what keeps my life together honestly. If you took music from my life I would probably be dead in life

The memory of Yoongi coming home exhausted after working all day makes Jungkook sigh. His father really looked like he died with his dreams. An empty shell that was only trying his best for him and Jimin. But the young boy wants to change that. So at least his father can have a happy ending.

- What's this one? Serendipity?

- Ah, that one's special. It's not for me to rap, it's for someone else

He can see the way Yoongi is forcing himself to suppress a smile. He takes the notebook back and looks at it proudly. Jungkook turns his detective mode on.

- Someone else hmm...I always see you with a lot of girls so...who's the special one? Or is it a boy? Is it maybe...Jin?

- Jin? As in Kim Seokjin? No, I never wrote something for him really

- Then...

- It's complicated. Aaaand it's also a secret. So no more questions, kid

Jungkook would love to complain but a new order arrives and Yoongi has to go. He'll keep working for several hours so the younger takes that information for now. Even though he knows he'll have to come back for more soon.

In the middle of the night, Yoongi finally goes home after his shift. His feet are tired but he rathers walk home than using the bike. The more money he saves in gasoline the better. When he finally gets home his stomach growls and his body moves without thinking towards the fridge. As he was expecting, it's empty. He sighs and then drinks some water trying to trick his brain into thinking he had dinner. His paycheck is still a week away but it's okay. This time the money lasted a little more than usual. All thanks to his father who got a second job.

He's about to fall asleep in his bed when his phone sounds. The text makes Yoongi's heart skip a beat. Jimin's been sending him messages every night but he never got the chance to answer in time. Not because he was avoiding him, he was simply working. The good thing was that was making it easier for Yoongi to ignore these feelings. But that's about to turn into something almost impossible now. Yoongi texts back hoping this is a one time thing.

Yoonie ❤️
Why are you awake this late?

A part of him knows why. He did it on purpose. His cute little Jiminie stayed up only to talk to him. How can he be so cute? Does he wanna kill him being so sweet? Is that it? He tries to be distant yet respectful but it's easier said than done. Jimin insists in keeping the conversation going, wondering why can't Yoongi fall asleep earlier. If he knew Yoongi would love to have a good night rest for once.

Jimin 💔
Hmmm maybe you really are insomniac...Can I help? What would make you sleep happy having sweet dreams?

Yoonie ❤️
Hearing your voice.

Yoongi panics realizing he pressed "send" and immediately eliminates the text praying Jimin didn't get to read it. Stupid fingers moving on their own, letting his true feelings out. Thankfully, the boy on the other side keeps talking like nothing happened, giving him ideas to sleep better. And the last idea makes Yoongi act without thinking.

Jimin 💔
...I was gonna say I could tell you a bedtime story

Falling asleep hearing Jimin's soft whispers in his ears? Telling him some kind of fluffy fairytale? How could he ever stop himself from calling him and having the best night of his life? When Jimin's voice comes out through his phone, he has to stop himself from screaming like a fanboy. His brain stops warning him about the rules set to himself about this and instead he obeys what his heart wants to do.

He feels like he's touching heaven with his hands, hearing him only makes him imagine the boy in his pajamas telling him the story. Wrapped in blankets even though they could be wrapped in each other's arms. Ah, shit...Why did he have to fall in love? Why couldn't he avoid it? It was obvious from the first time they met he wouldn't be able to get him out his mind. As he falls asleep he decides he'll give Jimin a place in his life. A small one. Only in the night. Some bedtime conversations. Nothing else. He should be able to keep that limit...

The next day he wakes up with the alarm, even if he didn't get to sleep much he can't say it was a bad night. After all, he slept with a smile on his face. After taking a shower he prepares breakfast and the medicine before heading to his grandma's bedroom. He might be able to skip a few meals but the old woman can't lose any more strengths.

- Here you go~ You slept well, grandma?

- I can think of someone who slept even better. I heard you laughing on the phone last night, Yoon

- Yeah...I was just...talking to someone

- Is that someone the "magic" you always tell me about?

Yoongi nods biting his bottom lip. It might be a secret but he can't hide anything from that woman. She's the only one in that house that supports his music career and the woman that raised him when his parents were working all day. It's only fair for him to care for her and tell her everything.

- Can I meet him one day?

- I guess when you feel a little better to leave the bed I could take you to the coffee place! You'll see him working there!

The woman shows a sad smile. She knows her grandson has a fantasy of her recovering her full energy one day. But she already accepted the truth.

- Why don't you invite him over?

- I need to have some selfcontrol

- You can't control what your heart wants, Yoon

He knows. But he hopes this is an exception . Because his plans didn't include Jimin yet. Not for several years. And right now this is the only way he has for his life to finally work out the way he wants...

Next Chapter

Not everyone wants to use you, you know?

I can't wait for him to ask me out


Hi babes~ If you thought Jimin was more whipped you don't know Yoongi here hahaha They are so cute ❤️

We still have a bit to know Yoongi's plans for his life. Next time we'll see Jin again!

See you soon for that 💕

- Baby Y

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