⌛ Thirty One ⌛

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Jimin stares at the calendar they have hanging in the coffee shop. The date of the graduation is marked only three days from now and he didn't get the chance to ask Yoongi out yet. Partly because he needs to gather the courage to do so and also because...well, talking to Yoongi is getting a little hard lately. The boy's been clearly busy and stressed. During their usual phone calls in the middle of the night, Yoongi's been falling asleep almost immediately. A few times he didn't even get to pick up. Jimin can't blame him for it. After all they got used to talking at 4 AM and that's not really a decent time to do so.

Right now he can't stop thinking about it. His shift at the coffee place is about to end and for the first time since he started working at night Jin is with him. He got used to seeing Jungkook there instead of his old friend. Especially since Jin isn't usually out this late. Something about it feels weird. While they clean the dishes in the kitchen, he decides to ask about it now that all the customers are gone.

- D-Did your dad c-complain about you c-coming here tonight?

- Not really...

- G-Great! So h-he's been more c-calm than usual!

- The opposite, actually. He kinda...well...

- ...Y-Yes?

- He kicked me out


Jin tries to convince him it's not a big deal. He'll solve it tomorrow morning! He was gonna fix things up yesterday...or today...but he decided he could postpone it a little longer. Jimin insists in talking about it and even offers his house for him to stay but his friend rejects it. He's sure he'll be back home tomorrow morning once he solves his...problem. In that moment, the bell announcing someone just entered the place sounds. And the voice on the other side lets them know it's none other than Min Yoongi.

- Jimin? Are you here?

He sounds tired and almost desperate. Not because he's screaming or anything it's just...it really feels like he needs someone.

- I think they're looking for you

- F-Fine but we're n-not done talking about t-this!

- Just go, Jiminie. I promise I have my things under control!

Hoping those words are true, Jimin walks out of the kitchen to meet the boy he loves. But he can't even say a word before he feels those arms wrap around him and hold him tight. He's holding on to Jimin for dear life. Like he has no strength to to do anything more than hugging him and hiding his face.

- A-Are you okay?

- Just give me a minute...please...

- Y-You can stay here f-for as long as you need.

- You'll probably have to close the store soon. I promise I'll leave when you tell me, I ju-

- I m-meant in my arms. Y-You can stay in my arms f-for as long as you n-need...

After hearing those words, the hug only becomes more needy. There's so much going on, Jimin ends up trapped between the counter and Yoongi. Not that he's complaining at all! Jimin tries to ask about this unexpected visit and reaction but Yoongi keeps his answers simple. He just "needed some magic". Not clear enough to answer any doubt but perfect to distract Jimin with pretty words. Outside, it's starting to rain. Every now and then a sudden lightning appears followed by that loud sound that makes the hug feel even more warm. It reminds Jimin of his comfy bed at home. Yoongi's arms seems like the perfect place to be during rainy days.

- D-Did something happen? D-Do you wanna tell m-me about it?

- No...

- W-Wanna eat something? Drink some c-coffee?

- No...

- Wanna talk a-about something different c-completely?

Only then Yoongi nods. While petting the boy's back and playing with his hair, Jimin distracts him from whatever problem he's having. As the minutes go by, he starts to feel Yoongi's body relax. His breathing is going at a normal pace which lets him know he's not crying like he probably was before. Between the many things he mentions, Jimin names their graduation. He's not thinking deeply about it, it's just one of the first things that came to mind trying to distract him. Unconsciously, his eyes travel back to the calendar.

- Y-Yoonie? Can I a-ask you something?

- Mhm

- A-Are you...Do you h-have Uhmmm a d-date for prom?

- ...Why?

- I-I-I was j-just t-t-thinking

- Yes.

- E-Eh?

- I wanna go with you.

To his surprise, Yoongi finally pulls away just enough to look at him when saying that. His eyes are glossy but his voice is confident. Jimin is completely out of words since he wasn't prepared for that at all. With a calm tone and a low energy, Yoongi explains himself.

- From now on, I'll have to do so many things...I won't have as much time for you as I want to

- R-Right...

- But that night will be only ours. You and me and no one else. I promise.

That would sound like horrible news for most people. However, Jimin always knew this could happen and all he ever wanted was to be a little part of Yoongi's life. Even if they have to see each other once a year, he would take that chance without even thinking about it twice. The minutes go by and Yoongi has to leave. The rain is turning into a soft storm and Jimin can't help to feel worried about him driving his bike under this weather.

- W-Wait! I'll give y-you something! For good l-luck!

He pulls Yoongi close again, closes his eyes and leans in for a kiss. He would love to touch those lips for the first time. Sadly, Yoongi moves away letting the kiss land on his cheek.

- Please don't play such dangerous tricks on me, magic. You could end up killing me.

The younger pouts but relaxes when he feels Yoongi play with his hair. A soft kiss is left on his forehead. It's all Yoongi can offer right now. And just like that, he sees him walk away. For some reason he can't help to smile. Because he has the idea that everything's gonna be okay. An idea that might not be correct at all...

Next Chapter

Just think about it, confessing during prom!

I guess I'll go back to where it all started


Hi babes~ Are you ready for graduation day? Because it starts on the next one! I hope you liked the soft parts...

Next one is with Namjoonie so I'll see you soon for that!

- Baby Y

Fix it! - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now