⌛ Seventeen ⌛

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Partying isn't exactly what Jungkook enjoys doing on a Friday night. Sure, he loves music and has a few drinks but to be honest he's not comfortable there. The amount of people around him is more than he's used to and he finds himself standing alone in a corner of the room. It's not like he's having a bad time but...it could definitely be better. No matter how much he stands on his tippy toes, he can't see Tae anywhere. He refuses to think the boy is avoiding him. But being an introvert is only getting harder when he can't talk to anyone there. The best part of going to a place like this is spending his time with his best friend. But right now that's not happening.

After a while, he decides to walk through the crowd and find Tae. It's no surprise when he finally spots him taking over the dancefloor with some other boy. Jungkook has to get really close to him to talk since the music is too loud. Pulling his shirt softly, Jungkook talks.

- Tae! I was looking for you!

- Hey, Kookie! You having fun?

- I uhmmm yeah...Wanna get a drink with me?

- Why don't you ask one of those girls over there? Look! They can't keep their eyes off you! Hahaha

- I don't even know them...

- Better! You can make new friends!

- I...Okay...

Jungkook nods a little nervous. As he walks up to the group of girls, he starts to bite his lip anxiously. He's not a social butterfly like Tae. His head keeps thinking what should he say to those strangers. Even if he doesn't really care about them at all. Before he can reach them, someone holds his hand. When he turns, his eyes meet Taehyung's.

- Let's go outside, Kookie

- But...you were dancing with-

- It's okay. Don't force yourself to talk to those girls if you don't want you. C'mon! We can have fun outside on our own as well...

The music starts dying down a little as they walk out. Crossing the street, they sit on top of a parked car. From there they can look at the lights coming out of Namjoon's apartment. It's the only one in that building looking like that. Hoping no one comes out to scold them for sitting there, they get comfortable ignoring the rest of the world. Jungkook can see the way Tae's eyes shine looking up.

- You're dying to go back in there, aren't you?

- Hmmm? Don't be ridiculous, Kook. I'm okay out here with you...

- I know what you're doing, Tae. I know you like drinking and partying the way Namjoon does. And if you wanna do that on your own or with other people then...you should

- But...I don't wanna leave you alone. You looked so uncomfortable there and you were biting your lip and-

- I was a little anxious, yes. But you really don't have to ignore what you wanna do just for me

- The last thing I wanna do is hurt you, Kookie. You're very important to me. Hell, you're my best friend! I would do anything to keep it that way forever

- Hahaha You sound like you're betraying me just because you wanna dance with others! I don't feel left behind when you're trying to have fun on your own. I seriously don't want you to think of our friendship like some kind of prison or something.

- I don't! I love being with you!

- Love? - Jungkook blushes - Really?

- And I love seeing you everyday even if we have to hide from our parents, letting you cook for me and hugging you when we have a sleepover!
Jungkook swallows hard. That sounds so close to a confession he could die. Should he take the chance to show his true feelings? Should he try to explain Tae he feels the exact same thing and more? Is this a good time?

- I love all of that as well, Tae. Actually, I love y-

- Best friends forever! Right?

Tae can't believe he had to save himself from hearing those words again. Kook on the other side feels hypnotized by those beautiful eyes even if he can see how nervous his friend is. Ignoring the fact that he got interrupted, Jungkook smiles.

- Forever, Tae. So? You wanna go back in there? I can wait here for a while and keep an eye out for any of our parents if they come out!

- Are you sure? You're okay with it?

- Of course! Hahaha Tae, we don't have to spend every minute of the day together if that's not what you want. You can always have your space. All that matters is that eventually you'll come back to me and I'll always wait for that moment.
Taehyung feels his own mind relax hearing those words. He doesn't even realize how tense he's been feeling lately considering what his friend's feelings are. Kook is definitely the best thing that ever happened to him. That's why he can't let it get ruined. He can't start a relationship that's meant to fail. It won't work out, he's sure of it. Tae's about to walk back inside when he sees his parents jump from a tree and head to Jin's car. Confused, he follows them up close. But as soon as he sees the car move up and down, he knows exactly what they're doing

- Diugh, no wonder Jin thought I was sleeping with Kook. These two didn't even have a date and they're already going at it!

Forgetting about the party all together, he walks back with Jungkook. He needs to tell him what he just saw. To his surprise, the first thing he finds when he walks out there is Jimin hugging the shit out of Jungkook and crying his eyes out. Without waisting another second, he runs their way.

- What's going on?

- Y-Yoongi s-said...he s-said...

Jimin's tears are not stopping and Jungkook decides to take him home. Tae knows he could go back to the party but it doesn't feel fair. He wants to help. Besides, after seeing his parents in that car he needs to take that image out of his head. And what better way to do so than spending time with his not-crush?

Next Chapter

I k-know he doesn't feel what I f-feel

Jimin? I think this is for you...


Hi babes~ I've been having a horrible week and I've been sick and all. But I feel much better so here we are! A new chapter with these babes

Kook is super chill 90% of the time. Don't expect jealousy from him cause it won't happen. This couple has other problems to deal with

Next one is Yoonmin! And it has some Jin so I'll see you soon for it 💖

- Baby Y

P.S: Waiting for D-Day is what's keeping me alive honestly.

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