⌛ Thirty Six ⌛

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This has to be the most awkward dinner any of them ever had. Jungkook's parents are the ones that offer their home as a place to gather. Jimin was cooking already anyways so things are pretty much ready by the time they sit at the table. Since the two younger boys are pretending to be a couple they sit next to each other on one side of the table. They're trying to take a mental note of every single detail tonight.

Next to Jungkook and at the head of the table, Jimin takes a seat avoiding looking anywhere but his plate. Mostly because right in front of him on the opposite side and with a lovely gummy smile, it's who used to be the love of his life. Finally in front of the young boys and each of them holding their husband's hands, are Jin and Namjoon.

- S-So...Uhmmm...I-I don't know what to s-say

- We shouldn't have to say anything. We shouldn't even be having this conversation to begin with. My little Tae is too young to go around dating people!

Jin looks almost desperate to sound convincing. But it's so strange to see him like this. In their original timeline he never had anything against Tae dating Kook. Hell, he tried to defend their friendship a few times until he realized Namjoon wouldn't listen to him. But now everything seems to be upside down.

- I don't think that's true. - Namjoon smiles - My Jungkookie is fully capable of recognizing his own feelings and acting accordingly. If he says he's in love then I don't see the problem

Namjoon might be holding Jimin's hand but his attention is fully on the man sitting next to him. Specifically, on the way Jin's leg goes up and down, nervous. Or on the way he bites his lip before talking.

- It doesn't matter what you two think. Me and my husband disagree. Right, Yoongi?...Yoongi?

He's not listening. Not at all. Ever since he entered the house his eyes have only been focused on one person. Ignoring the question, he tries to start a conversation with the blond man sitting across from him.

- This food is delicious, Jiminie. I still remember the cupcakes you used to make at the coffee shop when we were young. They tasted like heaven!

Jungkook subtly looks at his father. He can see his cheeks earning a rosy color. Probably because Jimin can't believe Yoongi still remembers details like that. After so long...

- T-Thanks. I don't l-love cooking but I do it f-for Namj...for my h-husband

He's mostly trying to remind himself what position he's in. And Yoongi reacts just as expected. He looks down and shows a very sad smile, the kind that makes you think he could cry any moment. A few minutes of silence are made before Namjoon decides to intervene. This time, he tries to connect eyes with Jin as he talks. If he could read minds, he would understand everything.

- Is there any real reason why they shouldn't be together, Jin? You can say it. Is it because of us? Or...is there something else?

- As I said... they're young. They probably don't even know what love is. They're probably just hormonal.

- Oh, really? Let's ask your son then. Tae, tell me. What made you fall in love with our Kookie? Is it only because you find him handsome as Jin thinks?

Namjoon naming Jungkook as his son is still not something Tae can get used to. But if he wants time to pass by any faster he needs to answer the question of who used to be his father.

- Oh, he's more than handsome da...Mr. Kim. He's... He's the kindest boy I've ever known. His soul is so pure and he's always so caring. He's sweet and treats me with so much love I just wanna be with him forever. He doesn't care that I'm a little spoiled... he's the one spoiling me actually! He's really... he's perfect and-

- Stop.

The whisper by his side makes his words quiet down. Jungkook is pretty much begging him to shut up. He can't keep hearing those things without crying. Because this time he can't believe them. It hasn't even been a day since he was rejected. He shouldn't be hearing this from the boy that refused to admit he feels anything for him.

- W-Well I think that if t-they really love each o-other they should give it a t-try.

- Like my husband said, they-

- T-They shouldn't be cowards a-and break up t-to go with someone else

Once more, it all goes quiet. The comments are getting more and more personal as the tension rises. Not wanting to turn this into a huge fight, Jin stands up as soon as he's done with his plate. After making a signal for Tae to follow him, he decides to leave. He can't be in that house for another minute.

Taehyung leaves a little note for Jungkook before leaving. The plan is to meet again in 30 minutes in Hobi's place. For a moment he thinks he could talk with Jin alone one last time. But before they can reach their house they realize someone else was walking behind them.

- Jin! We need to talk

- Namjoon, now it's not the time to-

- Just hear me out...Just a minute...

Jin softly asks for privacy from his son. Of course even though Tae pretends to go to his room, he makes sure to listen to the whole conversation. Unsurprisingly, Yoongi is not back yet so Namjoon talks freely.

- There's another reason why you don't want them together, isn't it?

- Why do you insist on that so much? I said what I said, Namjoon. End of discussion

- I'm asking you because it's been weird since day one. Your son is an amazing boy. I've seen his talent in art, his free spirit personality and the way he makes Kookie smile. I know there's nothing about their age or mindset that's worrying you

- What other thing could it be? You're just saying non-

- Tae doesn't look shit like Yoongi. He never did...Jin, is...is Tae m-

- Don't. Even. Go home and tell my husband to hurry before he does something stupid. And don't bring up any other dumb questions again. This conversation is over.

Namjoon has no choice but to give up. As soon as he leaves and the door closes, Jin can finally let it all out. He leans onto the door and covers his mouth so his cries aren't heard. He doesn't want Tae to know how much this affects him. But it's too late. Tae knows this future is even sadder than it looks. And he needs to fix it...

Next Chapter

I had forgotten what it was like to see magic up close

I have a vague idea of what could've happened


Hi babes~ Here's the most awkward scene I ever wrote! I think hahaha Next time we'll see a little Yoongi and it's the last one on this timeline!

Jin and Yoongi are probably my favorite characters and soon you'll see why ❤️ see you soon for more ~

- Baby Y

P.S: Did you listen to 3D? I love the haircut he got for the MV! And my king said "consent is key" with his lyrics so I love him for it. I really liked the song! I heard it all day today hahaha Though I think Seven is still my fav 🤔 But brooo I'm not ready for the mini album 😱😱😱 That's gonna be 🔥🔥!!

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