⌛ Fifty Two ⌛

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Jungkook climbs using only one hand until he reaches the tree house. He's bringing a pizza for him and Tae to share while they talk about what to do next. He got it from Yoongi's work place and it's the kind of pizza that looks like it might fuck up your health but also be way too delicious to deny it. Tae remembers one of the last times he had this kind of dinner with Kook. While being in Hobi's house. The night that he ended up kissing his best friend for the first time. A kiss like that won't happen again and for some reason that bothers him.

- Well, here we go! So...what now, Tae?

- I think everything is going pretty well

- That's what we thought the first time and then everything went to shit

- True. But we're not gonna do the same thing again

- Sounds like you have a plan, spill it!

- From what we know, Jin will soon ignore Namjoon's texts and he'll stop coming to class. And I'm pretty sure he won't do it on purpose. I'll be his stalker if I have to but I'll find out where he left and why

- Makes sense. But remember you can't let your parents meet up.

- What? Why not?! That's the whole point! To skip the drama!

- Tae, thanks to that "drama" you got to reconcile with Namjoon remember? I'm sure your conversation with him is what made him a better man for the future.

Tae sighs. He's right. He can't avoid the problem. His job now is to care for Jin during this times. And then make sure they get back together. Thank God Kook is there to stop him from making any other mistakes. He would like to return the favor so he asks about their other mission.

- What about your parents?

- I don't think there's much I could do other than watch

- Bro, you could totally intervene!

- There's no need! They already have piano practice together and I'm pretty sure that's going well

- But it could go better. Think about it! You are friends with Jimin and Yoongi. Isn't there something you could do to make things even more serious?

They start thinking of new ideas. Little changes they could do so they don't waste this last chance. Tae feels himself enjoying the moment. The more time he spends with Kook the less distance there is between them. Although it's not what it used to be and the youngest keeps avoiding his eyes. At least tonight they don't split ways. They actually sleep next to each other. Except that while in the past they would always cuddle now there's a distance between their bodies.

Both of them are having trouble to fall asleep. Tae isn't used to this scenario where he can't hug his best friend. He can't feel the other's hands holding him close. Kook's arms always looked like a tempting place to sleep in. Tae doesn't just want a hug. He wants to feel taken care of, he wants to see Kookie smile. Meanwhile, the younger stares out the little window. He knows they're both awake. And while he enjoys how pretty the moon looks tonight, he talks to Tae again.

- Do you think that if we do everything right, they'll love each other in the future?

- Who? Your parents? Maybe, yeah. My parents? I don't think so

Jungkook turns to him, surprised. Tae sounded honest but not necessarily sad about it. It was a natural answer that came out of him.

- I thought your goal was for them to fall in love again!

- My goal is for them live peacefully. I want Namjoon to respect us and treat us nicely. And I want Jin to live his life less scared of disappointing Namjoon. That's it.

- But...with everything you've seen so far don't you think they're meant to be?

- Right now? At this young age? Sure. I just don't think it'll last forever

- Tae...do you believe in love at all?

A nervous laughter comes out of Tae. He wasn't expecting that question at all. But what can he say if he can't deny he doesn't?

- Do you believe in it, Kookie? You've been talking for years about how much Yoongi sacrifices for your family and Jimin was never thankful about it. You always called it a toxic relationship. Do you think what they had was love?

- In that possible future, no. But you're avoiding my question

- I'm not. Kook, think about it. Half our friends have divorced parents. And that's without including the ones that should be divorced because they don't get along. Your parents have an adorable past but they grew up to be toxic as fuck. My parents looked at each other with love in this past but last time I saw Namjoon in our timeline he slapped me in front of Jin. Love always finds a way to end up like shit. It doesn't last forever. Even if you wanna believe in it. Maybe it'll feel good for a few years or decades. But that's it. People change, we all do. Do you know how unbelievable it would be for two people to keep choosing each other after every single change they go through?

- I chose you.

Tae doesn't answer, he looks away. And finally, Kook is starting to understand. How hard it must be for Tae to even begin to believe they could be happy forever. He was surrounded by relationships that ended up in failure. He has been broken hearted, he's seen his parents fail to keep their relationship, he even broke Jungkook's heart without meaning to. How could he believe in love after all that?

- Do you know what love is, Tae?

- An illusion?

- To me, love is seeing you when I just wake up and being unable to control my smile. Is seeing you cry and feeling like my whole world will fall apart if I don't help you. Love is the way you hug me, the way you kissed me, the way you played with me, the way you made me happy in a world that's filled with loveless people. Love is knowing I chose you even if it could end. Because I wanted to make the best out of the time I had with you.

- Kook...You know you could meet many people that could hug you or kiss you or play with you, right?

- Yes. Many people could do what you do. But none of them is you.

- I don't get it...

Tae is starting to get frustrated. He hates talking about this. He hates thinking about how hopeful others are when in reality love has always failed him. He can't stop some tears welling in his eyes when he feels Jungkook's warm touch. The boy is holding his hand. He might not get any closer, there's no hugs or cuddles like there used to be. But there's so much care in the way he's looking at him. Finally staring into his eyes as his hand softly holds Tae's.

- Maybe I wasn't clear enough. And it's not an easy thing to understand. But you are love to me.

Tae lets a tear fall before hiding his face. They don't talk anymore. Their hands stay in that position but there's nothing left to say. Tae has a strange feeling so comfy and peaceful he can't understand it. But he hopes he can keep feeling it. And he refuses to let his best friend go...

Next Chapter

I like a-any place if you're there w-with me

I always s-save your notes...


Hi babes~ Tae has the least amount of faith in love ever. But at least he's not alone 😭

Next time we'll see Yoonmin 💕💕💕 I hope you're ready for that one (: They're on the softy part 🥹

- Baby Y

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