⌛ Fifteen ⌛

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Jimin has never been as excited as he is today. He can't remember the last time he was invited to a party. It's not like he doesn't have any friends but most of them like to hang out in relaxed spaces. He never had someone that would play loud music and drink with him. He's sure Jin would do it if he could but... it's not that simple. The only place where they can be together without Jin's father complaining is at work. And it's not like they wanna get in trouble just for a night of fun. But today everything is different. He'll go to his first party and he's ready to enjoy himself. That same day, he gets a text that makes him smile wide.

Yoonie ❤️
Hey, we can't have a bedtime talk tonight. I have to go somewhere

It's okay, hyung~ I have plans too C:

He chooses not to tell Yoongi they'll be at the same party. He wants it to be a surprise. There's only one thing on his mind for tonight. He wants to dance a song with him. Just one is enough. A moment of romance that will give him the strength to face anything from that moment forward. Maybe Yoongi and him will stay as friends forever but...he can at least know he had this night. Where he can share a beautiful moment with the boy he loves. Even if it only lasts a minute. That's all he needs. He picks an outfit that makes him look absolutely adorable. By the end of the night, he'll be a happy man. He's sure of it. Jin picks him up together with Tae and Jungkook. The youngest is for some reason talking to him non-stop.

- Okay Jimin, I know there'll be drinks there but it's okay if you don't drink anything. Don't feel forced! Actually, you should stay sober! You know, so you can remember every detail of the night!

- K-Kook, you're starting to s-sound like my father


- Tae! Don't laugh!

- Sorry, it's just a little ironic

Jimin doesn't think that's as ironic as they say but he can't judge Tae's sense of humor. When they arrive, Jin is the first one to get lost in the crowd looking for someone else. Taehyung does the exact same and heads up to the dance floor ready to have fun with the rest. Kook stays in a corner of the room feeling a little anxious like the introvert he is. But even though Jimin tends to be shy, he can't let this chance go. He walks around the place meeting new people and talking to them. No one is treating him bad in any way and that only makes him feel even more comfortable.

Every now and then he feels like someone's watching him. At first he doesn't pay that much attention to it but eventually he starts looking around trying to find the source. You can imagine his smile when his eyes find none other than Yoongi just across the room. He waves his arm trying to call his attention and even calls his name. But even though Yoongi stops in his tracks for a second, he then continues to walk away from there without looking Jimin's way. The younger thinks maybe the music is too loud and his crush didn't hear him. So he walks through the crowd to get to him with a smile. He takes his hand making Yoongi finally turn to him.

- Y-Yoongi! You're here! I w-was looking for you!

Yoongi looks uncomfortable. Looking around, Jimin can see he wasn't alone. There's a girl with him. Lisa? Was that the name? He's seen her before but they've never talked. Instead of answering him, Yoongi talks to her and asks her to wait for him for a minute. He pulls Jimin aside and unlike what he was expecting, he doesn't look pleased to see him.

- Y-Yoongi I was t-thinki-

- What are you doing here?

His voice is not as sweet as when they talked over the phone. Not even as lovely as when they shared a few words at the coffee shop. Something feels off. Yoongi looks kind of angry but Jimin can't understand why.

- I came to the p-party! I was t-thinking since we're b-both here, we c-could-

- You weren't invited, Jimin. You shouldn't be here

- I...I w-was invited.

- No, you weren't. It's Namjoon's party. He would never invite you, we have a deal! We...

His words die down realizing he talked too much. Jimin starts to lose his smile. Yoongi doesn't want him there? He made a deal not to invite him? Maybe he's confused. Maybe Namjoon did it. But...

- W-what are you t-talking about?

- I...Ugh, look... we'll talk tomorrow on the phone about this okay? For now, this place isn't for you

- But I'm h-having fun! And m-maybe we could have fun t-together...Would you d-dance a song with me? Just o-one!

- Jimin, go home.

- W-Why are you so a-angry?

Before Yoongi can answer, the girl that was with him before appears again. She's getting tired of waiting and Yoongi can see that. He asks her for just one more minute and she rolls her eyes but obeys. Jimin doesn't care about her at all. She can wait a little longer! After all, he's not planning on keeping Yoongi to himself all night. It's just a few minutes!

- I have to go, Jimin

- But b-before you do, can we d-d-d-dan-

- Jimin! I can't wait all night for you to finish a phrase, I have things to do! Can you just listen to me and go home? I can't deal with you right now, understand?!

Jimin feels his throat closing and suppressing a cry. His eyes are slowly filled with tears and he can't dare to answer with words. He simply nods and walks away. He doesn't look up or back at Yoongi. He just keeps walking. Yoongi never interrupted him before. He never got angry with him. And he never thought he was someone Yoongi had to "deal with". He walks out to the street and sits near the sidewalk where he can no longer control his tears. Jin's car is not there. He feels alone and hugs himself when he finally feels someone walk up to him. A warm hug from someone that will try to comfort him for the rest of the night. He's happy there's someone by his side. But sadly, that someone is not Min Yoongi...

Next Chapter

I know I'm irresistible but no need to kidnap me, Namjoon

If you like my legs so much you can just take a picture, baby


Hi babes~ I'm sorry this Yoonmin chapter came with drama and sadness 🥺 In my defense, this could've been worse but I didn't want Yoongi to be a complete bitch hahaha

Good news is, I promise next chapter is Namjin and it's a completely different vibe ~ See you soon for that!

- Baby Y (Currently streaming Face because of course I am)

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