⌛ Fifty Seven ⌛

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Being locked in a room with small portions of food would make anyone's body weak. And Seokjin has been through that in the past timelines. He's been alone. With no one to help him. Staring at the walls for hours, waiting for the time to pass faster. Hearing his own stomach growl, begging his father to please bring more food. He spent days wondering if someone would come and get him, if Namjoon could save him like the heroes in the movies.

Luckily for him, this time things are less painful to go through. Or at least not as lonely. Tae and Kook both make sure to sneak in and see him, always bringing food helping his body not to give up. At first it was hard to convince him he had to eat. But Tae insisted so much that Jin couldn't deny himself to do it anymore.

- How do you feel today?

- Just as bored as yesterday and the day before. Last night he came by

- I know...

Tae can see the bruises. He never thought he could be this tempted to go after his grandfather and beat the shit out of him. Give him a taste of his own medicine. He would love to let his father go but he knows he needs to wait a little more so he doesn't fuck up the timeline. So Namjoon can become someone worthy of him.

- Well, if it wasn't for you I would've fainted halfway through. But I feel stronger now!

- I'm glad to hear that...I mean not that you are going through this but yes that you feel a little better

- I had forgotten what eating four times a day was like. And I've been paying attention! I have a plan

- A plan?

- My father leaves every afternoon to his meetings. If I manage to escape at least a few hours I could talk to Namjoon again!

- Oh...yeah, I guess that would be...good?

- You don't sound excited but believe me, I definitely am!

- I don't know if you should...

- Are you kidding me?! I haven't seen him or heard his voice in days! I need to hug him and kiss him...God, I'll confess if I get the balls to do it

Tae bites his lip. Is this what his father was thinking the day he went to look for him? Before getting brutally rejected by Namjoon's stupid attitude? He tries to put his hopes down. At least a tiny bit.

- All I'm saying is that some men might be idiots. And maybe he won't react the right way

- If this goes wrong I swear I'll just give up on life, bro

- No! No, I mean maybe he just reacts in a way you don't expect! But I'm sure he'll come back for you before you know it!

Jin has no idea why Tae talks like he knows what's gonna happen. How could he suspect he actually does? To be fully honest, he doesn't even know why is Tae helping him. The boy came before Jin could even ask for help and without waiting for something in return. He kept him healthy and motivated. Without Tae he would've spent the days and nights crying.

- By the way, I got you this

- A pregnancy test...keep it, Tae

- But Jin all your symptoms are-

- I know! I know...buy I can't do it here. If my father sees it he'll kill me!

- When do you think he'll let you go?

- I don't think he can keep me from going to class much longer. Or I hope so, I wanna see the show Jimin has with his pale ass boyfriend

- Okay, I'll wait for you in the bathroom that day. So I can be there for you when you do it

- Sounds like a plan

Before they can talk much longer, they hear the front door being opened. Jin's father is back home and Tae has to leave before he gets caught. It only takes Jin a few more days to go through with his escape. And just like Tae predicted it ended up in disaster. When he visits Jin the following day, he can see his puffy eyes from all the crying. He was really hoping Namjoon would receive him with open arms.

- Ah, dad... don't cry

- You were right, he didn't wanna see me

So much sadness made him ignore he was just called Dad by someone around his age.

- Don't say that, I'm sure he missed you!

- Why would he? "we're nothing" that's what he said

- That fucking idiot...Look, he'll come back to his senses. I'm sure he was just having an impulsive-asshole moment.

- Everyone says that once he gets mad, he does it forever. He'll never speak to me again...

- Oh trust me, someone will knock some sense into him. If it doesn't work I'll go there and punch his face hard enough to get his ideas straight

Jin chuckles for a second. The closest to a happy moment he can get. He would love to believe things will get better with time. But they might get even harder to deal with. Just as expected, his father had to let him go to class eventually. Still keeping an eye on him just in case. And the day of the show, Jin and Tae stand in the boy's bathroom with the pregnancy test on the sink.

- How much?

- You just asked, Jin. Another minute.

- God these are he longest 60 seconds of my life

He bites his nails waiting for the result. After his last encounter with Namjoon, he can't even begin to think of the consequences this could bring. The timer comes to an end and the result is finally clear. At that exact moment, someone enters the bathroom. Scared it might be a past version of him or Kook, Tae hides behind one of the doors. But the person that came in is no other than Min Yoongi.

- Seokjin? You okay? You look like you've seen a ghost hahaha...Jin?...Hello~

Yoongi follows his eyes trying to find what made him stand there in shock. And his eyes land on that positive test.

- No fucking way...

Both of them stay silent. None of them moves. Their brains working at full capacity trying to assimilate what they're seeing. Jin realizes his life is about to change completely. Nothing will be the same from now on. And Yoongi...all his plans start to fall apart in his head. He needs Seokjin for his dream to work. He tried entering that company before and it never worked. The most pessimist thoughts come to mind. What if nothing works? What if he loses the only dream he ever had? Is it slipping away from him right this moment?

The only reason why they come back to earth is because Yoongi needs to go play the piano for Jimin. And Jin promised he was gonna see their act. Tae tries to stop him, to talk about the result but it's no use. Jin needs a little longer to process this.

After the show, Namjoon is as predicted coming back to his senses. Taking him flowers and giving him an honest apology. But Jin...Jin knows they're fucked. Namjoon keeps talking about taking it step by step. About not even knowing how to name the relationship. About not hurrying and just enjoying each other's company. So Jin decides not to say anything. Not yet. He just stares at the sunset next to the boy he loves. Being aware that things are about to get ten times worse for him.

Minutes later, Jungkook receives a call from the boy he once fell in love with. And for the first time ever, he's about to see him fall apart...

Next Chapter

Why do you think this whole thing happened?

I'm glad it was you who broke my heart


Hi babes~ This chapter is pretty much the bridge to what's coming. And next one is one of my favorites for some reason hahaha

I hope to see you there! We're already entering the final part of this story 🫣

- Baby Y

P.S: I cannot put into words how much I miss Min Yoongi. I feel like he left two years ago ffs.

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