⌛ Sixty Four ⌛

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Graduation day is finally here and Jin's been feeling...confused to say the least. Because on the bad side, he had to rush to the bathroom to throw up at 7 when he would've preferred to sleep longer. He then got anxious thinking maybe Namjoon could hear him and would put it all together. The symptoms are constantly reminding him he can't ignore this. He'll have to see a doctor soon and hiding it will stop being an option.

His father hasn't called even once since he left the house which isn't surprising. It's not like he wants to talk to him anyway. But the pressure is still there. Because he knows how comfortably he could raise his future son with his father's help, having a big house, money, a secured job for whoever marries him. He hates thinking about those things.

On the bright side, he's also been going through the most beautiful moments in his life so far. Namjoon made sure to adapt the whole apartment for him. He brought new pillows and blankets from his parents house, re arranged everything for him, even learned to cook his favorite meals. Of course they still share Namjoon's bed and they don't even plan to buy a separate one for Jin. Even the smallest detail feels better than the most expensive present he ever got from his rich family. At the end of the day, all he can feel is a mix of emotions.

- Are you ready to...holy fuck, how can you be so hot, Jin?

- You think I look hot? I got this a few months ago for graduation but now it fits a little...tight

- Fuck yeah it does. It makes your whole body stand out and you're sexy as hell

- Then I guess I won't change

- Don't you dare. Unless you wanna take it all off and spend graduation here. I'm in for it if you want

Jin laughs at the flirty tone. Namjoon looks amazing as well and even though that sounds tempting he still wants to go. Technically, they didn't decide to go as a couple but since they share a home they'll definitely go together. Jin's cellphone lights up showing a text. It's just Jimin who sent a picture of his makeup for the night. And Namjoon can't help to ask.

- Who is it? Is it him?

- Him?

- You know...your father

- Ah, I don't think he'd text me. In fact, I'm not sure he considers me his son anymore.

Jin's tone is calm. He's almost relieved of saying those words. Namjoon's arms wrap around his waist from behind and he kisses his shoulder before talking softly in his ear. He doesn't want to hurt him with such a sensitive topic but there's a question eating him up.

- Jin...can I ask you something?

- Anything!

- Why did your father kick you out?

Jin freezes. A million excuses come to mind. His father mistreated him for so many reasons, he could choose any of them as a cover up. But Namjoon is asking him with care, wanting to know him better, holding his waist and letting his fingers touch him sweetly under the shirt. After giving him an actual home, how could he lie to him?

- Because I'm pregnant

He's scared of turning around to see his reaction. He feels Namjoon's hands pulling away and his heart starts to beat harder with nothing but anxiety.

- Is it...I mean...Then I'm...I'll be a dad?

- I don't know. If that's what you want, my father will offer you a good job if you marry me and pretend it wasn't an accident. We could have a good life, I guess

- I see...

- I...I can do it on my own if I have to. I promise, I won't be mad if you say no to this.

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