⌛ Sixty Five ⌛

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Tae and Kook took an important decision after a lot of debating. They don't wanna see what happens with their parents with their own eyes. Not only because they could come across their past selves but also because there's nothing else they can do anyway. They tried their best and they can't interfere with nothing else. It all depends on their parents now. All they can do is enjoy the night before going back to their timeline. While outside their lives are being changed, they are now dancing in their parents graduation like it was their own.

- I can't believe you know the lyrics of this song! It's old as hell!

- Kook, old music is the best!

Of course everyone else in the room thinks these songs are the latest release but for them these are the classics they heard a million times.

- Hello, handsome! Would you like to dance?

Tae connects eyes with the tall and cute boy that asked the question showing a kind smile. His first impulse is to say yes since he loves meeting new people but...

- Ye...I...I don't know if...

- Go.

Tae turns around ready to find a disappointed Jungkook but all he can see is that pretty bunny smile in front of him. His best friend kisses his hand softly before letting him go and Tae enjoys a dance with the stranger. Of course, as soon as the song ends he goes back to Kook. Every half hour or so someone else comes to ask for a dance from Tae. It's not that strange considering how much his beauty makes him stand out in there. Kook can't look away from the boy that looks like the center of the universe. What star or planet wouldn't love to spin around him? When Tae comes back from dancing with the fourth person of the night, Kook pulls him towards him making their bodies close any distance left.

- K-Kookie?

- It's a ballad, baby. Maybe we could be slow dancing~

Tae relaxes wrapped in his arms hearing him sing softly in his ear.

- You know, Kookie. Sometimes when I leave I'm afraid you won't be here anymore when I come back

He's not only talking about tonight but about every single time he pulls away from Kook. The boy in front of him laughs and holds him firmly. There's no space between them and it feels natural, their bodies move with the rhythms of the song playing.

- That's never gonna happen. I'll always be here for you as long as you keep coming back

Tae feels his inner thoughts relax and his heart speed up. It's hard to go through this mix of emotions when Kook talks to him with so much care again. He really missed him. When the night ends, they head back to Hobi's place and knock on the door ready to end their mission. The boy opens the door with a smile that fades as soon as he sees them. He drags them to his room in panic.

- Oh, no no no!

- Hyung? We came here so you can send us back home!

- What the hell?! I just sent you back to your timeline! Didn't it work?! Is this a deja vu? A time loop?!

Hoseok is a second away from full panic. Kook talks to him calmly to relieve some stress and help him relax.

- Hyung! It's okay! It did work! It's just that...well, you sent back our first version

- First what?

- We...We might've travelled in time more than once ha...haha...sorry

Hobi stands there in shock for a moment. They never told his younger version about the second time travel. These last few months everything came out of their own planning.

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