⌛ Forty Four ⌛

740 45 5

Fridays are the day of the week when Yoongi is free from his shitty job. He sleeps till late trying to compensate a little for the other nights of the week. It's even worse now that he stays up late talking to Jimin on the phone. But he would never complain about that. It's his favorite part of the day.

However, tonight he has different plans. It's Namjoon's party and he won't be home to have that private time with the blond boy. He has to focus on other things so he makes sure to let him know about it.

Yoonie ❤️
Hey, we can't have a bedtime talk tonight. I have to go somewhere

It's okay, hyung~ I have plans too C:

He's glad he takes it this well. Finally, his life is starting to get more enjoyable. He prepares his clothes and takes a bath. He tries to be fast so they don't pay much on the future water bill. Meanwhile, he tries to get mentally prepared for tonight.

After all, he'll advance on his life project. On the most important thing he's ever done. As he gets dressed as cool and hot as possible, his phone alarm sounds. He takes the meds from the drawer and heads to his grandma's room one last time before leaving the house.

- Hey~ Time for your pills~ I'll leave you the ones for midnight on the nightstand because I won't be home

- I can tell. You're wearing your good t-shirt, Yoon. Are you perhaps going to meet the boy that keeps calling you at night?

- No, I can't talk to my lovely Magic today. It'll be a long night but I'll call him again tomorrow

The shy gummy smiles makes his grandma happy. She's glad he can have someone to make him feel that way. She was starting to worry just seeing the tired look in his eyes. After assuring her he'll take care tonight, he finally leaves the house.

With his pendrive in his pocket and a list inside his head, Yoongi tries to remember what's his next step for his personal project.

- Today I should be with...Lisa? Yeah, it's definitely her this time. That would leave Solar for next week and...hmmm

As he talks to himself out loud, he walks his way to Namjoon's house. And only when being a few blocks away from it, he finds someone familiar sitting by the sidewalk. Jungkook looks up at him and makes him a signal to sit by his side. It's not that late so Yoongi can stay there for a little bit.

- Hey, kid! Are you also invited to the party? I'm sure Namjoon wouldn't mind if you go

- Mhm, I'm sure I'll be there for a bit...

Yoongi can see he doesn't have much energy. Sure, he's always looking slightly sad but this time the younger looks like something's on his mind.

- Is everything okay? You looked immersed in your thoughts before I got here

- Yeah...You know, my father never cared if there were girls competing for his husband's heart. He's never been the jealous kind. Maybe that's why I'm not that way either.

- ...Okay? That's good, I guess. The less possessive the better!

- We're both pretty chill about those things but...that doesn't mean we're not sensitive people. Now that I think about it... I'm a lot like my dad in that sense.

- I don't wanna interrupt but I'm a little lost over here. Why are we talking about your parents? Are they getting a divorce or something?

- God, I hope not

- I've been through that so if it happens to you I could always be there when you need me

Jungkook shows a faint smile. He knows about his grandparents divorce. Yoongi told him about it when he was very young and kept asking why his grandma was always in different family meetings than his grandpa.

- It's not that, Yoongi. I was just thinking about how much I had in common with my dad. We can get easily hurt for the way some people say things to us. Or when they hide secrets from us...I suppose people around us should know how fragile we can be

-...Did someone hurt you?

Kook can't help to nod. He doesn't even think about it. But he just came from his little meeting with Tae and their conversation is still re-playing inside his head.

- Someone did something that pretty much broke my heart

- Was it the kid that keeps visiting Namjoon? Tehyu or something?

- Taehyung. And yes. He tried to apologize again today. And even if I'm not ready to forgive him completely... I'm glad he's trying to explain the stupid things that went through his mind when he hurt me.

- I see...

- Hey, Yoongi...try to think your words through before you talk, okay?

- Me?! I was just listening! I didn't say anything!

- Yet. But if you ever say something stupid or hurtful to someone sensitive... apologize. And most importantly, try to explain yourself, okay?

-...You are such a weirdo, Jeon. But if that makes you feel better then...sure. I'll try to be responsible about my words.

Jungkook shows him a satisfied smile before letting him go on his way to the party. And even if that was absolutely confusing to him, Yoongi won't forget those words so easily.

Meanwhile, Kook decides to stay there for a little longer. He's pretty sure tonight's disaster will happen anyway. It's not something he could stop with the little information he has. But he would like for Yoongi to know his words and actions have consequences. He only wishes Tae would've known about that as well before things got this far...

Next Chapter

Let me know when you get home, baby

Had fun tonight, Seokjin?


I think it's a tiny bit shorter but here it is! Yoongi's full plan will appear in the next Yoonmin chapter. But first, we'll see Namjin!

I hope you babes are having a great day! I started a new fanfic yesterday and I'm already excited about it C:

See you soon for more~

- Baby Y

P.S: My Spotify wrapped is very ARMY coded:

Those are my top artists HAHAHAH I discovered TxT this years so I went through all the discography

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Those are my top artists HAHAHAH I discovered TxT this years so I went through all the discography. Can't believe Namjoon didn't make it in there 🥺

- Baby Y

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