⌛ Twenty Five ⌛

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After that long day at the beach, Yoongi makes sure to accompany Jimin home. It's a little late for him to go back alone and he can't deny he enjoys too much being with him. As they enter Jimin's neighborhood, his jaw drops staring at the huge houses there. The biggest one being Jin's house obviously and the smallest one being right across from it. On the other hand, Jimin can't believe the day he's having. After the talk they had, he thought him and Yoongi would only talk through the phone during the nights. But now here he is, coming back with him from what feels like a date. They stop at Jimin's door and they stay silent for a second. Neither of them want the day to end so they try to look for an excuse for it to continue.

- T-Thanks for coming w-with me. You didn't h-have to

- It's okay! I've never been to this side of town so... it's fun to see it

- D-Do you...Do you w-want to come in? We c-could have dinner together. I-If you want!

Yoongi knows he should say no. But the curiosity and the idea of spending a few more hours with Jimin make a "yes" come out of him. When they enter, Yoongi's eyes take in every detail of that house. It's so big and beautiful. You can see the family takes good care of it. He would love to live in a place like this. He has no idea he actually will, though he might not have the chance to keep it as pretty as it is now. Not unless things change.

- Jiminie? Is that you?

- Yes m-mum! I'm with a f-friend!

Two people come out of the kitchen looking curious. Jimin's parents were expecting to finally see Jin visiting them. They would love to know Jin better but he's usually not allowed to visit since his father is way too strict. But it's a shock to see a completely different person standing there next to their son looking scared as shit. Yoongi feels his legs shake. He didn't consider he would meet his parents and can't help to feel nervous.

- Oh and who would your handsome friend be?

- M-Mum! You'll make h-him uncomfortable! He's Y-Y-Yoongi

- Aah...So is this the Yoongi we keep hearing about, sweetie? 

Jimin goes totally red, embarrassed to say the least. His parents ask caring questions to his crush, trying to know him better. They seem genuinely interested and Yoongi starts to look... different. Something about it is hitting his sensitivity and Jimin notices. He loses no time in leaving his parents behind and taking Yoongi to his room.

- Hey! We were trying to talk to your boyfr...your friend!

- J-Just call us when d-dinner is ready!

When they enter Jimin's bedroom, the blond boy closes the door before his parents say something else from downstairs. He looks at Yoongi's lost expression and can't help to apologize.

- I'm s-sorry. They c-can be a little n-noisy sometimes

- They're awesome... I'm glad you have a family like that.

- A-Aren't your parents like this as well?

Yoongi sits on Jimin's bed looking down and playing with his fingers. The younger sits by his side giving him a moment of silence. Yoongi finally puts his words together.

- They're good people. My parents are really...they want the best for me.

- B-But?

- But...I don't see them much. They work all day and all night. I know they do it for me and my grandma! I just...miss them.

- I'm s-sure they miss y-you too

- Someday, when I become a father I'll make sure to stay at home with my kid all day! Or as long as I can! None of that working all night crap

- Y-You want to h-have kids?

- It's not my priority but if I'm with the right person...I would like that

Jimin blushes when he feels Yoongi's hand holding his softly. The image of him and Yoongi raising a kid feels like a dream to him. He always wanted to be a father. And with the boy he loves? It sounds out of this world. He can't imagine it going wrong. He can't picture himself like an alcoholic that will forget his son's birthday or Yoongi like a man with two horrible jobs. And hopefully that future won't be the one they end up in. Not anymore at least.

- W-What's your priority n-now?

- Music. That's all I want and all I care about. Just music.

Jimin can see the passion in his eyes. It's one of the things he loves about Yoongi. How much he loves to write lyrics and mumble songs. His interest for all types of instruments and music genres. With a nervousness that won't let him keep any eye contact, Jimin asks.

- C-Can I show you something? But y-you have to promise you won't make f-fun of me!

- I would never make fun of you

Jimin sits straight to keep a good posture. He takes a deep breath and sings one of his favorite songs. His stutter is almost non-existent as he does. He can't get rid of it completely but he only stumbles on his words two or three times. When he's done, he looks down to talk. Scared to look at Yoongi in the eyes.

- I-I don't know if that was g-good...

- Are you kidding me? You sound like a fucking angel. Your voice is what people hears when they enter heaven!

- I don't t-t-think so!

He can feel his face burning hearing a praise like that. Yoongi can't help to ask why can't he sing like that in front of others. It wouldn't be his first time on a stage. He remembers seeing Jimin dance in the talent show they have at the end of every year. Hell, the image of Jimin dancing was hypnotizing for Yoongi.

- I would b-but I would never f-find a pianist that w-would adapt to me. Still, I-

A tight hug makes him stop his words. Yoongi is holding him so close with his head on the crook of his neck, he can hear every whisper coming out of his mouth in that low voice he loves.

- God, you make this so fucking hard for me...

- I'm s-sorry...I don't k-know why but I am sorry

- I'll play the piano for you, little magic. You just have to pick a song and practice with me after class. Don't worry, I can do it. I can do anything for you

Jimin can feel his emotions getting more intense hearing his words. And for now he enjoys the hug, keeping himself safe in those arms. He doesn't know how long will this last but he'll enjoy what he feels are the best days of his life...

Next Chapter

Who do you think you are to stand at my door and ask for my son?

You have no right to look at me that way!


Hi babes~ We're getting to an important part! So now that you enjoyed some soft Yoonmin prepare for drama ✨

Next one is Namjin and it's a rollercoaster. So I'll see you soon for that!

- Baby Y

Fix it! - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now