⌛ Twenty Two ⌛

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Jimin curses under his breath reading the note Jungkook wrote. He'll be locked with Yoongi for twenty minutes! He can't do this. Not now when his heart is still broken. Trying to distract himself from Yoongi's existence, he washes some dishes. Truth is they're clean. But as long as he can use them as an excuse and not look at the boy behind him then it's good enough. The first minutes, Yoongi tries to start a conversation. They haven't talked in days and he's been missing their late night conversations. But no matter what he says, Jimin doesn't answer. Not because he doesn't want to but because he knows he'll stutter if he does. And last time he talked to Yoongi that seemed to bother him. He doesn't want to annoy the boy he loves. He doesn't want to be a burden to him.

- So I guess this is how things are gonna be between us...You won't talk to me again. Fine. That's perfect, actually. We'll be nothing. Not friends. Not... anything.

His voice sounds confident saying it. Or at least that's how Jimin hears it. The younger feels a pain in his chest and looks up to check the time. He wants the minutes to pass faster. But instead of finding the clock, he sees a reflection on the little mirror they have there. He can clearly see the tear falling down Yoongi's cheek. Like an involuntary reflex, he turns around immediately and hugs him tight.

- Jimin? What are yo-

- I'm s-s-sorry. Don't cry, p-please. I didn't m-mean to ignore you I just...I didn't w-want to bother you again

- Bother me?

- I k-know my stutter can b-be a pain in the ass. I can't c-control it. I'm s-sorry I annoyed you l-last Friday. I won't d-do it again! I p-promise

To his surprise, Yoongi's arms wrap around him hugging him back. It feels so good he doesn't want it to end. Is he dreaming? Is Yoongi really keeping him this close? The feeling only gets more intense when he hears that deep voice talk again.

- If I would've known you weren't gonna talk to me again I wouldn't have said that. Ever. You don't know how beautiful it is for me to hear your voice, Jiminie.

- B-But...You said you d-didn't want to deal with me a-anymore

- Oh, yeah that's...kinda true. It's... It's complicated

Jimin lets himself cry. The boy in front of him is so confusing he can't help to feel frustrated. Yoongi cleans his tears with so much care even after saying that. He can't understand him. He can't see through him. And Yoongi seems to be aware of it because he starts looking for the words to explain it. To be honest, he doesn't want to tell Jimin everything that's going through his head. Some things should stay hidden forever. At least that's how he sees it. But he knows he can't pretend for the younger to understand without an explanation. The good thing is being friends with Namjoon helps him think of a way to say things in a different way.

- Okay so... Imagine I work at an office, okay? And there's things I need to do. A lot of things. Things I don't really enjoy but that at the end will help me get a promotion. But then...a magician sits by my side at the office. He makes the most beautiful eye-catching magic I've ever seen. And I wish I could give him my full attention but...I can't deal with that right now. Because...

- You have o-other priorities...

- Yeah. Do you understand? I don't hate magic. Not one bit. Fuck, I lov...I like it a lot. And I enjoy it more than most things in life. But I can't put my job aside for it.

- D-Do you think Uhmmm you c-could have some time f-for the magician? At l-least a tiny tiny b-bit?

Jimin tries to look into his eyes but Yoongi can't keep the eye contact. He looks away with red cheeks. He knows Jimin is asking for a little space in his life. And no matter how much he should say no, the sweet way in which he asked it is too much for him to deny him anything. Jimin feels his heart beat a little faster when Yoongi agrees. He might not have his full attention but that was never his gold. He just wants to be there for him and he's willing to wait for Yoongi to do whatever he has to do before asking for more. They still have a few minutes before Jungkook returns with the keys but in that time Yoongi doesn't pull away even for a second. His hands hold Jimin's waist with so much care he could faint. He can't believe Yoongi doesn't hate him. He's not sick of his conversations and stutter. If anything, it's the opposite. He was not expecting that...

- Hey! I'm back! Everything cool over here?

- E-Everything okay, K-Kookie

- Oh, I can see that

His smirk makes Yoongi finally pull away, embarrassed. Oh how cute he looks when he gets shy. While Jungkook turns off the lights of the place before leaving, Jimin decides to play a little with Yoongi. He looks at him sweetly as he holds his hands and simply says...

- J-Just so you know, if you e-ever need more time with the m-magician...he has a f-few tricks he could s-show you

Yoongi looks confused before feeling the soft touch of the boy's lips on his cheek. It's an innocent kiss but enough for his brain to stop working. The three of them walk out ready to split ways and go home. When Yoongi gets his bike, he's ready to leave until he sees Jimin standing there. Those last words and that kiss resonating in his head. He gets closer and pulls Jimin close to him so he can whisper in his ear.

- By the way, Jiminie. Maybe I wasn't clear. You're not the magician. You're the fucking magic.

  Before the younger can react, Yoongi lets him go and drives away. Being compared to magic is making Jimin think his chances with him might not be as impossible as he thought. And looking at the scene, Jungkook smiles big. It's all going according to plan...

Next Chapter

You can't spend you life doing only what you "should" or "have to" do

Don't tempt me like that, I'm only human.


Hi babes~ I will forever love every Yoonmin interaction. They just so perfect together 💖

Next one is Namjin! But it's time for all of them to share some time together! See you soon for it!

- Baby Y

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