⌛ Forty Two ⌛

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Working at the coffee shop, dealing with those customers and having a low income is still a million times more fun for Jin than to come work with his father. At least there he has Jimin to keep him company but here? Not only does he have to follow his father's orders but everyone who's friends with that man keeps making Jin work extra. And no matter how hard he tries or how much he pretends to care nothing is ever good enough.

- You should get the conference room ready for today, Seokjin. And remember we'll have the audition on the other auditorium. Lee's son is gonna go there! I'll make sure he passes!

- Shouldn't we judge him based on talent and ignore he's your friend's son?

- See? Things like these are why you can't take over this business yet. You'd ruin it like you ruin everything

- Bu-

- Shh. Get to work. Bring the good chairs and some water for when they get here

Jin nods avoiding his impulse to roll his eyes. He would like to actually work in music. But all his father does is treating him like an assistant and show him the worst side of show business. Knowing he shouldn't argue about it, Jin prepares everything as he was told so his father's friends feel welcome. A water bottle for each, some pastries in the middle of the table for them to eat.

There's no one in the room when he's done. And he can't help staring at the food. His mouth waters just thinking of the taste. He already skipped lunch and his breakfast was nothing but a toast. So maybe...he could...eat one...

As soon as he gets one in his mouth he feels a wave of happiness take over his body. This is what heaven feels like. He can't stop his hand from stretching to take a second one when someone grabs him by the wrist. The strong hold is hurting him so he knows it's his father.

- Are you crazy, Seokjin?! In two months you'll model for that album cover we promised! You can't go out there and model if you look like a pig. By God, I told you to control your weight!

- And I will, father. I just-

- You better. If you have a single extra gram you'll be in trouble.

Jin knows exactly what that means so he breaks the eye contact nodding again. This how most of his interactions with his father go. By the end he needs to give up or things will get worse for him. As his father's guests are arriving, Jin's eyes travel outside that room where the line of people for the audition is getting longer by the minute. And standing there, he sees the one and only Kim Namjoon waiting for his turn. Slowly, Jin walks out trying to go unnoticed and half runs up to him.

- What the hell are you doing here?

- Hello to you too, Seokjin darling.

Ah, that unconscious habit of flirting with him makes Jin wanna flirt back. But he has a different priority right now. He tries to warn Namjoon about what will happen if he enters that audition. He'll only recieve a bunch of empty words from people that will reject him for not having connections to the boss. The only way to get accepted is to be one of his father's friends. And Namjoon's words only make his heart hurt.

- No wonder Yoongi insists in dating you

He knows that. He's not dumb. And it's not like he's interested in Yoongi at all to care in that sense. But the idea of everyone going after him just for his family is hard to handle at times. After sending Namjoon to hell he walks out of the building to get some air. He feels like punching a wall. Though considering the lack of strength in his body he would only end up hurting his hand.

From inside the company, going unnoticed by security Taehyung stares at the whole scene. And the best part starts now. He sees Namjoon change his mind and trust Seokjin's word. He remembers that day Namjoon went back to the apartment and told him about how he gave Jin his mixtape to listen. But now he gets the chance to watch it all with his own eyes. The way their parents share a chemistry unlike any other.

They're meant to be. He can see it in the gestures, in the way they look at each other, in the way they make each other laugh. Tae's never been so sure of their relationship as he is right now. The lovely scene is interrumpted when Jin's father calls him once more. And the boy enters the building again but this time with a big smile on his face.

- Seokjin, take this to Kang's office. And stop playing around, even if you're my son you need to work.

- Yes, father

Heading to the elevator, Tae walks up to him. Pretending like he got a job at the company, he tries to befriend his father again. He can see the way Jin keeps playing with the tape Namjoon gave him.

- What's that, Hyung?

- N-Nothing!

- You sure? You're really red for it to be nothing

- If you're trying to blackmail me, try something better

- Blackmail you? Not everyone wants to use you, you know?

A few hours before he would've disagreed but now his eyes travel to the mixtape on his hands. Namjoon could've believed his father's propaganda claiming the auditions were fair and yet he decided to trust Jin in the end. All without asking for a favor from him like most people do.

- I guess you're right

- I always am. Sometimes some of us just want a friend!

- I still don't get why you insist in being my friend so much

- Because... it's not like I have anyone else right now...

Jin thought him and Jungkook were friends that got along great. But the sadness in Tae's voice lets him think this might not be the case. He can tell when someone is acting and everything tells him Tae really feels alone right now. Trying to distract him by changing back to the subject, Jin decides he could gossip a little bit.

- This is my crush's mixtape

- Your crush! So you really did like Namjoon?

- Did? I still do. If I'm honest, I fucking love that guy. Everytime we talk I feel like the rest of the world is trash compared to him

- Like he's the only one worth it? I get it. As a gay person, most men are dicks so is nice to find a decent one

- Oh, he's more than decent to me. I will say though, his ego can be a pain in the ass sometimes. But it's not like I can complain about it hahahah

Tae laughs with him. He likes this confident Jin that allows himself to have some ego. It's a lot more than he was expecting.

- Yeah, I can be a pain in the ass as well. It's something I got from my parents actually. But there's always someone who can deal with the worst parts of us!

Tae smiles softly thinking of all the times Jungkook had to deal with him. Even now...

- I agree. And even better, there's always someone that helps us be a little better

Tae never thought of it that way. He never thought of changing his ways for Jungkook. Would things be easier that way? He should be a little more mature to try and understand what's stopping him from loving his best friend. But deep down he knows what it is and he doesn't wanna go down that rabbit hole. So he just answers back, ignoring these thoughts.

- I imagine Namjoon makes you feel better about yourself. You talk too fondly of him

- You have no idea...I can't wait for him to ask me out. But he's taking his fucking time and I'm starting to think nothing will happen between us.

- Hahaha, give him a week...

Jin doesn't fully believe the words. Unlike Tae he's not thinking about Namjoon's next party nor what's gonna happen when they meet there...

Next Chapter

I didn't mean to ruin it all...

God, I don't know when to shut up

Hi babes~ Hope you're having a good day ❤️ Here's some Jin for you! I just realize both him and Yoongi are skipping meals 🥺 but for different reasons

Next one is Taekook. Their meetings are about to get a little more awkward. See you soon for that!

- Baby Y

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