⌛ Sixty Two ⌛

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These last few days are when they have to be the most careful. Jungkook and Tae are once more having dinner at the treehouse and sharing notes on how everything's going. Taehyung is clearly a lot more calm than last time. He's starting to feel a little safer seeing that Jin didn't go back to his shitty house.

- He's pretty much living with Namjoon at this point

- Didn't your dad said he wanted to take things slowly?

- Slowly my ass. He already bought a bigger bed to share with Jin and even changed his eating habits so they can have the same things for dinner

- Whipped. What about you? I mean...the baby you

- Jin didn't talk about it yet. He's hiding all the symptoms from Namjoon like it's some kind of crime

Tae still feels that lingering feeling of disappointment. Like he might've ruined his parents lives. But he can think about it much before Jungkook brings him back to a more hopeful point of view.

- Things have changed a lot, Tae. I don't think it's crazy to wait for the best when they're finally ready to talk

- I hope so...And how's the Yoonmin?

- Yoonmin?

- It's a mix of Yoongi and Jimin. A perfect ship name for a perfect ship! Isn't it adorable?

Can Jungkook stop his brain from coming up with ship names for him and Tae? No. But he tries. He swears to God he's trying.

- Well, they've seen each other a little more now that Jimin visits his place. But it's been hard. Yoongi has a lot of things to do and his grandma...she is needing more attention than usual

- Tonight is the night, right? Where Jimin finally asks him out to graduation

- It was supposed to be. But Yoongi already did the other day

- Really?! Awesome! So everything is right on track! Haha...why aren't you smiling?

- Last time we lived through this night..Yoongi went to look for Jimin. He was going through something. Jimin told me he looked like he needed a shoulder to cry on.

- That means...

- I know something's gonna happen with him tonight. I don't know what it is but I have to pay attention. If this doesn't come out perfectly, we won't get a third chance.

Hearing the worried tone, Tae offers to go with him tonight. They can follow Yoongi together and see what they can do. This is a key moment and very important for their mission! Yet, Tae's main gold is to spend a little more time with him. The cold atmosphere that's been with them all these last months on this second time travel is finally fading. And he misses him. So much. Any excuse is good enough as long as he can enjoy his company again.

After all, there's nothing Tae loves more than spending time with his best friend. He loves his voice, his attitude, his jokes, his way of thinking. And he knows this is important. He wants to be there for him. Be as supportive as Jungkook's always been with him. Even after he broke his heart. Jungkook agrees after one or two minutes of convincing. It really wasn't that hard. And both of them go their way up to Yoongi's house.

The dangerous neighborhood makes them stay close together to feel safe. It's dark outside because the clouds are taking over the sky. A storm is coming but they keep walking. As they get close to their destination, the shining lights in front of Yoongi's house call their attention.

- What is that? The police?

- No, it's...Oh, shit...

- What? What do you see, Kook?

Fix it! - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now