⌛ Twenty Three ⌛

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Following Tae and Kook's plan, Hobi makes sure to organize a day out with all his friends. Everything is perfectly calculated. Namjoon and Yoongi say yes as soon as they're invited. They trust Hobi with their lives and have no idea they're about to fall in a love trap. Of course the two young time traveleres have to be there to keep everything under control. And they make sure to invite Jimin and Jin on their own. They choose to drive a few hours to the beach. Jin takes some of them in his car and so does Hobi.

Namjoon is shocked to see Yoongi choose the car Jimin is in instead of taking the chance to travel and flirt with Jin. It's like his best friend is completely distracted by the short blonde and he's not gonna complain about it. When Namjoon sits on the passenger seat, his eyes ignore the road. They can't move away from how cool Jin looks while driving. He can do it perfectly while rapping a very fast song like it's nothing. The rhythm is a little off but that only makes it funnier. Taehyung sitting on the back keeps a huge smile admiring his parents. It's obvious Jin loves having a day out. Away from his father and everything related to him. He looks so free in those loose clothes and with the wind hitting his hair. He's not as covered as other days. And the only thing calling Tae's attention are those fading marks on one of his arms. Small bruises that seem to be healing slowly.

The couple on the front won't stop talking about life and music until they finally arrive. As soon as Hobi parks near them, they decide to go out to eat. It's not Jin's decision. If anything, it looks like the boy completely forgot about the existence and need of lunch.

- Hello boys, what can I bring you?

All of them ask for all sorts of delicious things they read on the menu. All but one. Seokjin reads through all of it and finally looks up with tired eyes.

- I'll just have a salad

- That's i-it? Hyung, you can o-order something else! You can a-ask me if you need some m-money!

- You're already paying for Yoongi. And don't worry, it's not that. I'm supposed to be careful with what I eat. Dad wants me to model for an album cover next month. He says I should lose some weight for then

- Lose weight? - Namjoon frowns - From where? You're already skinny. And perfect to end any model's carrer

Yoongi's about to intervene because that sounded more flirty than he was expecting from his best friend. But the presence of Jimin by his side makes him think twice about it. He'll keep quiet for now. He might be interpreting things too much. When the food arrives, they all start eating. Namjoon can't keep his eyes off Jin who plays around with the salad while staring at the other plates. As soon as they're done, most of them go out but Jin feels someone hold his hand.

- Namjoon? What is it?

- Wait, I didn't get my full order yet

Jin doesn't understand until the waiter comes back with another plate of food and a small dessert. Everything is placed in front of Jin who has to swallow hard looking at it.

- You don't have to eat everything. Just what you've been wanting to taste for the last hour

- But I'm not supposed to. I shouldn't eat so much...

- You can't spend you life doing only what you "should" or "have to" do. Sometimes you have to give yourself the chance to do what you want. Besides, you can believe me when I say you look adorable when you eat something you like

Jin's cheeks go completely red hearing it. And without waiting another moment he eats his lunch feeling a pleasure hard to describe. He pretty much moans tasting the dessert and Namjoon has to mentally apologize to Yoongi for enjoying this so much. Now he feels like buying Jin food every day of his life just to see and hear him like this.

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