⌛ Thirty Nine ⌛

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Jin's shift at the coffee shop ends early in the afternoon. But sadly that's not his only job. He doesn't even have the time to stop by his house. Instead, he goes with a tired expression to the music company where his father works. If it was up to him he would never set foot in that place. He hates it and everyone involved in it. Even though he loves music, he's fully aware of the way his family picks new talents in the most unfair ways.

The rich boy has no idea someone's been following him all day. Close behind, Tae stares at every move he makes. It was easy for the young boy to recognize where his father was going. And even easier to enter the company without being noticed by security. He used to visit this place all the time with Namjoon so he could follow his steps. That was until he found art and made it his passion of course. Seeing Jin work is like looking into a mirror. 

- Jin, come here. Prepare everything for Solar, she has to record the new song today

- Yes, father

- And be nice to her this time. Remember her father is an old friend of mine

 Jin bites his tongue before nodding. Everyone with a future in the company have some kind of conection with his father. It's one of the things he would love to change whenever he gets the company. Sadly, Tae knows that the one who will take over won't be him but Namjoon. Looking at the scene, Jin's father sounds exactly as Namjoon will sound in the future.

- God, did you have daddy issues or something?

 The resemblance between Mr. Kim and Namjoon makes him whisper that but it doesn't make sense. The Namjoon of the past was nothing like that. He was absolutely different and being with Jin is what made him such an idiot. It's absolutely confusing for him how things changed so much. It gets even harder to understand when he sees Jin throw a bunch of little papers on the trash. He remembers Jungkook telling him about them. They're the ones that Yoongi gave Jin with his phone number written on them. Yoongi was always trying to flirt but...

- If you didn't even wanna text him why did you end up kissing him?

 One of the workers walks past Tae looking at him confused. It makes sense, the boy is just whispering thoughts out loud to no one in particular. Tae would love to have Kook by his side right now to talk about this. To talk about so many things...But this doesn't feel the same as last time they time traveled. They feel like a team that was forced together. Tae knows his friend would prefer not to see him for now and that's his own fault. 

 To just think about the next time he gets to meet with Kook makes him feel uncomfortable. The tension between them is far from disappearing and he's starting to miss the sweet tone Kook used to talk to him with. His thoughts go back to the mission when he finally sees Jin leave the company after telling his father he has a class to get to. When Tae follows him, they end up in the treehouse. 

- "I have a class" yeah right. Now I get where I got my lying habit.

 He knows spying time is over. He needs to go up there and talk to Jin now no matter how nervous that makes him. Trying for their first encounter to be as calm and friendly as possible, Tae buys some ice cream before going up. He's fully aware of how much his father loves sweets and considering how exahusting his day was in the company it sounds like a great idea. When Tae finally climbs up to the treehouse, he pretends this is all a coincidence.

- Oh, wow! I didn't know there was someone else up here!

- Who the fuck are you, kid?

 Tae runs out of words for a moment. He's not used to his father in a bad mood and cursing. For some reason, he expected Jin to be a little more...welcoming?

- I...I brought ice cream

- That's not what I asked

- Oh, right! I'm Taehyung! I was just...passing time? Yeah, so...wanna share some of this?

 The sound coming out of Jin's stomach is a good enough answer. Now that he thinks about it, he haven't seen his father eat anything since the day started. Maybe he had a strong breakfast at home? Who knows. Even if Jin is not kicking him out, he doesn't looks happy to share the place with him.    

- And...how was your day, Jin?

- What do you want?

- Are you asking literally? A million dollars. If it's a rhetoric question I was just asking about your day!

- Look kid, everyone that talks to me only wanna ask for a favor. So? What do you want? I'll like you more if you answer fast

- Nothing, I mean...I just wanna be friends to be honest  

- Oh reaaaaally? So you just casually want to be friends with the richest boy here? Let me guess, you wanna be a famous singer? Dancer? You have a band?

- No. Actually I wanna be an artist! A painter to be exact.

- Oh...well, that's new...

 Silence takes over them. Surprisingly, the atmosphere is not as tense as before. Even if Jin is not ready to trust him, it's good to know Tae won't ask for a favor for now. While eating ice cream, they sink in their own thoughts. The younger wants to be mad with his father for kissing Yoongi but he knows there must be a reason for it. Every time his mind goes back to that night, a horrible feeling takes over him. Not only because of that kiss but also because the memory of Jungkook crying is starting to feel like a torture.

 Meanwhile, Jin can only rest after a long day where ice cream is the first thing he ate and the idea of going back home eventually makes him wanna die. He can only think of the tiring routine that's slowly breaking him inside, without knowing that everything is about to change for him...

Next Chapter

I'm trying to get closer but he spends most of his time working

You were right all along, we shouldn't be together


Hi babes~ Here's a little bit of Jin and Tae for you! Next time we'll see Taekook's little meeting hehe

I've been missing the boys so much lately. I need 2025 to hurry the fuck up, I swear 😭 At least we're close to Kookie's album!

- Baby Y

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