⌛ Forty Eight⌛

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Today just like during the weekend, Jin has a hard time getting up. If it was up to him he would've spent these days in bed so his bruises and scars can heal. His body needs to rest but his father would never allow him to be "useless" for that long. At least he was able to skip work on Saturday. That aside, he had to keep up with his routine of study and exercise.

It's finally Monday and he walks downstairs pretending like he isn't hurting that much. He doesn't wanna look like a victim even if that's exactly what he is. He knows he'll probably stay home for the day. His father can't risk his classmates to notice the marks on his body. Especially the hickeys that could "make our family look bad".

- Are there any fruits left, Dad?

- You had enough last night, don't you think?

- It's healthy. It's part of the diet you gave me.

- Yes. Once a day. Now go get ready

Jin is slightly confused. They'll leave the house? Usually they stay at home after a scene like the one of Friday night.

- Where are we going?

- I'll go talk to your principal. Maybe he can be more honest than you and tell me who's the imbecile you're fucking. I hope it's only one.

- I'm no-

- I bet I can give him enough money to leave you alone. You have other things to focus on.

-...Yes, father.

Jin goes to the bathroom and takes out the little bag of makeup. He's so used to covering his bruises he could make a tutorial. When getting dressed he makes sure to wear a scarf and a long sleeve sweater. Even if it's hot as hell outside, he doesn't want his father to get angry again. And that man prefers him covered.

In the car Jin looks out the window re playing Friday's night in is head. To think three days ago he was in this same seat having the time of his life. At least he's sure no one saw them together and he'd never tell his father who his lover was.

While his father talks to the principal, Jin walks out of the car to enjoy some fresh air. It's there that he sees Namjoon and subtly separates himself from the car. Behind the building they meet after he makes sure no one is near. Namjoon is not even aware of how careful they should be.

- Nice to see you again, Jin. Sorry to bother you with my texts all weekend.

Jin had no idea about that. How could he when his father took the cellphone from him? He curses to himself. The first time he gets the chance to get close to his crush and his father has to get in the middle. It's no wonder that man will always stand between him and happiness. Thankfully, Namjoon forgets about his complaints when he sees Jin's broken lip.

- Oh shit, was that me?!

He was so scared to be the one that caused pain on him. Even if he marked him that night he never tried to hurt the boy. A part of him wonders if maybe Jin had a clumsy accident. He wouldn't be surprised. Last Friday he noticed a few old bruises so he assumed Jin must be the kind to get accidentally hurt. He can't blame him when he's the exact same way. Yoongi always says he's a danger to society for constantly breaking things and hurting himself. Last time he ended up with a little scar above his eye making all his friends worried.

After assuring Namjoon he didn't hurt him, Jin checks the time. He needs to go back to the car before his father notices. But not before giving Namjoon a very important request.

- Wait for me to text you first. My phone uhmm doesn't work well

He only stays in the car for 5 minutes before his father returns frowning. He closes the car door with so much strength it makes Jin flinch. On their way home, the man complains and curses the whole time.

Fix it! - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now