⌛ Sixty Three ⌛

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Yoongi knows there's people talking around him. And yet he can't hear anything clearly. Everything feels blurry. His eyes can't focus on anything for now. Even though the image of that wheel stopping right next to his face is tattooed in his brain. The rain, the wet floor, the lights, the crash. It was all in a second and his mind wasn't really there. All he could do was think about the night he was having.

- Don't cry, Yoon. Don't be sad

That's the last thing his grandma said. And he couldn't follow the words. Of course he cried. Of course he felt sad. Worse than that. He felt destroyed. His world was falling apart. He cried so hard his throat was getting hurt. Not that he could notice it. He couldn't process what his body was going through. All he could do was think of her. Yoongi's parents came to take care of things. While his mother cried with him, his father had to make a phone call to his boss explaining why he left early from work.

The funeral will be tomorrow. Or that's what he heard. He had to leave the house before going crazy. That shitty place had nothing left for him to love. And his first impulse was to go look for Jimin. He entered the coffee place yelling his name. He hugged him so hard, looking for support.

- A-Are you okay?

- Just give me a minute...please...

- Y-You can stay here f-for as long as you need.

- You'll probably have to close the store soon. I promise I'll leave when you tell me, I ju-

- I m-meant in my arms. Y-You can stay in my arms f-for as long as you n-need...

God. He didn't wanna go anywhere else. He wanted to stay there and wait for the rest of the world to disappear. He wanted to disappear. He was sick of this. Of everything. Of this life where he kept going through one shitty day after the other. He stayed in the most beautiful hug while experiencing the worst night of his life.

Jimin offered him to stay longer and eat something. But to be honest his stomach felt closed and he can't even think of eating. When he left for work, all he wanted was to get distracted. But it was impossible. The image of his grandma giving him a last smile kept playing in his head. Between the rain and the tears it was impossible to see. The accident happened so fast he could barely understand it. And there he is. On a hospital bed, staring at the ceiling, trying to remember how he got here. Next to him, his parents are talking to a doctor

- There's no way we can pay for that surgery

- I don't know what to tell you, it's what your son needs

- Please doctor, isn't there anything else that could help?

- I'm sorry. The medicine will have it's effect and he's stable but his shoulder won't heal correctly without the surgery

- But...But my Yoongi...

- Look ma'am, the process of healing will be slow. He'll be better than now. But if he wants his full mobility and strength he needs that surgery

Yoongi hears his mother cry as the doctor reminds them the price. If he could, he would laugh. It won't happen. He knows it. If it does, he'll have to sacrifice too many things. Not just him, his whole family. Outside the room, Tae and Kook understand his decisions for the first time.

- Jin gave him a last chance. To leave a job he hates and got him hurt. To live of the only thing he loves

- He can still get those things, Kookie

- How? He'll have to take a break from his job, he has no money, he lost the only person that was supporting his dream, he knows Jin's pregnant and his plans to be with him will fail, he...he...

Jungkook cries again. Not as hard as when they just arrived. But he can't help feeling his father is a lonely man. That had to go through all of this alone.

- We'll find a way. He has us now...

Yoongi has his eyes closed. Time passes by both slowly and fast. When he opens them again he finds himself in his room. How long has it been? An hour? A day? A week? Who cares? Nothing matters anymore.

- That fucking car should've just killed me

He talks to himself staring at the ceiling. He's not expecting an answer but he gets it. From the boy that became his best friend ten years ago.

- Don't say that, dumbass. What am I gonna do without you?

- Namjoon?

He turns his head trying to find him but the world spins as he does. His eyes close feeling the strong headache and all he can do is listen to his voice.

- Rest, we'll take care of it

- We?

Namjoon answers but his voice sounds so far away he has no idea what he's saying. Once more it all turns black. When he opens his eyes again, the sun is falling and his room is starting to get dark. Standing by the door, he can see his grandma. Or a memory of her. She looks so much younger. Her hair is still black and she talks to him softly.

- You're getting sick again, Yoon

- You're here...

- If you need me to be here then I am, my little prince

- Don't ever go. I don't wanna be alone...

- Oh, Yoon... you'll never be alone

She doesn't move away from the door. And yet he can feel a hand play with his hair. Is there someone else in the room? Can a ghost touch him being so far away?

- Y-Your fever's r-rising again

Ah, that voice. He fucking loves it. His body relaxes under the touch on his hair and doesn't even notice how slowly his grandma starts to disappear with a smile on her face. Once more, it all goes black. There's different dreams starting and ending while on the back of his head he hears conversations that feel surreal

- Dad...how do you feel?

Jungkook's voice calling him that makes him wonder what the fuck is his subconscious thinking of.

- He'll be okay, Kook. The medicine should be having its effect now

- He haven't eaten all day

- Then let's go. We'll cook something and tell him to come up

In his head, Yoongi sees fireworks, colors, lights, car lights. The sound of a car stopping abruptly. His eyes open again. In front of him, face to face he can see Jimin. His cute worried eyes, his adorable little nose, his naturally red cheeks and his lips...those lips he keeps avoiding like he isn't secretly wishing to have a taste.

- If dying is like falling asleep I wish I was dead so I can keep dreaming of you

- E-Eh? I...Y-You...Don't even t-think of dying

A short chuckle comes out of Yoongi.

- Fine...I guess I can stay a little longer if it's with you, my love

Jimin goes red as Yoongi closes his eyes to enter another dream. He's sure everything he saw today is inside his head...

Next Chapter

Jin...why did your father kick you out?

I think you're my last hope, Min


Hi babes! Here's some Yoongi going through everything all together 🥺 My babe, he's my favorite 🥺

Next one is Namjin and we're finally entering graduation! I'll see you soon for the final chapters~

- Baby Y (Missing the hell out of lil meow meow)

Fix it! - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now