⌛ Thirty Four ⌛

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(Today we had a double update! Make sure you read the past chapter already!)

Tae and Kook don't love the idea of going back to their time. But truth is they're too exhausted to find a different solution at the moment. They promised future Hobi they would only stay until the graduation. And honestly it's not like they know what to do from now on. As they enter the time machine again, they pray. Hoping things will be okay when they step out.

Luckily for them, the first thing they see is a smiling and aged future Hobi welcoming them back. Tae would stay there for longer but Jungkook walks past him and leaves the house.

- What's up with your friend?

- We had...a tiny little fight. Don't worry

- Okay...Oh! Before you go, remember the memories or any physical effect will happen within this next 24 hours! I'll probably even forget about this when it does so...if anything happens let me know before that!

Taehyung nods before hurrying out the door. He tries to catch up with Kook to talk again. This is the first time they had a fight and he's not used to it. He can't go to sleep with his best friend being angry at him! He tries to call out his name but Jungkook doesn't slow down. The younger simply enters his own house and slams the door, ready to ignore the boy he's been in love with all this time.

Jungkook wants to be angry, curse, hate Tae...but he can't. As soon as he finds himself in the safety of his home, he lets himself cry. Everything happening around him is too overwhelming and all he wants is to lock himself in his room and burst into tears. However, a sweet calm voice calls him from the kitchen. A voice he can easily recognize.

- K-Kookie? Are you b-back?

He walks ahead following the sound and his senses feel blessed when he smells the food. His father is...cooking? When he sees Jimin a wave of calm washes over him. He looks sober, healthy, calm, the dark circles under his eyes are gone and his blonde hair is taken care of. It's an image he was not expecting but that's making him relax. With no time to lose, he hugs his father tightly

- Kookie? A-Are you o-okay?

When he sees the tears in his son's eyes, he stops what he's doing. Jungkook's voice comes out shaky and filled with emotions

- You're okay... you're really okay

- O-Of course I am, y-you are the one that's c-crying! What is it? D-Did you have a fight w-with TaeTae?

- Yes, we...wait...you know I talk to Tae?

- It would be i-impossible not to know, y-you two are inseparable!

Despite the horrible situation he's in with his old friend, he still lets out a deep breath. His fears are dying down one by one. Things aren't that bad after all.

- So it worked...

- Y-You're scaring me, s-sweetie. Wanna t-tell me about it?

For once in his life, his father sounds trustworthy and interested in him. Even if he can't tell him the whole story, he makes the most important question he has. Because he's sure Jimin should know the answer.

- How do things get better after they break your heart? How did you do when they hurt you?

Jimin seems taken back. His eyes show for a slight second a painful look. Like something deep down is still affecting him. Kook hopes he's just overthinking it.

- Oh baby, there's s-some things that you just can't a-avoid. Y-You just have to live w-with it until it stops h-hurting

- So it's just...time?

- T-Time and the right p-person by your side. I w-was very young last time I g-got my heart broken. I w-went to a bar to d-drink until I passed out. O-Or at least that was my plan. Y-Your father followed me a-and didn't let me d-do it hahaha

- I see...

Knowing Yoongi ran after him helps him feel even better. Even if there's clearly something bothering him at least he had the chance to talk things through. Their conversation is interrupted when Jimin realizes he's about to burn the food. He manages to get it out of the oven in time and asks Jungkook to go upstairs and get his father.

As the young boy walks up there, he starts to get nervous. How is he gonna stare into Yoongi's eyes after he knows what happened? How weird is it to ask him how it all went down? And how come his decisions managed to get not only a sober Jimin but a Yoongi that's not working during dinner time? He knocks on the door and a muffled voice lets him come in. However as soon as he opens the door, his jaw falls in shock

- Is food ready? I'll be down in a minute!

The smile on that man never scared Kook as much as today. Because it would be impossible for him not to recognize those dimples.

- Namjoon?! What the hell are you doing here?!

- Uh, it's Friday? I come home early on Fridays you know that!

- What?! No! What are you doing in my house?

- I know you're not a kid anymore but I'm pretty sure I can handle my schedule without your help, son

- Son? I'm not your...

Just as Hobi warned them, a new memory appears in his head. As a kid, playing around with Namjoon. Calling him dad. Unable to say another word, he runs downstairs ready to leave the house. And right across the street, a scream is heard. Because he's not the only one that just got a big surprise...

Next Chapter

Dad, how do you fix things after you hurt someone?

We fucked up so hard I can't even begin to panic


I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS MOMENT SINCE I STARTED THE STORY. Surprise! We're only half way into the story babes. And for some reason I just really wanted this reveal hahaha

There's a lot to come and a lot to unpack! But first we'll have a bit of them in the present time ❤️ I'll see you soon for that~

Now I'll talk about Namjoon for an hour. Excuse me: It's Virgo season and that means two of my favorite men in this world have their birthdays. One of them is Namjoonie; the sweetest, more honest, smart, talented, poet, nature loving, heart stopping, big boy big heart energy man, who is finally turning 29. I can not explain what he means to me. Indigo is by far one of my favorite albums in the world, his words always give me comfort and his music will last forever. I love him so much all I want is for him to be happy. I'll love him for the rest of my life, no matter how far we are, I feel near him everytime he talks ❤️

 I'll love him for the rest of my life, no matter how far we are, I feel near him everytime he talks ❤️

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I swear I'll print this photo and put it on my fucking birthday cake in a few days. No joke. I love him too much.

- Baby Y

Fix it! - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now