⌛Twenty Eight⌛

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Jimin never thought he could live this way. He used to be happy with something as simple as making eye contact with Yoongi. And now? He's been reherasing with him almost everyday. Listening to the beautiful way in which he plays piano. Hearing that quiet laugh Yoongi makes when he's slightly embarrased. It feels like a dream come true. They spent weeks like this and Jungkook assures him he's winning his man's heart. He's not sure that's completely true but...he's no longer as doubtful about it as before. Maybe he could get more of Min Yoongi! Because you can never get enough of someone as amazing as him.

- Wow, you dressed up nicely today, dad!

- D-Dad? Oh, g-god Kookie, does this m-make me look old?

- No! I meant you look like a total...daddy?

- ...I'm changing c-clothes

- Fine. But don't take too long! Yoongi said he'll meet us there and you guys practiced a lot for this!

- I'm s-so nervous

- Why? From what I saw you're amazing. No wonder I wanna be a singer, it's in my veins

- E-Eh?

- Because uuuh you inspire me

- Awww I'm s-sure you'll be amazing as w-well!

Jngkook can't help to smile. He always wanted to hear tha from his father. And he's sober so that's even more impressive! Jimin on the other side has different things going through his mind. He's nervous as hell but not for today's performance. The fact is that the weeks flew past him and graduation is just around the corner. If he really wants Yoongi to go with him he has to ask him out before someone else does. It's not as easy as it should be. Not only he's scared to be rejected but lately something has been bothering Yoongi. He can see it in those tired eyes with dark circles under them.

The worst part is this is the kind of thing Jimin would usually discuss with his best friend. But Jin hasn't been available for a while now. After the week Jin spent away from him, he wasn't able to communicate again. He's not been answering the signals they ususally make with their phones in the night, he's been skippping class and he's not sending any texts. The only thing that comes to mind is that his father is being a strict asshole again. I mean, he's always kind of a dick but there's times where he crosses the limit. Specially when he's too stressed and pretends like Jin's the problem of it.

When Jimin finally arrives at the auditorium with Jungklook, he can see the boy of his dreams is on the stage making sure the piano is on tune. Once more he notices how tired he looks, like he hasn't slept in days. But why? As soon as Yoongi sees him, he shows a gummy smile. No matter how exhausted he is, it always makes him happy to see Jimin.

- Are you ready for the show of your life, little magic?

- A h-hundred per cent! Y-You ready for a standing ovation f-for the best pianist here?

- Hahaha now I won't be expecting less!

- G-Good. It's what you d-deserve

- Look, I would love to keep getting praises from the prettiest boy here. But the show's about to start and I need to go to the bathroom before they call our names. Can you wait here a minute?

Of course Jimin accepts and watches him go while he keeps an eye on their stuff. To handle the nerves he simply practices to himself in a soft voice. There's more and more people coming in and taking their seats. The minutes pass by and Yoongi's not back. Affraid something might have happened, he makes a signal to Jungkook. When the young boy comes up he immediatly starts talking.

- Before you say anything, everything will be okay! If you're nervous and mess everything up please don't blame the music. I'm sure you should chase your dream because you're awesome just the way you are! Dancing and singing and not drinking!

- O-Okay? This is why J-Jin thinks you flirt with m-me sometimes

- Right, sorry. I was just saying hahaha In case you're too scared and end up hating music or something

Confused but with no more time to lose, he asks Kook to please go out to look for Yoongi before it gets any later. The boy obeys happily. He's in a good mood thanks to the way things are going. He walks up to the bathroom but before he can get close enough to open the door Yoongi walks out. He looks concerned. Something is bothering or disturbing him somehow.

Jungkook can't help to worry about him but he knows he has no time to ask questions. Jimin is waiting for him and he can't stop him for an interrogation. He sees him go upstage to play but before he can follow him to see the show someone else walks out of the same bathroom. Jin takes a deep breath and hurries to get his seat to watch the show. If Yoongi looked concerned then Jin looks ten times worse.

During their number, Yoongi makes a few mistakes at first appearing to be a little distracted. But when he sees Jimin's worried expression he immediately gets focused again. By the end of it, they get a decent round of applause and Jimin runs up to Yoongi to give him a hug.

- I'm sorry for the mist-

- Y-You were amazing! Y-You always are f-for me

After watching the rest of the show, Jimin decides to take a walk with his favorite pianist in the world. He would love to invite him out to their graduation but clearly there's something more important going on.

- W-What's on your mind?

- Hmm? Nothing

- I can s-see you're worried a-about something. Is it N-Namjoon? Class? Your f-family?

That last word seems to hit on the right spot. Yoongi bites his lip trying to keep quiet but ends up letting some of his personal life out. It's been hard to deal with so many emotions lately and he could have someone to listen. Even if that someone is the boy he likes.

- Someone in my family is really sick. I thought she was getting better but now I just... I'm losing her and I'm losing myself as well.

- Y-Yoon... There's not m-much I can do but j-just know you can always count on m-me. If you need a hug, or a s-shoulder to cry on I'm r-right here

Yoongi can't smile even if those words felt warm and comforting. Now he just needs some time alone. Jimin allows him to have some space for now. But he's crazy if he thinks he'll leave him alone for too long. Of course, Yoongi needs to use his time wisely. He needs a new plan. Because he felt like his future fell apart thanks to what Kim Seokjin showed him in that bathroom...

Next Chapter

Finding you alone wasn't as easy as I thought it would be

Would you marry me, Namjoon?


Hi babes~ Some Yoonmin lovely content for you before the drama ✨ We're really not that far from graduation!

Do you have any idea of what happened in the bathroom? Or am I okay with the mystery?

See you soon for more! Next we'll see some Namjin ❤️

- Baby Y

P.S: Have you seen Barbie? I loved it! And I love that Jimin has Ken's guitar now Hahahha

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