⌛ Thirty Three ⌛

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(Today we'll have double update! Next chapter will be up now as well!)

Just as planned, Jungkook and Tae go to prom together. They need to make sure everything works out perfectly since tonight they'll return to their timeline. Hobi told them he had everything ready and now they just wanna see their parents together before having fun at the graduation. They meet at the parking lot so they can see the moment Jin gets there with the car. They wouldn't wanna be in the party yet or they could lose them in the crowd.

- Are you absolutely sure Namjoon's coming?

- One hundred per cent, Kookie. He'll be here and ready to ask my dad out!

- Awesome. I insisted for hours to Jimin so he can get here early. Did you know he originally got here half hour late? Well, not on my watch!

- I feel like Hobi's gonna kill us when he hears how much we changed things

- Meh, it's just a detail. How much could that matter?

Making sure they're hiding well enough, they wait. Next to the parking lot there's some bushes and trees. Good enough for them to stay in. At least before a bunch of drunk teenagers come here to make out. But the night is young so there's no problem. Jungkook takes the moment of silence to gather the courage to talk. He's been waiting for this moment for so long, he tried so hard to make his feelings heard that he can't help to feel nervous about the answer. Is this finally the day he'll start dating Tahyung? While trying to look confident, he finally starts.

- So Tae...while we wait uhmmm shouldn't we talk about what happened the other night?

- Was I too drunk? Hahaha sorry, I barely remember what we did after the fifth drink!

That's a lie. Tae remembers perfectly the kiss he gave Jungkook. Even after he promised himself he wouldn't do it to avoid this conversation. But his senses were blurred and Kook looked so good under the bar's lighting. Oh, who is he kidding? Kook looks hot as fuck no matter when or where. Maybe before Kook would've just given up hearing that. Having a frustrated confession is something he was getting used to. But not this time. Not when he feels like he has a chance.

- Even if you don't remember, it happened. And we promised to talk about it

- I don't know what you-

Finding the perfect way to remind him about it, the youngest pulls him closer and gives him a kiss. One so sudden and sweet that Tae can't pull away. The way Jungkook holds his waist is making him close his eyes and get lost in that feeling of comfort. As soon as they pull away, Jungkook smiles letting the words he practiced so much out.

- I can't wait any longer. I love you, Tae.

In a desperate attempet to avoid the conversation, Tae stutters his way into the first bad excuse he can find. Pretending that wasn't a big deal he just pulls away with a smile.

- You're an awesome friend Kook, I love you too!

- No, Tae. Not this time. I'll be clear so you have to understand me. I see you as the love of my life, the boy of my dreams, the person I want by my side until my last day on earth. I love you love you, Tae

- Please Kook, we need to focus on other things

- I'm just telling you how I feel!

- Why? Why do you have to do that?

- Why are you reacting like this? Tae, you don't have to be nervous, I just...Oh....

The way in which Tae avoids his eyes. How he doesn't seem surprised but uncomfortable. After years, Kook finally understands what's going on. Heart broken and dissapointed, his words come out as a whisper. In a night as silent as this, Tae hears every word.

- You...You already knew that. You've always known, right?

- Kook, we don't have to talk about it, we can ignore it, pretend like this never happened!

- ...Are you serious, Taehyung? - He gets frustrated - You've been ignoring everything I feel no matter how hard it was for me to let it out?! Do you even know how much it took me to finally say these words? Do you really not lo-

- Please don't ask me that. You don't wanna know

- Yes I fucking do! I wanna know what the boy that kissed me three times feels for me! Are you really gonna tell me to ignore this?!

Taehyung doesn't want to talk about it. He wants everything to stay the way it was. To just be friends, have fun, forget about having a relationship, enjoy their inside jokes, their company, their cuddles. Nothing serious. Nothing that could end up breaking. Jungkook can't believe this reaction. He feels hurt, ignored, it somehow feels worse than being rejected. It's like he's not even worth that...

The silence becomes uncomfortable and the tension is palpable. Kook would love to walk away but there's one thing stopping him. Jin's car parks near them and from it Yoongi comes out. Jin and him came together for some reason. It's not what they were plannng and the distance won't let them hear the conversation they're having. Yoongi looks like he haven't slept in weeks and Jin keeps biting his lip and holding back some tears. What is going on between those two?

A sound is heard near them, between the trees. When they turn, Jungkook feels his heart stop. Standing in the shadows, there's an adult version of Park Jimin. Kook can recognize the way he looks. He's wearing the same haircolor as when he was a kid. Right before he started drinking non-stop.

- What the hell is he doing here?

One of the last conversations he had with Hoseok before time traveling comes to mind. According to him, someone used the time machine once to see their graduation. Before he can think about it any longer, the image of that future Jimin starts to vanish. They changed the future. Jimin had no need to come back to this moment. And there's only on reason for that. Because back then he was half hour late but now he was right on time to see the exact same thing Namjoon saw. The same thing they are seeing right now. The one thing they were supposed to stop. Right before his very eyes, all of them witness the moment Kim Seokjin kisses Min Yoongi.

As fast as their happiness with their plans appeared, it vanished again. Kook and Tae had no idea this could end up this way. They worked so hard on their problematic parents they never expected the problem to be somewhere else. Their first impulse is to go get Hobi. Getting in the middle of this now might only make things worst. As they walk back home in a hurry, Taehyung complains.

- I can't believe it! Namjoon was finally ready to be the better person and Yoongi had to come out and ruin it! Couldn't he hide the fact that he loved my dad?!

- Really, Tae? Clearly you don't understand how hard it is for people in my family to ignore our own feelings. Maybe if Jin wouldn't have played around with Namjoon's heart making him believe they could be together...

Taehyung knows Kook's not talking about their parents at all. He's talking about them. But Tae never meant to play with him! Or at least that's what he wants to believe. When they finally arrive and they tell the whole story to Hobi, they're expecting the worst kind of news. Yet that doesn't happen.

- This is good.

- Good?! Hyung, did you miss the part of Jimin leaving the place in tears?

- Yeah, or seeing my dad give up? I've never seen Namjoon so broken

- If I remember correctly you came here to fix a fight. There was no fight tonight. Namjoon didn't snap and most importantly both of you are here!

- Are you sure we can't disappear any moment now?

- No. Your memories will change slightly a few days after you get back to your timeline. You'll start to remember a life where your parents changed for the best. But a change as drastic as not existing would be immediate

- But then...what do we do now?

- I think... it's best if you two go back. You changed the way your parents see things. This will find a way to fix itself. I'm sure it will...

(Next chapter is up now ✨)

Fix it! - Namjin Yoonmin TaekookWhere stories live. Discover now