⌛ Fifty Six ⌛

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 Jungkook made sure to visit Yoongi at work several times. Mostly to talk between breaks. Sometimes about Jimin, others about music, others about life. It's becoming one of Kook's favorite things to do in this timeline. Because he never really got the time to connect with his father this way. Even if their relationship was always steady, unlike the one he had with Jimin, it's not like they ever had the time to share many memories. Yoongi was always working, being the family's main support so he can't blame him.

 However, these last few days something has changed. Yoongi gets less breaks than usual and seems to be overworking himself. So tonight Kook waits for him outside the pizza place when his shift is over. When Yoongi walks out he can't deny he's surprised to see him there. Well, he'd be surprised of anyone waiting for him at 3:30 in the morning. 

- Kook? What are you doing here?

- Thought you could use some company on the way home

- Did you just invite yourself to my place?

- Yup. Now c'mon, you've been working all day. And here, take this. 

 He hands Yoongi a drink so he can hydrate for once. The boy has so much on his mind he constantly forgets to drink water. He tries to register his body only to realize how tired he feels. His arms are weak and his ass hurts from being on the bike all day.

- I don't know how can you work so many hours

- It is what it is. Honestly, I'm not always as busy as these past week but there's a lot to do

- Like what?

- I took my grandma to the doctor a few times, we had to change her diet so I cooked new things all week, I practiced with Jimin which was awesome and renewing. It gave me all my energy back! And then I lost that energy here, taking pizzas to people who don't tip.

- I see...Hey, why don't you let me drive on the way home? So you can relax at least a bit for now. Don't worry I promise I won't crash your bike!

- Why are you so nice? You better not be flirting bro. My body belongs to many but my heart only belongs to one. 

- Trust me, I'm not planning to rob Jimin's boyfriend

- I'm not...we are not...whatever

Yoongi bites his lip. The word boyfriend sharing a sentence with the word Jimin sounds so perfect he has to try really hard not to think about it. They go home and after Yoongi has a very light meal, they go to the room. Kook is ready to sleep on the floor so Yoongi can be comfortable on his own bed. But his father isn't planning on sleeping yet. He goes to his desk to check his little notebook.

- You need to rest, Yoongi

- I didn't get to write all day! I have a million lyrics in my head and if I don't write them down I'll go insane. Ugh, yesterday I wrote one on my arm for later and it got erased. I'm not making that mistake again!

 He starts not only writing lyrics and rhymes but composing all together. He takes his guitar more than once to try a few things. Even with his tired eyes it's like he can't stop.

- You really enjoy music

- I love music. It's the reason I'm still alive.

- Didn't think it was so deep...

- You know, when I was 10 years old my grandma started getting sick. The doctor prescribed her 4 different pills to take. The blue every 6 hous, the red after every meal, the yellow every 8 hours, the white before bed. She had trouble to keep track so I made a song 

- You made your first song at 10?!

- I never said it was good. But the lyrics talked about the colors and schedule so it helped her remember. I loved doing that. The more time I spent making music the more I fell in love with it. I was never good expressing what the fuck was going through my head but when I wrote it...it all came out so much easier. At least the first drafts did hahaha I used to spend hours at the cyber cafe. I used to edit songs, cut and rearrange them in different ways. It became the only thing I was good at. And the only thing that made me truly free and happy.

- Wasn't there anything else to make you feel that way? I mean, you sound like... like if music was the only good thing you had

- It was. When I entered adolescence, anxiety and depression caught up with me. I had to force myself to act more like an adult because there wasn't enough money at home. My dad decided I should study something so he took a second job. And all I could think of was how much pressure that was. What if I failed?What if I disappointed them?

- Do your parents know? About what you really wanna do?

- They'd be idiots if they didn't notice. And it's not like they hate the idea. Actually, they like some of my songs! Although my mother says I shouldn't curse so much. 

- Meh, it's part of your essence

- Hahaha I guess! But...they want me to have something stable. They never studied a career and never got really far in life. Not the way they expected at least. They just don't want that for me. But honestly a part of me wants to die if I fail at this and I have to follow their plans

- Fail? What do you mean?

- If I don't have music in my life...I won't be able to live. Not happily at least. 

 Jungkook knows that. Because he saw what Min Yoongi lived like without his beloved music. And he also got to see what Yoongi looked like without his magical Jimin. In both futures, he looked myserable. Destroyed. 

- Well, I think you have an amazing talent!

- Thanks Kook. And don't worry! Things really got better for me through the years! Namjoon helped me a lot to create music. My grandma supports me since day one. And Jimin...well, I think he's liking the song wrote him

 His shy smile shows remembering Jimin's sweet voice singing Serendipity. Today when they practiced he sang sitting next to him as he played the piano. And he had to try his best not to turn around and kiss him right there and then. 

- I see how hard you work in this, Yoongi. So much effort will take you far

- Effort isn't everything, believe me. Sometimes you can fail no matter how hard you try. We're not in a fair world where everyone has the same chances

- What do you mean?

- To put an example, if Seokjin wanted to make an album today he could have it ready in two months. He'll find producers, people to invest, anything he needs. I don't have that privilege. Achieving that same dream will cost me. I'll have to sacrifice a lot of time. And a lot of magic...But maybe it's worth it. It has to be worth it...

 Kook doesn't get the chance to talk back before Yoongi starts playing a calm song on the piano. He looks so focused and inspired he decides to leave it at that. He didn't know his father had all those thoughts. That he had much fear of losing the only thing that made him hold on. That he had so much hunger of success and so little tools to get there. And this is not even Yoongi's lowest point yet...

Next Chapter 

He'll come back for you before you know it! 

The longest 60 seconds of my life


Hi babes! Ah, Yoongi is my favorite character. Probably because it has a lot of the real Yoongi is his storyline. I remember when I watched the D-Day documentary and everytime he talks about making music I go 😍🥺❤️ God, I love him so much

There's still a bit to go to get his full story. Next one is Namjin again so I'll see you soon for that!

- Baby Y

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