⌛ Nine ⌛

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Leaving Jungkook behind, Tae starts his part of the mission. He needs to get closer to his father and thanks to Hobi he gets to connect with him at least a little. They have the same sense of humor and that surprises him. Actually, to just hear Namjoon's laugh is shocking enough for him. The first one to part ways is Hobi. Now that he knows his time machine could work, he'll try twice as hard to have it ready soon. That way, if the boys end their mission soon, they'll be able to return to their times. Not long after, Yoongi leaves his best friend and Tae behind. They'll probably meet again on Monday. They spend most days of the week together.

- Were is he going at this hour on a Saturday?

- Yoongs? Who knows. He's always busy. Except for Fridays. That's our party day of the week.

- You guys like to party?!

His eyes shine excited. Tae loves to hang out with friends, drink, dance. He's a social butterfly and he can make friends rather easily.

- Obviously. And you don't know how wild things can get. Usually they come by my place

- Where do you live?

- Want me to show you? It's my own little paradise!

Tae follows him with a huge smile. He's only seen his father live in the house Jin inherited. That huge place filled with expensive crap that no one cares about. The complete opposite of a home. And also, the complete opposite of where Namjoon used to live. When they arrive, Tae can't believe his eyes. It's an apartment in an old building. Some walls needs fixing and there's a bucket on the floor since the roof is leaking water on stormy days. It's very different to what he expected. There's pictures of Namjoon and his parents all around, paintings, sculptures. It looks like a homemade museum. A small one. A welcoming one.

- You...You decorated this place?

- Yup. I made sure to have things that bring me good memories. The paintings are mostly presents from the people around me. That one's from Hobi and the one in my room was from my dad. I'm a sentimental idiot in that sense

- That's so awesome! But wait...you like art?!

- Of course I do! If I'm honest I spend most of my time in museums. Or riding my bike. Or partying or dating...I guess I have it all

- God, never change

- I'm not planning to. Want a beer?

- You drink?! I mean...sure!

They sit on the balcony and look out as they drink. Tae can't help to stare at his future father. He looks so relaxed. Not a worry in his mind. So free and happy. He looks...just like him. Before he can realize it, they are on their sixth beer and laughing at the stupidest things. Now that they're a little tipsy, Tae asks about the reason he's here.

- So tell me, besides all those girls and boys you've told me about...is there someone you really like, Namjoon?

- I liked the people I told you about! I'm friends with most of them actually

- I mean more than that. You know, someone you love

- Woooow, I'm gonna stop you right there. I am a free and happy man. Someday I'll fall in love, get married, maybe have kids, bla bla bla. But right now? I'm young! I'm not gonna go around like an idiot looking for love! I need to live a little!

- That's a good point but... isn't there someone that makes you feel different?

- Noup.

- Curious?

- Noup.

- Tempted?

- N... Actually, there is someone that has some of those effects

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