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When Taehyung visits his father's apartment on a Monday morning before class, he finds him staring at his phone with a frown on his face. They agreed to go together but it's clear Namjoon has his head somewhere else. Considering the fact that Tae caught him sleeping with Jin in a parking lot last Friday, he has a slight idea of what might be happening. But just to be sure, he asks.

- Jin's still not texting you back?

- Not even a word. All weekend and he wasn't even capable of sending...I don't know...an emoji! Anything!

- Maybe he was busy!

- All weekend? He's not the president, Tae

- Maybe you did something wrong...Are you sure everything went smoothly that night?

- It was more than smooth. It naturally came out of me to be with him. And I was very good at it! I'm sure. I was actually very ho-

- If you give me a single detail, I will shoot myself.

- Fine. Agh, it was a mistake anyway

- What?! But you said it was smooth and perfect!

- It was! But...it was also wrong. A sexy incredible mistake! I hope Yoongi takes it well...

- What?! You can't tell Yoongi about it! Are you mad?!

- Why the hell not? He's my bestie! My bro! My cat! I think I should be honest even if it hurts

Taehyung can't believe those words. He's so used to hiding anything that would hurt other people. Hell, the only reason why he avoids Jungkook's advances is because he doesn't want to hurt him!

- Think it through, Namjoon. What if you end up having a fight over this? Or you lose each other's trust? Sometimes is better to keep those things to yourself and keep your friendship intact. At least for now...

- Hmmm I never thought about it that way but I guess it has some sense. I mean, it's not like I'm gonna sleep with Jin again! It was a one night thing!

- Yeah... it's not like you'll end up marrying him ha...haha..

- Exactly!

Together, they walk to class like they promised. But before getting there, Namjoon notices a car outside the place. And it's not any car. An expensive one he can recognize immediately. After all, he spent hours of his Friday night in it. From the car, Jin's father walks out and enters the school. Judging by his attitude, he's there to complain about something to the principal. It wouldn't be the first time. Mr. Kim will make a scandal everytime something unorthodox happens near his son. Namjoon never paid much attention to it but he's heard the rumors.

The back door opens and Jin walks out. He needs some fresh air since he knows he won't be able to go to class today. Namjoon can't believe the way he's dressed. Wearing a huge scarf and a hat that helps cover his face, Jin stands out there. Leaving Tae aside, Namjoon walks up near and makes him a signal. He's pretty sure Jin doesn't want to be seen with him in the middle of the street, so when their eyes connect Namjoon points at the back of the school. A minute later, they're able to meet without being noticed. Everyone else is in class right now and Jin's father shouldn't be back yet.

- Nice to see you again, Jin. Sorry to bother you with my texts all weekend

- You texted me?

- No need to play dumb, okay? I understand this might be uncomfortable but we need to talk about what happened! I thought you would be more mature about it.

- I... I'm sorry.

Namjoon might be angry but he can't ignore how Jin's voice sounds. He's clearly not having a good day and he can't even keep eye contact. Jin keeps looking down and speaking with a very weak voice that could break any moment.

- Hey, is everything okay?

He softly lifts Jin's pretty face and his eyes go wide looking at it. Not only he's sweating hard wearing those clothes under this blasting sun. But he has a broken lip that's barely healing.

- Oh, shit! Was that me?! I know I was drunk and I left a few love bites on you the other night but I didn't think I was hurting you that bad! I'm so sorry!

Jin looks away, not wanting to keep that attention on him.

- You...You were perfect, Namjoon. You didn't hurt me

- Your lip says otherwise.

- No, I'm serious. You didn't.

- I understand you're kinky, Jin. Believe me, I'm the same! I loved biting and marking you. But you need to be more careful and let me know when I cross a limit like that!

Jin goes completely red just thinking about it. He's aware of what Namjoon likes doing and he loves it as well. That boy looks so sweet when he cares this way about him. Suddenly, he feels his scarf starts to get loose thanks to Namjoon and he immediately pulls away.

- Don't. My father said I should keep this on.

- Ah shit, I really marked you didn't I?

- If I had a dollar for each hickey you gave me I'd be rich, Namjoon.

- I'm so fucking sorry, Jin. I wo-

- I love them. If it was up to me I would walk around shirtless and let them see everything

- ...Everything?

An image of Friday night comes back to Namjoon. Right...it wasn't just his neck. He really made sure to cover Jin in love bites and hickeys. The idea of a shirtless Jin bragging about them sounds exciting. Unless any of them are as bad as his lip. He doesn't feel good with the idea of hurting him.

- I should go back to the car. My father will come out soon

- We'll talk again soon, right?

- Yeah, but...wait for me to text you first. My phone uhmmm it doesn't work well.

- I'll be waiting for it. I hope your lip can heal fast. So you can smile wider.

Namjoon's words just rushed out of his mouth. He didn't realize he was thinking about it. But he's been so used to seeing a confident smiley Jin that he can't adjust to this low energy version of him. At least, he doesn't look sad. Not anymore. Not when they're together. Because if there's one person that can make Jin's day better, that has to be Kim Namjoon.

Next Chapter

I have to confess I did something really fucking stupid

I would say you want a chance with a short and blond stuttery boy


Hi babes~ You have to wait to get details on Jin's life, I'm sorry. But for now you have this. Namjin ❤️

And this is the first time Tae intervenes with the original timeline! You'll have a small idea of what that brings on the next one.

See you soon for more~ Next one might be shorter! But it's important 🦈

- Baby Y

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