⌛ Twelve ⌛

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It's been several days where Jimin keeps sending texts to Yoongi. But even though he answers, it's always when Jimin is still sleeping. He has no way to keep the conversation flowing and even though that's enough for him to be happy, Jungkook is not satisfied. The only good thing he sees in this is how well Jimin is taking it. In all this days he hasn't seen his father sad or drinking which is definitely a good sign for him. Tired of this useless communication, he takes Jimin's phone and looks through his texts.

- I t-told you, he hasn't answered y-yet!

- Why does he always answer so late?

- In his d-defense I go to bed r-really early so-

- Jimin, this is not just a little late. Look. It's always around the same time.

He shows Jimin his own phone who finally notices his crush keeps answering at 4 am or so. That's bizarre. What's keeping him up so late? For a moment Jimin thinks of some of the girls he's seen with Yoongi this past years. He's not bothered by them. If anything he's happy Yoongi took the time to answer at all when he might be with someone else. Let's just say Jimin was never the type to get jealous when he's not even friends of any of those girls. Who knows? Maybe they're good just girls that share the same romantic interest as him.

That night, Jungkook won't be with him since he'll be going out with Tae. Jimin is ready to go to bed after a long shift but... What if he tries something different this time? Without thinking much about it to avoid regretting it, he sets an alarm for 4 am. It could be a stupid idea but Kook keeps telling him day after day he should keep trying so...why not?

When he's fully asleep and dreaming about having a date with Yoongi, the alarm sounds. He sits up on the bed and despite feeling like sleeping again so he can see how his dream will end, he follows his plan. He sends a text with the same words as the previous days. And surprisingly an answer arrives almost immediately

Yoonie ❤️
Why are you awake this late?

Jimin doubts. Will he sound like a total stalker if he's honest? He doesn't want to lie either. Avoiding the subject sounds like the safest way out of that question.

Jimin 💔
How about you? Are you maybe insomniac, Hyung?

Yoonie ❤️
You have work tomorrow morning and you should take a good rest

Jimin hugs his pillow, excited. Yoongi is actually answering and caring for him. Can he have this every night? There's no way he can fall back asleep after this

- God, I love him so f-fucking much

Not wanting this to end, Jimin texts back with a smile on his face. He can't wait to tell Jin and Jungkook about this tomorrow.

Jimin 💔
I'll go to sleep when you do! You should rest too, hyung

Yoonie ❤️
That's gonna take a while. I take my time in relaxing

Jimin 💔
Hmmm maybe you really are insomniac...Can I help? What would make you sleep happy having sweet dreams?

Yoonie ❤️
Hearing your voice.

Jimin rubs his eyes, shocked. But as soon as he tries to read that again, there's nothing there. Did he hallucinate it? Is he really that sleepy that he's seeing things that aren't there? A new answer from Yoongi interrupts his thoughts.

Yoonie ❤️
I have no idea. I don't usually sleep very well.

Jimin 💔
You know? When I had a hard time sleeping my mum used to tell me a bedtime story. You could read one of those!

Yoonie ❤️
I think my eyes are too tired to read right now. Besides I would fall asleep and the book would fall on my face. Been there.

Jimin laughs softly. An idea pops on his head and he starts writing but he stops midway. What is he thinking? That's a stupid idea. It's ridiculous to do what he wants. A part of him wants to cry realizing what he was about to say.

Yoonie ❤️
Jimin? Did you fall asleep?

Jimin 💔
Sorry, Hyung. I was gonna say something but it doesn't matter. Maybe you can drink a tea to sleep better!

Yoonie ❤️
What were you gonna say?

Jimin 💔
Something stupid. It's not important.

Yoonie ❤️
I'm sure it's not stupid if it comes from you.

Jimin 💔
...I was gonna say I could tell you a bedtime story.

Jimin sighs looking at the ceiling. Why is his honesty this annoying? He should've lied. Now he's definitely gonna sound like an idiot. A bedtime story? Him? Yeah right. He'll stutter the whole way through it and Yoongi will hate it. Suddenly, his phone sounds but not with a text. A phone call. With sweaty hands and biting his lip, he picks up.

- H-Hello?

- Do it.

- W-What?

- Tell me a story

- B-But I can't do it w-without...I m-mean

- Do it, Jiminie. I'll sleep more than happy if I listen to your voice

It's the first time Yoongi calls him like that. And those words sound like the ones he thought he was hallucinating before. Jimin takes a deep breath trying to keep his voice steady. It doesn't work obviously but Yoongi doesn't seem to mind. He listens to the whole story being so interested, Jimin can't help to feel confident in himself. By the end of the story they both start to feel sleepy. More than before. They don't remember when exactly did they fall asleep but neither of them hung up. The call continued and both of them could hear the other breathing softly on the other side.

It doesn't matter how many hours of sleep Jimin loses doing this. He's not planning to stop. After all, he has many stories to tell the boy he loves. On the other side, Yoongi will wake up hating himself. Because he enjoyed it too much. And he knows he should stop if he doesn't want his beautiful Jimin to end up hurt...

Next Chapter

No wonder Yoongi insists in dating you

I just asked you a question, Jin. Don't get defensive


Hi babes~ Here's a new Yoonmin chapter! Finally this two have some cute interaction and there's more to come ❤️

Next one will be Namjin because those two need more time together as well! This is gonna be a long story so settle down and enjoy hahaha

I'll try to update twice a week like I used to do before! It's been working so far so I hope I can keep it going! See you soon~

- Baby Y

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