⌛ Thirteen ⌛

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Namjoon wakes up after a long night. He came back home really late since he was at a party in his friend Jackson's house. He's used to partying at least three times a week. And that's without counting Fridays when he invites everyone to his own place. He's a free boy with a strong love for independence and fun. He was only able to sleep five hours but he doesn't need more than that. Feeling good as new, he prepares some coffee and leaves with a smile on his face. Today he's supposed to have a great day.

After taking a bus and walking a few blocks, he ends up in front of a huge building. The biggest music label of Seoul. And this morning is extra special, filled with rookies trying to be the next big thing. Namjoon is no different to be honest. He stands in line and waits for a few hours. The closer he gets the bigger his smile. It's not exactly an audition he's going to but it's that time of the year when they receive mixtapes from anyone that wants to join the music industry. And he's more than excited about it. It's not the first time he tries to get in and it won't be the last. After all, it's been his dream ever since he was a teenager.

Eventually the line gets shorter and shorter until he can start feeling anxious about it. According to his calculations after his last experience here, they should call him in ten or fifteen minutes. But it's during that time that his eyes see someone through the open door. In the next room, Seokjin is being yelled at by his father. The man seems to be absolutely pissed off with his son. He's a demanding man and Jin is only human, even though he looks like an angel. A part of Namjoon wants to step in. There's just one problem. That asshole is the owner and director of this music label. If he confronts him just to defend his crush from a few insults he could lose the chance to ever be a part of the music industry at all. That's why you should never mess with powerful people in the first place.

He avoids looking that way again trying to focus on himself. Just a few more minutes and he'll get a new chance. Or that's what he thinks until suddenly someone turns him around with a serious face.

- What the hell are you doing here?

- Hello to you too, Seokjin darling.

Namjoon checks Jin's father is gone before saying the last part. He doesn't know how well he could take him flirting with his gorgeous and worldwide handsome son.

- Just answer. Are you seriously here for that crap?

- Sorry? I would appreciate it if you didn't insult my life's dream like that, thank you very much

- They're not gonna choose you.

- Yeah, well you don't know what I have to offer so shhh

- It doesn't matter what you have, they won't accept you. Unless you're my father's friend or something

- Or something? Like being your friend? No wonder Yoongi insists in dating you.

Jin needs a second to recover from that. He's used to people using him for his money or his future job. And he knew those were Yoongi's intentions from the beginning. But that doesn't mean he doesn't feel hurt thinking about how hard it is for someone to like him for his real self.

- I don't think that'll work out for him.

- Next! Kim Namjoon!

- Sorry baby, I have to go with people who have good taste in music. And not just the son of one of them.

- ...Fuck you, do whatever you want. I don't even know why I'm helping you.

They part ways but Namjoon stops before reaching the room from where they called him. Now that he thinks about it...why would Jin lie to him? He's never been friendly with others with Jimin being the only exception. But...he always acts different with him. Before this day, Jin might've been a little cold but he never pushed him away completely. Hell, he even dares to flirt back most of the time.

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