Chapter two

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Morning after dream.

I jolted up from the sound of my alarm blaring, I groaned and slammed my hand down as I flop back into my bed, I sighed and started to think about the dream I had 'Who was that? How do we know each other? Have we even met?' My thoughts started to race, I felt my face warm up as I remember her features, her blue-grey eyes, her soft short hair with bangs in the front dyed blue, her perfect tanned skin, she was tall and so beautiful, I wish I could see her again even if she's not real, she just looked so-

"Peridot! Are you awake!?" I turned my head sharply as I heard a knock on my door, It was pearl

"Yeah I'm awake." I groaned, "Well, get ready we're going to leave in an hour, also I made breakfast if you're hungry!" She spoke, I sat up and sighed, twisting my body and getting out of my bed and making my way to the bathroom to get ready, I started to wash my face to fully wake me up, the water was super cold and I didn't feel it so when i splashed it I was tooken back by surprise, 'Damn, it really is starting to get cold.' I thought.

I got done washing my face, and made my way out of my bathroom, walking over to my dresser and started to pick out some clothes, I checked the weather first to see what it's going to be like.

"Dang! it's really that cold!?" I stared at my phone, it's going to be 65 in the later afternoon and 34 at night/morning,  I picked out a simple hoodie with small prints of aliens all around, under the hoodie i just threw on a black long sleeve sweatshirt, I also threw on some baggy pants and slipped on my green sk8-hi vans, I grabbed my circular framed glasses tinted green and put them on my face, I walk over to my mirror and took the comb off of the pocket of a shoe holder (I don't really use it unless I need to hold things that aren't my shoes.) I started to comb out my hair so that it doesn't look like a birds nest by the end of the day.

After so many tries, I finally got my hair in the perfect way I want it to be, once I got done I grabbed my bookbag, phone, earbuds, and my keys and left my room, I was greeted by smell of food, I ran down the hall and my foot got caught in the heel of my other foot

"ARUGHHHH!!" I came tumbling down and my back landed on the floor, my glasses went into the void cause I couldn't find it.

"You gotta be careful with these, these were expensive." Pearl said

"Yeah yeah yeah." I said while still being on the floor and having my hand out to reach it, Pearl gave the glasses back and I jumped up and dusted myself off and put the glasses back on my face.

"So..what's for breakfast?" I looked around to see Amethyst, Steven, and Garnet at the table finishing up their meal, a simple plate of pancakes, eggs, and some bacon, you really can't go wrong with bacon now.

"Yooo Peri, you going to that big fight underneath the train station next Friday?" Amethyst asks after she gobbled down her pancakes.

I widened my eyes, "I dunno, I might just stay home and uhm... finish up a project I have in engineering." I calmly stated

"Awh come on P, I can't take Steven cause of Pearl,"

"Yeah because he's too young to see such fights." Pearl butted in

"I'm not that young, Pearl, I'm literally 18."

"Yeah Pearl! Just let him come with me Since scar face over there isn't going." Amethyst says while pointing at me, I groaned.

Pearl sighed, "Fine, but if he gets hurt so god help me-"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know, I won't let him get hurt okay?! Take my word for it yknow." Amethyst got up and gave a small peck on Pearl's cheek and Pearl cheeks were dusted with a light pink, I look over at Steven and fake gagged at the public display of affection, Steven chuckled at me while Garnet had a half smile on her face, I turn over to see the two lovebirds looking at me with a blank stare, I turn back to my food to eat and still feeling the stare from them, I coughed

"Lovely weather right guys?" I said

"Mm yes Peridot, anyway, we have ten minutes, Peridot finish up your food and then we can leave."

"Oh i'm actually done," I finish up my last piece of bacon and looked over to Amethyst and looked back at my food and looked back again at Amethyst, her eyes lit up, I pushed my plate towards her, she ate it all which felt like a single second.

Excusing myself from the table I went back to my room to spray on some cologne, I really enjoy the scents for men, some perfume for women is a bit too much for my taste yknow. I made my way down the hall (Slowly this time) grabbed my bag that was next to the chair I sat, I patted my pockets to be sure I have everything I need.

"Peridot." Pearl said.

"Huh what?"

"Are you ready to go?"

I thought for a second before replying.

"...Oh yeah! I am" I chuckled

"Alright everyone, Let's head to school." Pearl said as everyone walked out the door. I was the last one out so I took out the key from under the mat and locked the door, I saw a figure next to me, she had blue hair, beautiful tanned skin, but I didn't see her face.

Could it be the girl that was in my dream?...

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