Chapter twenty4

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Do it for her. (pt 2/2.)

Lapis pov

First round really was something, a knockout? Jasper? She was the one who got knocked out and not Peridot, wow, she really knows her stuff.

"OH MY GOSH, HOW IS SHE DOING IT!" Amethyst looked at us, "I KNOW, I NEVER KNEW SHE COULD BE THIS GOOD!" Steven spoke, Pearl was just star struck, she kept her eyes on them, I looked back at the cage, Jasper slammed Peridot, her face was on fence chain, it seems they never cut the end parts, Peridot's face ended up in scratches, some of the cuts opened causing blood to leak out, Jasper had her arm around Peridot's torso.

"COME ON P YOU GOT THIS!" Amethyst cheered on, a swift move came from Peridot, her fist collided with Jasper's face, she fell back, Peridot quickly moved to smash her face, the referee pushed her off.

"4:02 minutes remain. Continue!"

"Please the stars above, let Peridot win." I spoke, I kept my eyes on them, so many punches were thrown, jabs, leg holds, kicks, and so much more, this was the second round, I don't even think Peridot can hold through till the end.

"Knock Out!" I snap out of my thoughts as I heard the referee yell out, I saw Peridot laying on the floor, face badly bruised and bloodied, tears pricked my eyes as the crowd booed and cheered Jasper.

"Oh no...Poor P." Amethyst spoke sadly, someone was helping out Peridot, she was conscious but, it seems as if she can't do it anymore.

"2:00 minutes left."

Peridot called over the referee and I saw his head nod, he went over to Jasper and I saw the look of confusion plastered all over her face. What is Peridot doing?

"Get in positions." Please don't tell me.

"May the time continue..." She really did it.

"Now!" Why is she doing this.

Peridot slowly moved back, her back now facing me, she stopped, Jasper took this advantage and ran towards Peridot, my gut flipped inside out, I wanted to stop this, I wanted to ask her what she's doing.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING, MOVE!" A fan yelled, she should move, Jasper raised her fist up while running, just as she was about to strike Peridot, she ducked and uppercuts, some blood and spit escaped from Jasper's mouth, she stumbled back raised her fist once more, Peridot saw that but didn't see her other fist about to come by, with that Jasper hit Peridot's cheek, blood and spit came out.

"Please Peridot, don't die..." My vision was clouded with tears, I don't like seeing this, I don't know why I agreed to come, if I knew Peridot was doing this I would've never came.

Peridot landed on her rear harshly, Jasper now standing over her, laughing, Peridot quickly jumped and tackled Jasper down, both of them falling, Peridot now on top of Jasper, just like the previous altercation they had.

Peridot kept her punches consistent before the referee tugged her off, she kept tugging away from the ref, he pushed her up against the cage.

"HEY LET HER GO!" I yelled, "YOU STAY QUIET!" the ref yelled back, he went back to talk to Peridot, pointing at Jasper a couple of times.

I look over at Jasper, her crew was over there trying to help her wake up.

"Knock Out! The match is now concluded. '5XG' is the winner of this match!" The ref put Peridot's arm up, the crowd cheered, chanting her stage name.

I watched as Peridot walked over to Jasper who was finally awake, she held her hand out to her, Jasper took it and got up, she was very wobbly, I watched as Peridot pulled her into a hug, they pulled away both smiling.

Everyone on the front row climbed onto the fence, wanting to see the pair close, I climbed on too, I wanted to see Peridot, she saw me and came running over.

"Lapis..." Peridot looked in my eyes, her gloved hand on my hand.

"Why have you never told me..." I spoke sadly, her eyes softened, "I didn't want you to think I'm this aggressive monster, I didn't want to hurt you."

"I don't care! I dated Jasper before, I don't care that you do this, you aren't aggressive, you never were." I slipped my hand through the fence hole and touched Peridot's face, it was warm, wet, and soft.

"Well, I guess I must do this now." Peridot backed away from me, moving to the referee, he handed her a mic.

"Hello everyone, It's me the one and only '5XG'."

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