Chapter twenty3

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Do it for her(pt 1/?.)

Peridot's pov

Jasper threw the first punch, my face unfortunately collided with that said fist, I'm glad I had my mouth guard in or else my teeth would've been knocked out.

The crowd cheered, I regained my stance, Jasper tried to throw another punch, I quickly moved to the left and kicked the back of her knee, making Jasper lose her balance and start to fall, she fell on the floor and I got on her back and wrap my legs around her torso, I flipped the both of us, both of our back now on the floor, I wrap my arm around Jasper's arm, pulling it , Jasper was trying to find a way to get out of this, I kept my legs tight, after a few seconds, Jasper had to tap the floor, the referee came over and tugged me off of her, cheers were screamed, my stage name being chanted among the crowd.

"4:15 minutes remaining. Continue!"

I moved slowly around the cage, Jasper followed me in the opposite direction, I kept my eyes on her, any sudden movements can throw me off.

"HEY WHY DONT YOU GUYS TAKE OFF THEM BRAS TO MAKE THIS A LIL MORE INTERESTING!" A heckler screamed, can't stand those types of people, a bunch of people booed him, those sounds made me turn my head for a quick second, Jasper saw this as a chance and threw herself on top of me, my back hitting the cage, her head landing on chest, with that I wrapped my legs around her waist, hugging it as tightly as my legs possibly could, I stretch my back just a bit to get into the right position to do a guillotine choke, Jasper flipped the both of us over I held on tightly, adrenaline bursting through my veins, Jasper reached over and grabbed my shoulders and threw me off of her back, I groaned at the pain spiking through my back.

"COMEON '5XG' YOU GOT THIS!" I heard a fan cheered, I got up my back facing Jasper, she took this moment and my chest hit the ground, she had her forearm on my neck putting me in a chokehold, she laughed as she was a villain in a cartoon, I tried to pry my way out of it, I held my breath to make sure I don't start to panic, Jasper and I were on our knees, one thing I know about myself is to not underestimate the strength of my legs, I slowly started to pick myself up along with Jasper, her laughter soon stopped and her face was filled with confusion, I had my back hunched, leaving Jasper's feet off the ground and with that I slammed the both of us down, Jasper quickly let go of me, rolling off of her, I suck in a quick breath and turned on around, still seeing her on the floor, I went in for a few quick punches to her face, the referee stopped me after six seconds of this act.

After a few seconds, Jasper got up and walked to the opposite direction of me, "3:27 seconds remaining, continue!" Jasper made her way towards me, I slowly backed up, keeping my eyes on her, my body lowered, she threw a ghost punch, I flinched and she threw her fist in a hooked strike, causing me to stumble backwards and fall, the side of my mouth split, blood was leaking out from the wound, Jasper moved to the ground on her knees and start hammering her fist on my face, she got a few strikes in till the ref shoved her off.

"Come on Peridot stay with me." Ruby tapped my cheek repeatedly, I took in a big breath and sat up, "I'll be okay, time is almost up, I have to win this for her."

"For her?" Peridot felt her face heat up, "I'll explain later, right now, I have a fight to continue." Ruby nodded her head and ran off the stage, I felt a warm liquid rub down my cheek, I grazed my finger across my right cheek, blood was coming out, I had to ignore it.

"2:48 seconds remaining. Continue!"

I stood up, Jasper started to walk to me again, I have a feeling she gonna do that move again and she did, she threw a ghost punch, this time I didn't move, she threw her other punch, I quickly moved my arm up and did a overhand, hitting the side of her face, she stumbled back and let her guard down, I jabbed her square in the face, the stadium cheered on, Jasper grunted by action, she held her face, her body was lowered, with that, I went in for a kick, I meant to kick her face but instead kicked her jaw, this caused a knockout, the entire crowd cheered me on, I didn't know if she was knocked out unconscious so I went in and continue to punch her, the referee pulled me off of her and check up on Jasper, he spoke into the mic and said.

"Knock Out!" The entire crowd roared, it felt as if the cage shook by how loud they were. I climbed up on the cage and encouraged the crowd to cheer more, I spotted Lapis staring at me, I felt my throat form a knot. 'Please...I'm doing this for you.'

I climbed down the cage and see Jasper get taken care of, the remaining time left is now used for this interval, I go over to my side and sit down.

"Good job out there Peri," Ruby says as she get some vaseline and rubs the gooey substance over my cuts, "Man you really showed her, so while we still have time left, I wanna ask, who are you doing this for?"

1:03 minutes remain.

"I'm going this for someone I love, she's out there in the crowd, I wish I can tell her I love her, she never knew this big secret of mine and I wish she never came today, I lied to her about this,"

0:52 seconds remain.

"Mind if I ask, what's her name?"

Ruby closed the vaseline tub and opened an electrolyte drink, she handed it to me, I took a fat swig of it.

0:37 seconds remaining.

"It's a very lovely name." Ruby check the padding of my gloves, making sure nothing was wrong with them.

"Well loverboy what is it?" Ruby smiled at me.

0:23 seconds remains.

The referee went over to Jasper, checking up on her, he looks at me and gave me a nod.

0:16 seconds left.

"Come on Peridot spit it out." I got up from my seat and walked away from Ruby.

0:07 seconds remaining.

"Her name...Lapis Lazuli." I turned my back and smiled at Ruby, pink dusted my cheeks as her named rolled off my tongue.

Ruby smiled and walked away, grabbing the chair and her supplies with her

"May the second round of three begin..."

I position myself into a lowered high guard stance.



'Do it for her, Do it for Lapis..."

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