Chapter twenty2

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Please live.

Lapis' pov

It was 10:45 when I arrived with Amethyst, Steven and Pearl, oddly enough she wanted to come cause of Steven, but I feel as if there was something much more than just for Steven.

"Awh man this fight is gonna be CRAZY, you think so too Lapis? Steven?" Amethyst pumped her fists up in the air as we're walking down the steps to get, man she's so ready to see this fight, i wish i could record it for Peridot, but the don't allow phone nor cameras inside due to privacy reasons.

"I think it's gonna be great, so many people are saying that 'Crash Helmet' is gonna win, I feel as if the other opponent is gonna win instead." Steven rubbed his chin, his little stubble growing on his face really changed him cause now he's just constantly rubbing his chin even in dumb situations.

"Nah man, this '5XG' person is gonna get her ass whooped and 'Crash Helmet' is going to fucking kill her!"

"Language Amethyst!" Pearl snapped her head to look at Amethyst, Amethyst groaned.

"Anyway, what about you Lapis? Who you got winning."

"Mmm I dunno, I'm not big on fights, but I wish Peridot was here to watch this."

"Ooooo, looks like someone has a little crushy crush on the dorky dork~" Amethyst teased me, my cheeks turned pink, "Whatever, I just think that Peridot would like to come to these sorts of events." I huffed, Amethyst laughed all the way to the venue, we got our tickets and entered in, $35 each for four people, it's very expensive, there was a small crowd at the front, we all managed to squeeze our way to the very front, Amethyst really wanted a good view of this.

"Oh man oh man OHMANOHMANOHMANOHMAN! AHH THIS IS SO EXCITING!" Amethyst was practically lifting off like a rocket she was so ready to watch this fight and I, not so much.


Three minutes on the clock and soon the match starts, my gut was having a weird reaction to this, I scanned the room a bit to waste a bit of time since I left my phone in the car, the lights flashed a bit to settle the crowd down.


"Let's get ready for this showdown between 'Crash Helmet.'" the crowd roared as they saw Jasper come out of her section, my gut twisted into a feeling of dread, whoever's this girl is fighting against Jasper better hope they have life insurance.

"And finally, our other competitor, the one we all know and love, '5.X.G'" I looked over to the other section of the cage and gasped.

"Woah, is that..." Amethyst spoke up.

"Peridot..." My eyes filled with worry, what is she doing here, I thought she had a project to do, was she...lying to me?

As the referee called both of them to come closer, I looked over at the others, concerned filled both of there faces, I looked back and they were in there spots.

"May the first round of three begin..." The crowd hushed, dead silence, Peridot and Jasper were ready, both in a stance.



The bell rung, the crowd cheered, but it felt as if blood stopped flowing through my veins.

"Please live Peridot." I spoke quietly to myself, my heart swelled with worry as Jasper threw the first punch

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