Chatper nine

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Lapis's pov

12:46 pm

I woke up by the buzzing of my phone, who could this be and what do they want, I groaned picking up my phone and swiping to answer the call.

"Who is this," I said tiredly, "Hey Lazuli, it's me Peridot, I'm outside of your dorm, I just came back from a small workout session and I was wondering if you're ready to draw?"

Oh shit I forgot about that, "Oh yeah yeah, just let me get ready, I'll let you in, just wait, i'm sorry i forgot." I laughed, Peridot also laughed, "It's alright Laz, i'll just wait out here." 'Laz? I like it.'

"Okay, see you in a few." I hang up, I jump out of bed and put on some socks (sleeping with socks are for dummies.) Since it's warm in my dorm, I put on some shorts and a t-shirt and walk out of my room, I ruffled up my hair and walked to my door opening it, finding Peridot with fingerless gloves, her hair tied up but leaving her sides down, a cropped tank top showing off her toned stomach, and some gym shorts, I couldn't help but stare.

"Earth to Lazuli, earth to Lazuli, are you there?" Peridot snapped her finger, I came back to reality.

"Im sorry Peridot, I don't know what came over me heh." I chuckled nervously, rubbing my arm, I step aside to let Peridot in.

"Let's go to my room and i'll have my easel and canvas ready." We walked together to my room, our hands brushed ever so slightly, I blushed slightly, I looked over at Peridot who was also blushing, glad I wasn't the only one.

We walked in to my room, my bed was messy but I didn't care, I gestured Peridot to sit down on my bed as I get every thing ready. I grabbed the stool from the corner of my room, I have just incase of instances like these, "Hey Peridot? Would you like to stand or sit down for this, I wanna ask before I set this stool down."

"Uhm maybe standing, I feel like it would be best to stand if you would draw muscles, right?"

"Hmm I guess you're right, standing it is." I placed the stool back in the corner. I grabbed my easel and canvas and placed it down, and setting the canvas on the easel, "Alright Peridot, i'm ready to draw you." I turn to face her, She gets up and first removes her glasses, and takes off her cropped tank top, I blushed hard and turned away, Peridot walked in front of me and the easel, she had on a sports bra and even much shorter shorts showing off her thighs, "So what pose shall I do, also do you want me to keep my piercings on or no?"

"Uhm...Uhh E-excuse me, what ever you feel comfortable with, can you excuse me for just a moment?"

"Yeah sure take your time." Peridot sat down on the floor, I rushed into my bathroom, locking it in the process, I splashed my face in cold water, my face was so hot, the cool water felt good, I patted my face dry with a hand towel, I gripped the edge of the sink and looked at myself in the mirror, my face was very very red, why am I feeling like this, why am I reacting like this, why is this HAPPENING to me? I take in a deep breath and let it all out, I walk out the bathroom, looking calm on the outside, but dying in the inside.

"Okay Peridot, what's the choice of your pose." I look at her, a prominent blush still on my face.

"Since most of my muscles show on the front, i'll just do a simple pose." Peridot starts to get into position, placing her right hand on the back of her head and flexing her left arm, her shoulders at and angle, although she has a toned stomach, her six pack starts to show, I believe she's tightening her core, since Peridot is at an angle, she sticks out her left leg to keep her balance, both of her legs are now flexed.

"Wow, this is... really really good." I start to sketch her features, all the way from the freckles on her shoulders, to the alien tattoo on her rib, all the way down to every curve of her thighs, legs, and feet it took me an hour to finish this sketch.

"Do you mind if I take a photo of this so I can work on it when you can't be here?"

"Sure i don't mind." Peridot's voice sounded strained, maybe from all the tightening and flexing she has done, I pulled out my phone and took a quick picture.

"Okay I got the sketch down, you may now un-pose." Peridot quickly flopped her hands down, her six pack now disappeared ever so slightly.

"Can i see the sketch, if you don't mind of course." I nodded my head, Peridot came closer to the canvas, "How does it look?" I asked nervously, Peridot studied it very closely.

" it! You even got the tattoo on my rib and my snake bites!" Peridot laughed hard, I also chuckled, since Peridot was close to the easel, I studied her even more, since she had her back facing me, that's what I only studied, there were small little freckles running down her shoulder to her shoulder blades, her sports bra was covering something, 'G' was all I could make out, but oh well, surely she wasn't hiding something weird.

"This was fun Lapis, glad I could be your poser." Peridot playfully punched my shoulder.

"Thanks for letting me use you for my art project, I hope I can repay you for this."

"Oh pssh, you don't have to repay me, you already did my hair, so you don't need to repay me Lazuli." Peridot waved her hand.

"Oh come on Peridot, let me repay you, How about next week we can go to funland!" I haven't been there in a while, so I feel like this will be a treat for me and Peridot.

"Finee, but I'm paying for stuff." Peridot grumbled.

"Okay okay, it's a date!"

"A friendly date"


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