Chapter twenty5

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The end of a fighter.

Peridot pov

I stood in the middle of the cage, everyone's eyes fixated on me, dead silent, too silent for my taste.

"Uhm, I don't know how so can really explain this to all of you but," I took a quick look around, my eyes stopping at Lapis, who was staring at me, worry filled her eyes, "But I have decided that I...Officially quit fighting for all." I held my breath and closed my eyes, I was so scared for the reactions, I couldn't bare to see the crowd throw stuff at me or boo me, I was to lost in my thoughts to hear the crowd start clapping and cheering me on, I opened my eyes, I was very shocked to see this type of reactions, usually they'd boo or throw things to try and intentionally hit the person, but they're not?

"WE STILL LOVE YOU '5XG' YOU WERE THE GREATEST FIGHTER!" One yelled, my heart warmed by the reaction, "Thank you all, this really means so much to me, I would like to call out somebody in the crowd." I pointed my finger to Lapis, I called over the ref and told him to get her, once they made it past the crowd of people, Lapis was inside of the cage, I set the mic down by my feet, took off my gloves and walked to her.

"W-why'd you call me over here?" Lapis nervously chuckled, "Well there's something i've been meaning to do, I hope you don't mind it."

"I'm sure I won't mind as long as yo-" I cut her off by pulling her down into a kiss, my hands cupped her cheeks, her face was very soft and hot, her lips were soft against my chapped and rough lips, the cheers of the crowd were muffled by my heart beating in my ears, I pulled away, catching my breath, I stared into her eyes, those blue-grey eyes that I once always adored.

"Finally," I quietly mumbled, "Lapis."

"Yes Peridot?" Lapis' voice cracked ever so slightly, "Lapis Lazuli, can you make me the happiest woman and be my girlfriend?" I smiled, I watched as Lapis' eyes filled with tears, "Yes!" She pulled me into a kiss once again, her tears streaming down her beautiful face, she even looks so perfect crying.

Lapis pulled away and weakly smiled at me, how I love that smile, I always had, "Give me a second, I need to do something very quickly and then we can go home." I told her, she nodded her head, I walked back over to grab the microphone that was on the floor, "I would like to thank you all once again for being here for my last fight and cheering me on, this is '5XG' signing out for the last time." I handed the microphone back to the referee, I formed my arms into a diamond shape, I do this at the end of every fights, I turned on my heel and headed back to Lapis.

"Ready to go?" I held her hand. "Yeah, I am."

We both walked off of the stage as the audience began chanting my name, the voices died out as we exited the stage, I was greeted by my friends, hugs and friendly punches were thrown at me, I saw Jasper come up to me, Lapis tensed up.

"Good fight out there Peridot, never knew you had it in you, I'm sad to see you quit but, I wish you luck on your next journey." Jasper held her hand out, I reluctantly took and she pulled me into a hug, patting me on the back, it felt as if I got spanked, I patted her back softly, we both let go and she turned around and walked away, Lapis came by my side and held my hand.

"I guess she...changed." Lapis quietly said, "Guess she has."

"Hey love birds, come on, we're going out to eat for Peridot's win!" Amethyst yelled to the both of us, "I'm good, i'll eat when I wake up tomorrow, I'm tired." I said, I let go of Lapis' hand, walking back to my chair and bag, I grabbed all my stuff, I put my hoodie on, my sock and slides as well, I didn't bother putting on my shorts.

"Can you drive me home? Honestly I'd rather you take me home than me sleeping in the car." I tossed the keys to Lapis, "Sure, I can take you home." she smiled, I walked by her side as we held hands.

This was the end of a fighter.

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