Chapter twenty

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Beat down(pt 2/?.)

No pov.

Lapis was standing outside of Peridot's dorm, Peridot was wondering why she was there, she didn't want her there in case of Jasper randomly popping by and seeing them, "Hey Peridot you alright?" Lapis waved her hand across Peridot's face, Peridot looked around for a bit and regained her thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine, but not to be rude but you kinda need to go." Peridot tried her hardest not to sound rude, Lapis' smile faded, "Oh...Did i do something?"

"No! It's just...umm I need to focus on my work y'know?" Peridot nervously chuckled and kept her eyes away from Lapis, "Well I can help you with your work if you don't mind? I got a lot of time to kill before that fight." Lapis' smile came back, Peridot's body felt warm by that intoxicating smile.

"Well it's engineering and you'll probably not understand much of it." Lapis lips opened into a small 'o' shape and nodded her head, "Well I guess i'll see you Sunday I guess?" Lapis gave a small chuckle, "If you wanna come by to the fight later I'll send you a message of the location and apparently Amethyst is also going, she said it's her first time going to something like this. I guess Pearl never let her go." Lapis snorted, Peridot's eyes widened and she tried to laugh along with her but all that came out was a fake one.

"I'm surprised, she sure does a lot of things crazy, well I must start now, it's due Monday, i'll see you later Lapis." Peridot smiled and waved to Lapis, closing the door, Lapis stopped the door and grabbed Peridots chin and kissed her cheek, "That's for the guitar." and walked away.

Peridot just stood there, red faced and hot, she held her cheek where Lapis kissed it, she quickly closed the door and walked to her room, Peridot felt like steam was coming out of her ears, her heart was warm and fuzzy, looks like Lapis does like her back.

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