Chapter twenty1

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Beat down(3/3.)

No pov.(Peridot focus.)


Exactly 24 minutes till Peridot has to go and start to set up, she already took a shower, wrapped up her hands, braided her hair into the appropriate style, Peridot took a look at herself in her full body mirror, sighing, she doesn't want to do this anymore, this might as well be her last fight, doing this for four years, her mother pressured her into doing this, in reality, Peridot wanted to only focus on school and be that dorky kid she always once was as she was a kid, doing these fights caused her to be much more different than she expected herself to be, she was more shut off of her feelings, more likely to spend her time doing things to cope rather than talking to people she trusts, she barely trusts her friend but she's known them for years.

"This is it Peridot, this has to come to an end now." Peridot spoke softly to herself, she raised her hand to touch her face, gliding her fingers over the scars she received, her biggest one was the one on her forehead, she learned to accept it, but when new people come around they always tend to ask her about that rather than anything else, but she's glad Lapis isn't that, it's like she doesn't notice it.


Peridot was in the parking lot at the apartment complex, wearing a hoodie, shorts, and her running shoes. Peridot felt her gut twist when she entered her car, she never felt like this before any fight, her other opponents were about her size, but Jasper was so much bigger than her, Peridot couldn't compete, yeah she had muscles but, Jasper's were so much more defined and perfect, Peridot had stamina and Jasper had strength, the things Peridot would do to be as perfect as Jasper, only one can dream.


Peridot has just arrived to the location, parking her car away from the array of cars lined up, in case someone bumps into her and recognizes her, but she knows who'll be there.

Peridot walked down to her set up, this location is notorious for fights, posters, artwork, banners, all that was posted among these walls, everyone would come here every Friday to see fights among men and women, battling for a title, one wins or a draw, ones face gets absolutely mutilated and the other gets a few cuts a bruises, Peridot has a feeling she'll go to a hospital by the end of this.

"Ah Peridot you finally made it, glad to see you aren't backing out of this." The woman smirked.

"Listen, I don't wanna continue to do this, I can't keep living my life like this, I don't wanna die by the time I make it to 30 or even if I make it to 30, I'll probably have brain damage or be paralyzed," Peridot huffed, "So please, just let this be my last fight."

"I did not train you for four years just for you to quit," The woman spat, "I did however, trained you to fight these weasels for money and you make tons of money for me, do you understand that Peridot?"

"But mother I-"

"I said do you understand me. I am not your mother until you fight Jasper and win."

Peridot's face twisted into anger, she couldn't hold her tongue anymore, "I understand...THAT YOU CANT CONTROL MY LIFE ANYMORE, I AM NOT A CHILD I AM A GODDAMN ADULT AND IF YOU CANT ACCEPT THEN YOU MIGHT AS WELL DISAPPEAR OUT OF MY LIFE CAUSE I CANT STAND HAVING HER HERE." Peridot's face was red, her eyebrows furrowed, eyes were wide, her mother couldn't believe Peridot's outburst.

"We start in three minutes, get your ass up there and don't embarrass me." Peridot's mother walked away from her. Peridot felt her heart shatter, tears pricked her eyes but she quickly wiped them away, Peridot started to get ready, removing her hoodie, glasses and her shirt, changed into the appropriate attire, a sports bra and a Nike spandex, '5XG' engraved into the shorts, Peridot grabbed her contacts and put them in, she also grabbed some gel from her bag along with her padded fingerless gloves to protect her hands from any damage about to be done. Slicking her hair back a referee came by and held his hand up referring I have one minute left to get in the cage.

"Might as well end on my own terms." Peridot put in her mouth guard and took off her slides and socks, her feet hit the cold concrete floor, her skin felt cold, the weather isn't definitely helping her.

"Let's get ready for this showdown between 'Crash Helmet.'" As the announcer spoke, Jasper came out and had a confident look on her face and the crowd cheered on for her, Peridot quickly turned her face into a much more stern look.

"And finally, our other competitor, the one we all know and love, '5.X.G'" The announcer exaggerated the 'G' as Peridot stepped into the cage and looked around at all the people chanting her stage name, she saw a familiar blue haired girl, her heart crumbled, but her face said otherwise.

"Alright folks, lets get showdown started!" The crowd cheered loudly as the announcer walked off stage and the referee came on and waved for us to come close.

"Alright ladies, I want a clean fight, no illegal moves and please, try not to kill each other."

"We promise." the two girls spoke.

"Alright shake on it and we can start." Peridot and Jasper shook their hands, Peridot looked at Jasper with saddened eyes, Jasper knew something was up, but she couldn't understand what.

The referee turned on his mic and spoke. "We can now start the match, please fighter get into positions."

Jasper and Peridot went to their respective positions.

Mixed Martial Arts, or MMA as abbreviated, is known for including any type of fighting style, whether that be boxing, wrestling, judo or anything that is considered martial arts.

The referee put this hand up.

There are two different types of fighting, non
championship and championship matches, three round of five minutes each for non championship matches while five rounds for five minutes, a one minute interval of rest, during that time opponents can have a drink, get their wounds taken care of, or have a pep talk from their coach.

"May the first round of 3 begin..."

MMA is considered among others a brutal and bloody of full contact sports, but boxing poses a greater risk of serious injuries in the long run.

"Now!" The referee dropped his hand down.

There are quite an abundant amount of illegal moves in MMA, these are put in place so that either opponent does not die, be paralyzed, or be rushed to the hospital in the middle of the match. these illegal moves are usually but not limited to, strikes to the neck, throat, spine and anywhere below, kicks or knees to the head on ground, stomp kicks, intentional breaking of the bones or joints, or biting.


The crowd roared as the bell rang, the referee moved out of the way for the fight to start.

"It's go time." Peridot quietly spoke to herself.

"Please live Peridot..."

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