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New life.

No pov.

Three years ago they would've never believed they would be married, two years ago they would've never believed they lived together, one year ago they would've never believed they finally became lovers.

Today marked the first day of marriage for Peridot and Lapis, nothing but love, care, and joy filled the room, long kisses were given, smiles were exchanged, and hugs thrown at one another.

Peridot and Lapis stayed by each others side, never wanting to leave either one of them behind, where ever Peridot went Lapis follow and vice versa, every single one of their friends joked about that.

During the processional, Lapis walked down the aisle with the most beautiful dress, a strapless, long sleeve laced dress, in a very opaque blue color, light makeup was applied, a small veil on the top of her blue hair.

Peridot broke down crying joyfully, seeing her wife walk down the aisle was the most surreal moment of her life, Amethyst and Pearl had to help her back on her feet, they both laughed about it.

Peridot wore a black tux, a red bow tie, her dress shirt was a very dark green color, she had a two blue bellflowers on the side of her tux jacket, she chose the blue flower for Lapis and for the reason a blue flower stands for desire, love and the metaphysical striving for the infinite and unreachable. It also symbolized hope and the beauty of things. Peridot saw the beauty in Lapis.

The couple exchanged their vows and rings, the rings had diamonds engraved into them, Lapis thought they were fake until Peridot told her later that they were in fact real. they had a gold finish to them, Lapis' ring had a diamond while Peridot's didn't, on the inside of the rings, it had a small 'I love you' along with the initials, Lapis' ring had 'PG' while Peridot's had 'LL'

After the exchanges, the priest announced "You may now kiss the bride." Peridot quickly scooped up Lapis and she laughed and kissed her lovingly as the audience clapped and cheered for them, Lapis' parents made it, but Peridot's mother never did, she didn't care though, as long as they had each other.

After hours of standing around and people getting drunk, the wedding day finally was over, and they finally returned home.

Time skip to now

Peridot woke up, the night still present in the sky, it was dark, the only thing illuminating the room was the moon light hitting the room, clothing was scattered amongst the floor, the room was silent, Lapis' breathing being the only noisy thing, Peridot was bare chested, the only thing covering her was Lapis' body and the blankets, they had a long night, filled with passion, love and gentle care, Peridot made sure she took care of her wife, 'I love you's were given, red lipstick marked Peridot's cheeks, neck, collarbones, and lips.

"Whatcha thinking about Peri." Lapis lazily mumbled, this startled Peridot, she moved her eyes down, Lapis' hair was the only thing Peridot could see, besides her bare back.

"Oh nothing, just how lucky I am to have you." Lapis moved her head off of Peridot's chest and faced her, a sleepy smile plastered on her tanned face, "I'm lucky to have you too green dork." Lapis poked Peridot's nose with her finger.

"I love you water gem." Peridot slicked Lapis' hair back and kissed her forehead, earning a small pleased hum from the bluenette.

"I love you too nerd." Lapis hugged Peridot's waist tightly, digging her face into the crook of the blondes neck, taking in her cologne, the same woody and citrusy she first smelled when they met, it's been a comforting smell ever since.

"Go back to sleep, it's four in the morning, I'll still be here when you wake up." The bluenette spoke quietly, "Fine, just let me play some soft music."

"Okay, make it quick, I need your hugs to sleep." Peridot chuckled, grabbed her phone, adjusted her eyes to the bright light emitting from the device, Peridot chose the song 'Scott Street Instrumental ver.' she loved how calming it is, Lapis enjoyed this song as well, Peridot set the volume down to 30%, small snores can be heard from Lapis, this made Peridot smile, her heart warmed by the sound of her snores, it may seem weird, but it felt natural to her.

"Goodnight my love." Peridot closed her eyes, tiredness washed over her as she drifted off to sleep.

"Sleep well my fighter."

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